That’s a V-1It was largely pneumatically controlled and carried an 1800 lb warhead at 400 MPH using less than 800 lbs of thrust with a simple fan at the front counting revolutions and thus distance it had a magnetic compass for directional control. In a drone the fuel tank is always over the CG so as the weight decreases it doesn't upset the trim, here too.
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A V2 is a ballistic missile a V1 is closer to a drone or cruise missile.That’s a V-1
The point is the shift in SCALE: when we carpet-bombed Cambodia, it took an entire flight group dropping thousands of bombs in close-order drill. Massively expensive, annoying to pull off, destroyed the countryside. The downsizing & accompanying savings both have made it more ’within reach’ for the small-/non-state actor. This makes it inherently more problematicWell that is how you use Grad rocket artillery and Ukranian positions must look like that a lot too. They are not very precise, but each vehicle shoots 40 rockets. A battery shoots 240 rockets and we might use three batteries on a target area to erase all troops on it.
Nope - I don’t entertain self-torture fantasiesImagine being where these land...