
These guys will take a dim fucking view of treason... This war and its veterans will shape Ukrainian society for decades and will be a force to be reckoned with in the future.

"Mishchenko is among four supreme court justices and 15 high court staff who've volunteered for frontline duty. At the lower court level, there have been 60 judges and 311 staff who have enlisted".

'It's an honour and privilege to protect my country by any means I can,' said Ivan Mishchenko

I imagine there are a lot of these and things like them being built in Ukraine, there are dozens of different designs made from junk laying around and common hand tools. The internet has hundreds of videos on how to make them and they can be used on a balcony or apartment building parking garage. They can cook food, make coffee and run-on twigs that you can gather, cut up with a pair of garden shears and fill shopping bags with. Fuel and propane might be hard to get, but dry twigs and wood rubble should be easy to find, these things are pretty efficient and useful to have in an emergency, or war.

There will be a lot of DIY and imported wood stoves and plenty of wood rubble and coal to burn in Ukraine this winter, they don't need power to run, just a stove pipe and sheet metal chimney or an existing one. People can get by, and this is one of the many ways they can help themselves and feed their families. I was looking into these after my recent experiences with an extended power outage thanks to a hurricane, I had a propane camping stove for that one and gas.

Homemade TIN CAN Rocket Stove - DIY Rocket Stove - Awesome Stove! - EASY instructions!
Ukraine has been getting lots of drones and even RC planes that can be used for longer range and endurance flights. The military has been taking drones very seriously, including commercial ones. They have become even more useful now that the Russian jamming and detection equipment has been largely eliminated and civilian organizations with international support are supplying lots of them. They are using a wide variety of this equipment, both military grade and civilian and its usefulness is obvious. Tactical air superiority and close air support might have a whole new meaning after this war.

So, we got Boots on the ground? Anybody confirm this? Because it's news to me.

There are people there assessing the war and learning lessons, probably Marines at the US embassy too. They don't need military advisors; they are well trained, motivated and smart. Any consulting is done over secure video conference between them and NATO headquarters and or the Pentagon. Every military in the world has military attaches and teams of visiting officers writing home about the lessons learned in Ukraine and there is plenty to learn, the Ukrainians performance has impressed many.

It's the best investment Uncle Sam has had for a while and in the end the Russians will pay the entire shot for the war, including loans and aid given already, the money is literally in the banks, our banks.
Zerohedge; ‘nuff said.

Not just officers are there, people from arms manufactures all over the world are there too, because almost every weapons system imaginable is being used there. The people, both military and industry want to know how these weapons work in real life and how effective they are. I would imagine a lot of retired officers are going as military consultants for Uncle Sam and others to study this shit and the impact of things like drones on future wars etc. I don't even see the need to send regular military, there are a ton of retired people eager to go and we see them on the news all the time.
Defense & National Security — US weapons experts in Ukraine
The Pentagon announced this week that it sent weapons experts into Ukraine to inspect American-supplied arms being used against Russia.

We’ll share the details of that operation, plus concerns Russia may soon seek more advanced weapons from Iran, Saudi Arabia’s warning to the United States and why B-52 bombers are heading to Australia.

Why Biden is sending weapons experts into Ukraine

U.S. weapons experts are in Ukraine to inspect American-supplied arms being used against Russia, making the group among the first U.S. military members in the country, apart from those providing security at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv.

President Biden has pledged that U.S. troops will not be sent into the fight, but this week’s announcement comes amid rising concern — particularly among Republicans — about how effectively Ukraine is utilizing U.S. military support.
Not just officers are there, people from arms manufactures all over the world are there too, because almost every weapons system imaginable is being used there. The people, both military and industry want to know how these weapons work in real life and how effective they are. I would imagine a lot of retired officers are going as military consultants for Uncle Sam and others to study this shit and the impact of things like drones on future wars etc. I don't even see the need to send regular military, there are a ton of retired people eager to go and we see them on the news all the time.
yeah but “boots” suggests infantry or other direct combat forces. It’s spin.
yeah but “boots” suggests infantry or other direct combat forces. It’s spin.
I usually counter it with facts and reason, this guy is nothing but spin, his news sources have got him dizzy and ill-informed.

As if the Ukrainians need US troops or advice, the training and military culture change was provided years ago by the US and NATO allies. The 400K trained troops and 8 years of continuous war after the defeats of 2014 made them eager students. It was a case of what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger and they got stronger and better with Putin's attacks, continuous poison and menace. They got a lot stronger than anybody thought, America and especially Russia with 7 years of adaptation and training waves of conscripts and volunteers in NATO combined arms and reorganization. They laid the foundation for victory with military reorganization and philosophical change that matched the motivation of the Ukrainians very well.

Boots on the ground my ass, more like sneakers and loafers, with so many experienced retired people around that can be hired as consultants, much of their work can be outsourced. The military people there must be concerned with logistics and arranging training. Perhaps they want to find out if it's worth sending those old Hawk AA missiles, shit like that.

General predicts Putin will lose everything he gained since 2014 | Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges

457,351 views Nov 1, 2022 "I believe that Ukraine will have liberated Crimea by the summer and I believe that because we've talked about who has the superior will? The Ukrainian soldiers and Ukrainian people." Putin is set to lose everything he has gained since 2014, General Ben Hodges tells #timesradio
US intelligence is outing the Russians good and at every step they are busting them. Apparently Trump never saw all the top-secret programs and operations. It looks like they have these guys riddled with spies or have advanced technical means of collecting this kind of insider seat at their table intel, they are inside their circle of decision. They are taking an enormous risk of blowing their sources over this and it would be a call Biden would make. They've been doing this since before the invasion in February began and have been doing it whenever the Russians are considering doing something stupid like use a nuke. Intel is only useful if you use it and sometimes you are forced to so you can bust Vlad, limit his options and put him in a box while ya close the lid and bury the fucker.
