
It was largely pneumatically controlled and carried an 1800 lb warhead at 400 MPH using less than 800 lbs of thrust with a simple fan at the front counting revolutions and thus distance it had a magnetic compass for directional control. In a drone the fuel tank is always over the CG so as the weight decreases it doesn't upset the trim, here too.

View attachment 5209400
That’s a V-1
Panic in Crimea and the south of Ukraine, a good time for a Ukrainian drive to the sea of Azov to cut the Russians in half. Vlad should be wild, and nukes could be on his mind, another humiliation that could lead to a catastrophe for the Russian army in Ukraine, if the bridge is severed. There is a lot of fuel in those tankers, and they will burn for a while and perhaps bleve causing a chain reaction and might bring down the rail span and will weaken it for sure. Cutting the rail logistics support to Crimea and Kherson is a disaster for the Russians and if they can hit the bridge, they can also hit the rail line along their land bridge along the coast. If they drive to the sea of Azov it will divide the Russians and isolate those in the west. Much of Vlad's army in Ukraine will be lost as will Crimea, the Ukrainian forces will then concentrate on the remaining Russians in the east diving them from the country.

How Vlad reacts to his birthday present remains to be seen, but he won't be happy and if he thought the shit hit the fan before, wait a week!

Well that is how you use Grad rocket artillery and Ukranian positions must look like that a lot too. They are not very precise, but each vehicle shoots 40 rockets. A battery shoots 240 rockets and we might use three batteries on a target area to erase all troops on it.

The point is the shift in SCALE: when we carpet-bombed Cambodia, it took an entire flight group dropping thousands of bombs in close-order drill. Massively expensive, annoying to pull off, destroyed the countryside. The downsizing & accompanying savings both have made it more ’within reach’ for the small-/non-state actor. This makes it inherently more problematic

Imagine being where these land...
Nope - I don’t entertain self-torture fantasies
I'm an optimist, but I never thought they would give Vlad such a surprise for his birthday, not at this stage of the war. I dunno what they hit it with, but it blew a couple of spans of concrete roadway off their supports and set a tanker train alight. It kinda looks like they cut the road and rail link in one attack and people in Crimea will be expecting another attack to finish the job, if it isn't and there will be a mass movement of Russian civilians through Ukraine. The Ukrainians could also breakthrough to the sea of Azov and control it with antiship missiles. It's gonna be a bad week for Vlad and eventual military collapse and defeat in Ukraine with the loss of massive amounts of equipment and lots of Russian prisoners.
Maybe that's why Joe was warning about nukes on the table, he knew this was coming and was concerned about Vlad's reaction and wanted to get ahead of it, it was his birthday after all, and the bridge was his big thing. This and the results of it militarily could bring him down and would be a bigger shock to Russia than losing the Moscow.