
it seems to me that we have reliable information that the russians are planning to use a wmd in Ukraine, a nuke or chemical weapons, and this is their one and only warning about it...
He isn't going to Turkey for the weather and Turkey would also take a dim fucking view of a nuke used in their backyard and perhaps contaminating grain or soil used to grow it, when it is consumed mostly in the Muslim world and by Turkey itself. Joe and Xi also indicated their views on the use of a nuke today at the big meeting in Asia. Russia would go from the frying pan into a roaring fire, "just get the fuck out of Ukraine and leave them alone, what part of that don't you understand"? Vlad know it won't end there though, there will be trouble in Belarus and in Georgia, other places too, because lots of people hate his guts and want him gone. Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate, and Vlad is accumulating a fatal number of them fast inside Russia.
Decadent imperialist vermin.

He's lucky we aren't crowd funding bounties on them and might do it for known war criminals yet! No need for bounties though the Ukrainians are doing it for free with great enthusiasm, that enthusiasm grows with the number of war crimes, as do the arms shipments. It's a safari for qualified retired warriors who wanna take their chances and do what they trained for all their careers, kick Russian ass!
He's lucky we aren't crowd funding bounties on them and might do it for known war criminals yet! No need for bounties though the Ukrainians are doing it for free with great enthusiasm, that enthusiasm grows with the number of war crimes, as do the arms shipments. It's a safari for qualified retired warriors who wanna take their chances and do what they trained for all their careers, kick Russian ass!
The image that comes to my mind is some rich old guy with a double rifle who hired an APC full of hardened troops as guides and protectors. I can see some rich old guys paying a million for such a hunt. Where my mind stops is at imagining the subsequent taxidermy.
The image that comes to my mind is some rich old guy with a double rifle who hired an APC full of hardened troops as guides and protectors. I can see some rich old guys paying a million for such a hunt. Where my mind stops is at imagining the subsequent taxidermy.
Actually, the Russians did that with pirates on the coast of Somalia years ago, organized cruises to shoot poor black fisherman from deck chairs.
He's lucky we aren't crowd funding bounties on them and might do it for known war criminals yet! No need for bounties though the Ukrainians are doing it for free with great enthusiasm, that enthusiasm grows with the number of war crimes, as do the arms shipments. It's a safari for qualified retired warriors who wanna take their chances and do what they trained for all their careers, kick Russian ass!
would make a cool youtube channel
In short, we will sit behind Ukraine as they negotiate with you. We have a firm idea of what is reasonable and fair too, including you getting out of all of Ukraine, not shooting missiles into it and having a lot of your seized money going to Ukraine as reparations and the west as compensation for the aid given to destroy your army and support Ukraine. That will do for starters, we'll talk about war crimes later.

China says and does what it wants when it wants to... remember Hong Kong
Yeah, but they pay a price and are paying a heavy one for Hong Kong, while absorbing "dangerous ideas" inside the great firewall. Like Putin with Ukraine and his visions of past imperial glory, it scares the shit out his neighbors and they start looking for protection from the EU and Uncle Sam. Also, Vlad's army is destroyed and if he keeps on going, he will be down to spears and shields! :lol: Nobody is afraid of the big bad bear anymore, especially since Ukraine removed his fangs and claws, also courage is contagious, the valor and example of Ukraine has got a lot of Vlad's neighbors (and enemies) thinking.
This is a war thread and sometimes images of its horrors are posted, especially from twitter, as standards have slipped somewhat recently on that platform. However, Twitter does remain a source of the latest war news, though cross posts from it have to be curated for excessive violence and propaganda because the place is crawling with bots and disinformation. It is good to suppress these things as they are harmful to the compassionate and if there is one thing, we all need is more compassion. Whatever lowers it should be seen as bad and whatever increases it should be seen as good, however there is such a thing as foolish compassion that enables evil and harm to others. Generally, I try to stay away from the more graphic stuff, unless it is illustrative of the general situation on the ground in Ukraine, most of it is of little value in understanding.

I posted an image in this thread that was removed and I'm not whining about but understand why and agree. Compassion comes first, it is also wise in war, when possible, which is why I'm rooting for Ukraine, aside from the fact that they are a liberal democracy where compassion is not just practiced but required by law.
This might be the only guy in Ukraine who could challenge Zelenskiy for the presidency next year, but I doubt he would do it. He wanted to become a comedian like Zelenskiy but got sidetracked, so did Zelenskiy. He' still young and Ukraine's military is being transformed into a 21st century army and will be even more so in years to come when oil and gas money come pouring in. He's at the top of his profession and game and should have no problem with job security if he whips the Russians and kicks them out inside a year. I don't think Zelenskiy will have any job security issues either come election season, everybody loves a winner.

there we go, now the un body needs to formally kick them out, and let them try to re-apply
One more step in getting their money to pay for the whole shot, we gotta be legal and such now, no law breaking, besides we already have their cash literally in our banks. ;) I really do hope Vlad has $200 billion abroad with proxies, so far, the damage to Ukraine is in the $150 billion range, so Vlad might make history as the first asshole who paid for his own war and self-destruction.