
Here we go, all or nothing, another country under occupation, when will they start drafting Belarussians?

The Belarusian leader said: "It will be more than one thousand people." He added that he instructed the KGB to carry out "anti-terrorist measures".

The Belarusian leader said: "It will be more than one thousand people." He added that he instructed the KGB to carry out "anti-terrorist measures".

If he believes that he's a fool, they are trying to suck the Belarussian army into a war that will quickly annihilate them. There will be an "incident" at the border, and they will shoot at Belarusian soldiers. There could be trouble, their officers probably have figured it out. They get western media and know what they are up against and why they are being used and would die for nothing just inside Ukraine, if they were lucky. It could also present an opportunity if they rebel, Ukrainian intelligence is probably working them over pretty hard. Their chances would be much better going to Minsk, but that's why the Russians are with them I suppose, a hostage army.
here comes the patriot batteries
They must have been training crews to operate them as a contingency, it's no brainer and electronic engineers and technologists can be trained on these things a lot quicker than the average Joe. Much of the basics and theory won't be required and they can get to the training simulators pretty quick (assuming they have them?)
They must have been training crews to operate them as a contingency, it's no brainer and electronic engineers and technologists can be trained on these things a lot quicker than the average Joe. Much of the basics and theory won't be required and they can get to the training simulators pretty quick (assuming they have them?)

i got my fingers crossed to.....let see, want some popcorn?
My indica fueled mind has come up with a surefire military advantage against the orcs.

Fill up fat baby trump balloon with high yield explosives and napalm - fly it over some spied russian compounds or strongholds. Have it with a remote detonation system strapped to its filthy diapered ass.

Not only will they become mesmerized by the behemoth crybaby “ coming back home to mother russia “ - wait for them to post a selfie with it / salute it or whatever…… then start a massive BBQ with the ruskies as the main rack of ribs.

Romulan indica tends to make me sarcastic- *grin

Many of these are cruise missiles and manpads like stingers and starstreaks can take them out. The have lots of high sturdy TV towers in those places and radars can be light these days. Place those phased arrays up high so they can look down. Maybe put a truck radar on top of a high-rise? Other AA systems are effective against ballistic missiles and even small arms can be used on the Iranian drones, and those German AA tanks too.

i got my fingers crossed to.....let see, want some popcorn?
I dunno how many missiles Vlad has left and by the time the AA missiles get there he might be out of them; I don't expect Vlad's blitz to last, and it might be a one-night stand. I don't find it entertaining and I'm more interested in the tactics, strategy and how technology is changing not just how war is conducted, but it's very nature. It's more than drones and cellphones, it's how the war is presented with social media as a battle ground and the importance of allies in an interdependent technological world. It is also historic and will change the map and politics of Europe and could mean the end of the Russian federation as we know it. This war will have lasting effects let hope it doesn't end with a bang, but with a Russian whimper instead. The die is cast, and we are along for the roll of the dice.
I dunno how many missiles Vlad has left and by the time the AA missiles get there he might be out of them; I don't expect Vlad's blitz to last, and it might be a one-night stand. I don't find it entertaining and I'm more interested in the tactics, strategy and how technology is changing not just how war is conducted, but it's very nature. It's more than drones and cellphones, it's how the war is presented with social media as a battle ground and the importance of allies in an interdependent technological world. It is also historic and will change the map and politics of Europe and could mean the end of the Russian federation as we know it. This war will have lasting effects let hope it doesn't end with a bang, but with a Russian whimper instead. The die is cast, and we are along for the roll of the dice.

Do they work? Any dry rot? I don't think I'd trust it.
Japan was still in the war and Washington wanted the boys back home for leave then off to the pacific. France was being rearmed by ship loads and were 100% GI, they would replace US troops in Europe. So going for the gusto without real good cause against our former ally would have been a bad idea. The brits were exhausted after 6 years of monumental effort, and Everybody was sick of war, even the Russians.

This is what happens though when you don't finish the job; turning your back on the boogeyman and he's alive to fight another day.