
His daughter was a war casualty, and he was almost. A lot of these guys might get rounded up and shipped off to Ukraine as cannon fodder if they don't STFU on state TV. Vald isn't dead yet and it would be dangerous for anybody to try and make him dead or suggest it, he has people who depend on him for money and power, and they could decide to do Dugin themselves.

i dunno bout the whole him and his daughter thing, i usually don't believe anything that comes out of the Federation, and personally i think it was a ruse, the RA wanted to get her off the air, and hide. Dugin is the culprit you want, he's putin's ear, he's the one that caused Chech wars, he's also the one who instigated the Georgia war, and he's also the one that instigate this war, all because of his ideology the Great Russian Empire.....that guy needs 2 taps......

Russian troops abandon ammunition, mortar shells as they pull out of Kherson region

714,199 views Nov 11, 2022
Ukrainian soldiers found abandoned weapons and ammunition in a village near the southern city of Kherson on Friday (November 11), as Russian troops retreated from the western bank of the Dnipro river.

Reuters reporters on Friday saw a warehouse full of mortar shells and boxes containing ammunition left behind by Russian troops in a village of Blahodatne, 20 km (12 miles) north of Kherson.

Villagers said about 100 Russians had held the village for eight months and throughout the occupation broke into vacant homes and looted them, removing furniture, televisions, stoves and refrigerators.

They had killed a man who approached too close to their trenches and taken away two other men and a young woman whose fate remains unknown.

The Russians withdrew in trucks without a fight on Wednesday night and Ukrainian troops moved in on Thursday, the villagers said.
New damage to major dam near Kherson after Russian retreat -Maxar satellite
Significant new damage to the major Nova Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine can be seen following Russia's withdrawal from nearby Kherson city, U.S. satellite imagery company Maxar said on Friday.

Maxar said images taken on Friday showed several bridges that cross the Dnipro river had also been damaged. Ukrainian troops were greeted by joyous residents in the centre of Kherson after Russia abandoned the city.

"Satellite images this morning ... reveal significant new damage to several bridges and the Nova Kakhovka dam in the aftermath of the Russian retreat from Kherson across the Dnipro river," Maxar said in a statement.

It said sections of the northern extent of the dam and sluice gates had been "deliberately destroyed". Earlier this week Russia accused Ukraine of shelling the dam.

Both sides have repeatedly accused each of planning to breach the dam using explosives, which would flood much of the area downstream and would likely cause major destruction around Kherson.

It was the only regional capital city that Russia had captured since its forces invaded neighbour Ukraine in late February.

Nova Kakhovka dam


Antonivskiy bridge

Darivka bridge

They are looking for donations and these sure look like they are starlink controlled, the only other way would be from a nearby surface vessel or radio relay from a drone overhead. I wonder if the CIA or DoD has "global" starlink no questions asked accounts for drone control, a bulk rate package deal with the usual national security stuff? SpaceX does also launch military payloads, so they must have security protocols in place.

It all adds up and Sweden has lots to give, they make HQ modern weapons systems and have lots of spare artillery now that Russia is on the ropes, and they will join NATO or will end up defended by it anyway if Russia should attack them, through Finland. Norway also has a lot of bucks to throw around defending Finland and Sweden would definitely be in their interest. If the Russian army should ever get back on its feet it would first have to deal with Ukraine and by then with post war prosperity, oil money and a strong military culture armed to the fucking teeth with the most modern weapons, they would be a real piece of work. Also, by then Germany would have a big very powerful army, then there's also Poland...

I think Russia's imperial days are over, the only way they can get on their feet is to get out from under sanctions and that will require regime change and more, much more. If they don't reform, they will have a half a million half-starved conscripts on the border carrying shields and fucking spears staring at the lights of a prosperous European Ukraine and wondering WTF they are living like shit.

and we should use this small leveled clearing to expand.
Once the war in Ukraine ends without a peace treaty, another will begin in Belarus or Georgia to keep the Russian's busy and under sanctions, unless they sign a peace the war will move on, and the next and last domino will fall at Vlad's doorstep in Belarus. If the assholes keep launching drones and missiles at Ukraine, they will freeze in the dark and have severely disrupted rail service in their future and they won't be able to repair their grid like Ukraine can with European help, equipment and supplies.
It's pretty obvious and a lot of those troops I saw in Kherson appeared to be territorials, they were not far behind the army this time, and many were locals who escaped early in the war. This might allow the Tip of the spear some R&R and allow them to move on to the next objective. They need to cut off southern Ukraine and Crimea by winter so they can soften them up for spring, so it seems logical. It will also draw the guns away from across Kherson and to the east as they fight to prevent getting cut off and trapped. It would also draw the Russians out from behind their prepared defenses in the east onto open ground where they can be destroyed.
Lots of German weapons have been going to Ukraine and Leopard tanks could be next on the list, they are giving a billion Euros in aid too. Now that he has his gas reserves topped up and LNG tankers offshore waiting, he feels bolder. Besides, Ukraine has lots of undeveloped natural gas and is only a short distance from Germany with some existing pipeline infrastructure already in place. Ukrainian energy is looking like a real medium-term possibility and energy solution for Germany and Europe. Vlad is obviously being an asshole about getting out of Ukraine with his tail tucked between his legs. Removing him will make the gas flow quicker and there are an estimated 5 trillion M3 of reserves there, perhaps more off Crimea. Ukrainian NG contains large amounts of helium and neon, two industrial gases in critical shortage, Ukraine was one of the biggest suppliers of these gases.

It's pretty obvious and a lot of those troops I saw in Kherson appeared to be territorials, they were not far behind the army this time, and many were locals who escaped early in the war. This might allow the Tip of the spear some R&R and allow them to move on to the next objective. They need to cut off southern Ukraine and Crimea by winter so they can soften them up for spring, so it seems logical. It will also draw the guns away from across Kherson and to the east as they fight to prevent getting cut off and trapped. It would also draw the Russians out from behind their prepared defenses in the east onto open ground where they can be destroyed.

Meanwhile, moving artillery in position on the opposite side of the river, as well as anti aircraft, and drone downing..
Meanwhile, moving artillery in position on the opposite side of the river, as well as anti aircraft, and drone downing..
These guys are pros now with experience and know what they are doing, we and the Russians can only guess what it would be. However, trapping and cutting off the Russians in the south and in Crimea is kinda obvious and would fuck them pretty quick allowing all the forces to be concentrated on the Donbas to finish them off in Ukraine. They left lots of equipment in Kherson, enough to replace any Ukrainian loses and perhaps much more, we will soon see.