
Officials identify big problem for Russia getting weapons

751,512 views Oct 16, 2022 Western sanctions have sharply curtailed Russia’s ability to replenish the munitions it is using in Ukraine, according to a new analysis from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, forcing Moscow to task its intelligence services with finding ways to evade restrictions and procure the critical technology and parts to sustain its war effort.
I'm annoyed by pointless hounding over a trivial matter, it seems neurotic and unnecessary while ignoring the larger context. I think we need to move on unless you want to put me in a trophy quote.

I'm not starting any wars here, just observing and commenting on them. I see a potential source of trouble between Iran and Israel, IF, they are swapping technology with Russia.
Whether or not Israel bombed Iranian nuclear assets is not pointless.

Is it possible that Israel zorched Natanz? Yes.
Is it confirmed? No.
Is it likely? That is where I plead the dangerous combo of ignorance and interest.

This isn’t frothy speculation over a battery technology or geothermal maybes. Whether or not Israel (fill in the blank) Iran is a matter of considerable gravity.

As for the trophy quote nonsense, sleep on that. What is happening here is simply not in the weight class.
My sig quotes are about psychopathic individuals who mounted deeply hurtful attacks on persons I know not to deserve them. At its worst, this is not that; it is merely me saying back it or bullshit, and you telling me fuhgeddaboudit. That’s a small and transitory irritation on both sides of this exchange. You are somebody with whom I can disagree; there is built-in implied respect in my saying so.

In any case, I’m not gonna pursue this further.
Whether or not Israel bombed Iranian nuclear assets is not pointless.

Is it possible that Israel zorched Natanz? Yes.
Is it confirmed? No.
Is it likely? That is where I plead the dangerous combo of ignorance and interest.

This isn’t frothy speculation over a battery technology or geothermal maybes. Whether or not Israel (fill in the blank) Iran is a matter of considerable gravity.

As for the trophy quote nonsense, sleep on that. What is happening here is simply not in the weight class.
My sig quotes are about psychopathic individuals who mounted deeply hurtful attacks on persons I know not to deserve them. At its worst, this is not that; it is merely me saying back it or bullshit. That’s a small and transitory irritation on both sides of this exchange. You are somebody with whom I can disagree; there is built-in implied respect in my saying so.

In any case, I’m not gonna pursue this further.
This is my space to run wild with half-baked ideas and speculation, also a place to practice prose sometimes, I plead artistic license! I only lurk on Twitter for the latest war news, but it is full of disinformation too, and FB is for local stuff. This is an anonymous out of the way little corner of the internet, a place on a pot site to share opinions, news and humor, rumor too. This section concerns itself with things political and war is politics by other means.
This is my space to run wild with half-baked ideas and speculation, also a place to practice prose sometimes, I plead artistic license! I only lurk on Twitter for the latest war news, but it is full of disinformation too, and FB is for local stuff. This is an anonymous out of the way little corner of the internet, a place on a pot site to share opinions, news and humor, rumor too. This section concerns itself with things political and war is politics by other means.
I get that. I was in plain awe of the vid you brought of that Russian column getting rolled up like a cheap rug.

But the bit about trophy quotes? Ouch.
I get that. I was in plain awe of the vid you brought of that Russian column getting rolled up like a cheap rug.

But the bit about trophy quotes? Ouch.
I only attack trolls, not even misguided Trumpers, trolls I sometimes climb right aboard, but lately I like to toy with them like my cat would! With the new enforcement of the rules, the antisocial ones don't seem to last long anymore, and one can be subtler...
He is a member of the government, not an important one, but one connected with Ukraine and Russia. Siding with and allying with Ukraine against Russia and Iran, might be to Israel's advantage and allow them to attack Irain's nuclear and missile program without international consequences like sanctions. The Saudis would be all for it and would do it themselves if they could, those missiles they are selling the Russians can be aimed at them too and nuclear tipped. That is why they want those patriot batteries and that could be Uncle Sam's ace in the hole.

With the new enforcement of the rules...........lolz.
Ya need to be artful and subtitle, it encourages higher standards of discourse and insult. Most Trumpers aren't up to it and haven't been for a while, they are as scarce as hen's teeth, defending Trump and what he represents is hard to do, even for a sock.
How is it defending war,death and the military industrial complex?

Seems a odd position for progressives to take.
Liberal means to fight for liberty in a variety of ways, including armed, if required. You are speaking out of context and never mentioned the cause and the reason for the response to imperialist aggression. Funny in this conflict with Russia that pits totalitarianism against liberal democracy the magat republicans turned into pussies and Putin fans. Hawks they ain't when it comes to the fight for freedom, a Russian 5th column in America perhaps. If ya stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.
Liberal means to fight for liberty in a variety of ways, including armed, if required. You are speaking out of context and never mentioned the cause and the reason for the response to imperialist aggression. Funny in this conflict with Russia that pits totalitarianism against liberal democracy the magat republicans turned into pussies and Putin fans. Hawks they ain't when it comes to the fight for freedom, a Russian 5th column in America perhaps. If ya stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.
this one isn’t a newcomer.
You might even say it’s some old user who has been
