
Ukraine had the worlds 3rd largest Nuclear arsenal until we (US & Russia) talk them out of them. Do you think Putler would be doing this if Ukraine still had 1,900 nuclear warheads?..
He fucked with their politics and economy for 20 years before attacking them with a full-scale invasion after tearing off chunks. They had the weapons, but the codes were in Moscow, everybody was a lot more optimistic about Russia back then, including Ukraine.
Targeting civilians is a crime against humanity, as well as a war crime, as outlined by the geneva convention.

As long as russian citizens support putin's invasion of Ukraine they are enemy combatants, and fair targets, for aiding and abetting war crimes... kinda like Hiroshima..
As long as russian citizens support putin's invasion of Ukraine they are enemy combatants, and fair targets, for aiding and abetting war crimes... kinda like Hiroshima..
Sick. These days that would be considered a war crime.

"There is no question that a dropping of a large nuclear weapon amongst the civilian population is a war crime," Harvard Law School professor Gabriella Blum says. "Under the current laws of war, if you know you are going to impact civilians, you must provide warning, and you must take precautions to avoid harming civilians to the extent possible. There is no doubt none of that was considered, and none of that was seriously weighed in reference to Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
Sick. These days that would be considered a war crime.

"There is no question that a dropping of a large nuclear weapon amongst the civilian population is a war crime," Harvard Law School professor Gabriella Blum says. "Under the current laws of war, if you know you are going to impact civilians, you must provide warning, and you must take precautions to avoid harming civilians to the extent possible. There is no doubt none of that was considered, and none of that was seriously weighed in reference to Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
so according to this definition Russia committed war crimes by targeting civilians. Russia is a terrorist state and they have thrown out the "rules of war".
Why on earth would you advocate to stoop to Russia's level, and commit further war crimes and crimes against humanity? Utterly sickening.
Prosecuting enemy combatants is not a war crime...
it's commonly referred to as a "level playing field"
Why on earth would you advocate to stoop to Russia's level, and commit further war crimes and crimes against humanity? Utterly sickening.
Stop clutching yer pearls and moralizing about the fundamentally immoral, when the Russians attacked another country it opened itself up to this shit. If they attacked America, it would be a lot fucking worse and if they used nukes to do it the country would be vaporized. Yes, there are rules in war, and they are routinely violated, especially by the lawless, but you don't stop attacking a vital bridge with civilians crossing it in war, if you have the luxury and tremendous advantage like America does you might be able to show mercy or have another option or wave off capability on a suicide drone. If you punch a stranger in the face, it might be someone who would and can kill you or beat the living shit out of you, this tends to deter such behavior in some people.

Attacking Russian cities is a bad idea for the same reasons it was a bad idea to attack Ukrainian cities, aside from it being a war crime and morally and ethically wrong. It was militarily ineffective, wasted ammo and resources, wore out guns and was bad for your own morale. Now they wish they had that ammo and that their guns work like shit because the barrels are worn out. It was and is stupid and evil, one was motivated by hate and spite, the other would be by retribution, the only justice in war. However, with Russia there are targets that will yield better results than attacking civilians, though civilians would suffer privation because of it. Attacking the transport and power grid at critcal points would work better, however Russian civilians might freeze this winter if the lights went out, so might Europeans and Ukrainians too.
Stop clutching yer pearls and moralizing about the fundamentally immoral, when the Russians attacked another country it opened itself up to this shit. If they attacked America, it would be a lot fucking worse and if they used nukes to do it the country would be vaporized. Yes, there are rules in war, and they are routinely violated, especially by the lawless, but you don't stop attacking a vital bridge with civilians crossing it in war, if you have the luxury and tremendous advantage like America does you might be able to show mercy or have another option or wave off capability on a suicide drone. If you punch a stranger in the face, it might be someone who would and can kill you or beat the living shit out of you, this tends to deter such behavior in some people.

Attacking Russian cities is a bad idea for the same reasons it was a bad idea to attack Ukrainian cities, aside from it being a war crime and morally and ethically wrong. It was militarily ineffective, wasted ammo and resources, wore out guns and was bad for your own morale. Now they wish they had that ammo and that their guns work like shit because the barrels are worn out. It was and is stupid and evil, one was motivated by hate and spite, the other would be by retribution, the only justice in war. However, with Russia there are targets that will yield better results than attacking civilians, though civilians would suffer privation because of it. Attacking the transport and power grid at critcal points would work better, however Russian civilians might freeze this winter if the lights went out, so might Europeans and Ukrainians too.
I never advocated killing civilians. I said the Russians should feel this war. That can be done in many ways....
I never advocated killing civilians. I said the Russians should feel this war. That can be done in many ways....
Sitting in your dark Moscow apartment freezing your ass off with burst water pipes would do that, along with empty grocery store shelves and unemployment caused by power and transport disruption. Cause trouble and support Vlad's many enemies make friends and allies among them, keep him busy putting out fires all around and inside Russia too. Take their money and help Ukraine to displace Russia as Europe's energy supplier. Pour broadcast, internet news and propaganda into Russia to cause social disruption and spark change.
just give the weapons to Ukraine they will know what to do with them...
well, that's the thing right there...they'll know how to use some of it, but they have spent a lot of time training on new systems, and anything else new we give them, they'll have to be trained on too, then those that are trained are too valuable at first, they have to train more people...any new system we give them would require at least two or three months to have a cadre of even basically trained operators
well, that's the thing right there...they'll know how to use some of it, but they have spent a lot of time training on new systems, and anything else new we give them, they'll have to be trained on too, then those that are trained are too valuable at first, they have to train more people...any new system we give them would require at least two or three months to have a cadre of even basically trained operators
There was this woman in ancient Rome who's husband was banished and she sent him a package of supplies and when they told her is was no use since Nero would just seize the package her reply was 'Better to have sent the package and have it seized than to not have sent one at all'...
Sick. These days that would be considered a war crime.

"There is no question that a dropping of a large nuclear weapon amongst the civilian population is a war crime," Harvard Law School professor Gabriella Blum says. "Under the current laws of war, if you know you are going to impact civilians, you must provide warning, and you must take precautions to avoid harming civilians to the extent possible. There is no doubt none of that was considered, and none of that was seriously weighed in reference to Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
It was a war crime. Gone unpunished.
well, that's the thing right there...they'll know how to use some of it, but they have spent a lot of time training on new systems, and anything else new we give them, they'll have to be trained on too, then those that are trained are too valuable at first, they have to train more people...any new system we give them would require at least two or three months to have a cadre of even basically trained operators
3 months in a war setting means 2 to 3 weeks. This War looks like it will be going for a fair bit longer than that.