
Odd, they never mention taking out the Kerch bridge to cut off and trap the Russians in Crimea, after possibly splitting them in the south, or going the long way through Luhansk and Donbas.

One reason not to destroy the Kerch bridge would be partly political, all the Russians and Russian loyalists are using it to flee Crimea. This would depopulate the region of Russian sympathizers and loyalists and leave an escape route for Russian troops, but perhaps not their equipment, tanks would be worn out getting there without rail transport and everything could be out of fuel.

Yep, they have no need to talk about pushing the BIG, SHINY, RED BUTTON, ‘cause they don’t want to push it: trap the orcs too well, they could start eating Ukrainians
And good morning to YOU, sir!
I read that in Reader’s Digest very long ago. It still makes my pun ganglia fire.

(edit) appx. contemporaneous with this brilliant Honda ad that almost nailed the B-2. It was released just after the first public look at the Spirit, which suggests it was designed before they knew. Pretty awesome.

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Yep, they have no need to talk about pushing the BIG, SHINY, RED BUTTON, ‘cause they don’t want to push it: trap the orcs too well, they could start eating Ukrainians
They need to win the peace too and a little voluntary "ethnic cleaning" might not hurt, though the war and Russian sanctions should sway some, if there ever is a UN referendum. Driving to the sea of Azov would put the Kech bridge under threat of imamate attack and the civilians left there would be leaving the place as fast as they could go. The military in the south would be foolish to stay too, since there would be a vital rail junction in northern Crimea that can be destroyed using HIMARS. It would be almost as effective as destroying the Kerch bridge and would cut the south of Ukraine and western Crimea off by rail. The Russians at the nuclear power plant and in Donbas would also be forced out from behind their defenses to try and stop the Ukrainians from reaching the coast.
I think Tucker Carlson needs to get the facts, so some reporting from Ukraine might be in order, he can go Nazi hunting with a camera crew! He recently had a weeklong special from Hungary right next store! I'm sure the Ukrainians can arrange a tour of the front so he can see the action close up! :lol: Rupert's a real prick, so he should send him to boost ratings! Tucker Live from Ukraine, so far...
Choker needs ‘a moment of clarity’ - preferably on-air - and a truckload of healthy shame
Just the thing to pair with a commercial DJI type drone, though this thing is pretty long range and hits hard. A half ton with a crew and a shit load of rounds could be lethal. Drag it already setup out of the back of a half-ton truck, then do the alignment, shoot a half a dozen rounds guided by a drone, then drag it back in the truck and scoot.

From the hole the base plate dug, I'd say this mortar has been there for a while and fired a lot of rounds.
