
I'm not that big a fan, it will eventually make the stars look like strobe lights instead of twinkling. Not just starlink plans these kinds of systems, other American companies and China will be launching tens of thousands of them. Ground based astronomy will have issues.

That's why when they emailed me to say my unit was ready to ship I cancelled. Got my deposit back in 2 days.

When we go up to our cabin we used to always lie on the dock just after sunset and see who could find the most satellites. That game is shot all to hell now. :D

My other concern, and I hope that it will prove silly, is that it will make the solar system oddly bright in the microwave band. We may be sending a menu.


It's a cookbook! lol

That's where deSantis got the idea to trick the border crossers I bet.

Just leave ukraine including Crimea and declare peace, problem solved, then he can focus on saving his own neck, which is going to become an increasing problem. There is no way out except to accept defeat and leave all of Ukraine, suck it up Vlad or get kicked out and humiliated in the process.

Let's talk about Putin's new committee....

I don’t see the connection. Explain it to me?

You never watched the original Twilight Zone episodes?

The aliens show up and treat humans like kings. Tell them about the great life they could have on their planet and walk around with that book, To Serve Humans like it's their f'n bible. As a bunch of people are going up the gangplank to get on the flying saucer a guy runs out of the crowd and yells to his ex girlfriend? "Don't go! It's a cook book! Then they shove her onboard and go.

That was a good one. Rod Sterling narrated.

Edit: There was a Simpson's episode based on that one.

You never watched the original Twilight Zone episodes?

The aliens show up and treat humans like kings. Tell them about the great life they could have on their planet and walk around with that book, To Serve Humans like it's their f'n bible. As a bunch of people are going up the gangplank to get on the flying saucer a guy runs out of the crowd and yells to his ex girlfriend? "Don't go! It's a cook book! Then they shove her onboard and go.

That was a good one. Rod Sterling narrated.

Edit: There was a Simpson's episode based on that one.

Okay, now bring it home for me and please tell me how DeSantis figures in.
The soldiers examined the NLAW and Javelin, as well as Panzerfaust 3.

Quote: "Most likely, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have passed a few of captured samples to their colleagues, so that the Belarusian could see a famous Javelin with their own eyes and not on images from the Internet.

There are no reports whether the Russian colleagues demonstrated how to use the Western weapons. We hope that the Belarusian soldiers have themselves seen the results of using NLAW, Javelin, and Panzerfaust 3 on armoured vehicles online."
He's me learning to fly a racing quad on my gaming system, the sim is as realistic as it gets in terms of performance and simulating a real quad. This is much cheaper than the real thing cause ya tend to crash and repair racing quads quite a bit! I use the same transmitter plugged into the computer as I use to fly.

I had 20minute training sessions a few times a day and it's kinda like learning to ride a bike or swim. It does save you from the "walk of shame" to pick up your drone/plane.

I'd like to give that a shot, although I am used to keyboard or joystick if it must.. I'm from the generation that had analog youths and digital adulthoods. I love flying anything in games, usually fighter planes or jets.... I probably have thousands of hours of flying time over maybe 30 years.
not related to current postings but please refrain from posting graphic photos page should be SFW

We all know the horrors of war, we dont need to physically be posting graphic photos since they cannot be hidden or censored on the forum (spoiler photosdont work i still have to look at it)
Flushing Vlad down history's toilet would be a major forgien affairs accomplishment. For an unpopular guy, he sure is getting a lot of popular stuff done with a slim margin in congress. But many Americans want something other than prosperity and winning, they want a fucking loser with a big mouth and no brain. We will see what the new congress brings, more bullshit theater or moving forward and solving problems. I'm sure more tax cuts and getting rid of social security will do wonders for the economy since the republicans are thought better at managing the economy, in spite of crashing it twice.

So fist ya talk about it and then ya act, Vlad will need to go full Stalin to try and hang on. Shit like that happens when people's votes don't count because fascist count them and the opposition is knocked off. For those who don't like democracy there is the example of Russia and what a big strong leader can do for a country!


after reading this the seagul says:


met our demand and we'll quit hitting the power supplies = terroristic threat from the state.....?????
well well well.....what are you doing.....hmmmm

Putin's goddaughter fleeing....hmmmm....

This is from the Lithuanian Press
I think even Vlad's family are starting to voice concerns, he has two grown well educated daughters and grand kids. She might be heading to Israel with the family cash while she can, or she might disagree with the fiasco Putin is inflicting on Russia. Any Russian patriot would be concerned, Vlad is not just clinging to the past, he was clawing for it and the younger generation of Russia want to move forward. They've had a good taste of the west and plenty of exposure to global media through technology and the internet. Putin killed his country and the army with incompetence, lies and corruption, Putin destroyed people's faith and the truth with a storm of bullshit and disinformation that brainwashed enough of the country to cheat the rest of the way. Russia is becoming a failed state before our eyes, this shit with Vlad is the last act of a loser.
I think even Vlad's family are starting to voice concerns, he has two grown well educated daughters and grand kids. She might be heading to Israel with the family cash while she can, or she might disagree with the fiasco Putin is inflicting on Russia. Any Russian patriot would be concerned, Vlad is not just clinging to the past, he was clawing for it and the younger generation of Russia want to move forward. They've had a good taste of the west and plenty of exposure to global media through technology and the internet. Putin killed his country and the army with incompetence, lies and corruption, Putin destroyed people's faith and the truth with a storm of bullshit and disinformation that brainwashed enough of the country to cheat the rest of the way. Russia is becoming a failed state before our eyes, this shit with Vlad is the last act of a loser.

dunno about this one.......think she's a 180 opposite of Putin.....did a little Wiki sloothing...

little bit:

On 7 September 2012, MTV Russia launched a talk-show GosDep (State Department) with Ksenia Sobchak. The show was supposed to cover hot social and political issues. The first episode of the show, titled "Where is Putin leading us?" featured interviews with the head of Left Front Sergei Udaltsov, member of "Solidarnost" (Solidarity) movement Ilya Yashin, and eco-activist Yevgeniya Chirikova.[8] However, the show was promptly shut down after one episode. The second episode was supposed to feature an interview with anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny. MTV Russia representatives explained their decision to cancel the show with the lack of interest in politics among the channel's audience.[9]

little minx she is......maybe someone to watch later on
