
One of the reasons why winter will be hard on the Russians, the Ukrainians have lots of small commercial tactical drones now that can drop one or up to four grenade bombs or even one mortar bomb on trenches and foxholes. There isn't much cover in winter, and they can do it day and night and it appears to be an effective way of reducing or eliminating dug in enemy positions from miles away. Two guys with drones sitting in a trench seem to be able to do more damage to the enemy than two guys sitting in a trench with guns. This winter they will be dropping bombs down the stove pipes sticking out of the dugouts, they can drop down low at night for accuracy and maybe make a game of it! Exploding stoves might be a problem for Russian troops this winter.

Hitting a sector of the line you are planning to assault with a couple of hundred of these and people who already know where all the targets are, could save your side a lot of lives when combined with mortars and your artillery countering theirs. Other than that, just the stress and constant attrition these things would cause operating overhead the enemy would give your side a big advantage. Until ways of countering them are available they will continue to be of tactical and strategic value on the battlefield, this war is proving that with DIY innovations, but they are getting much better, professional and more accurate.

Ukrainians drop bombs into Russian trenches with weaponised drones

33,665 views Nov 25, 2022
This footage released by the 30th Separate Mechanised Brigade of Ukraine reportedly shows Ukrainian troops dropping bombs on Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian forces drop the bomb from a weaponised drone from above.
My brother-in-law was a Navy veteran of the cold war and one day after the fall of the USSR I was visiting and told him congratulations you won the cold war, nobody ever told him or other veterans that. The evil they stood against was just as bad as Vlad in spite of all the mistakes made over the decades battling it in a global ideological fight, as they tried to con the developing world. Communism never lasted long in China and had an even shorter life in Vietnam and supporting strongmen went away with the cold war.

Old cold warriors might yet see the last of the evil empire, or at least the zombie version of it trying to rise from the grave where the Ukrainians are beating it back down while burying it. It died using the weapons it made and paid for during the cold war too, for the most part they were killed by their own leftovers, until more modern weapons arrived first as an effective sprinkling and lately in a flood. The stupid bastards will even end up paying the entire cost of the war, including loans and aid given to Ukraine, as well as reparations to them, we already have enough of their money frozen in our banks to cover it.
Merkel says she lost sway with Russia as a lame duck: ‘For Putin, only power counts’
Former German leader Angela Merkel says her decision to step down as chancellor last year caused her to lose sway with Russia in the months leading up to its invasion of Ukraine.

“The feeling was very clear: ‘In terms of power politics, you are through,'” Merkel said in a recent interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, per Insider. “For [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, only power counts.”

Merkel stepped down as chancellor in December 2021 after 16 years in the role. Less than three months after she officially retired, Russia invaded Ukraine, initiating a war that has now dragged on for nine months.

“I no longer had the power to push my ideas through because everyone knew ‘she’ll be gone by autumn,'” she said, The Guardian reported.
During her final months in office in the summer of 2021, Merkel said she and French President Emmanuel Macron unsuccessfully attempted to set up talks between the European Union and Putin over tensions with Ukraine.

Merkel also noted that Putin chose to include Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in his final meeting with her in August 2021, even though they had previously met one-on-one.
why does he even bother lying to them? real mothers challenged him, and his response is to search out the most docile, sympathetic mothers in the entire country, tell them a load of shit, and send them home, empty handed...so those few women, and a few of their more gullible friends may be placated for a short time. what about all those other mothers of dead sons, who haven't been placated? who haven't been addressed? who have been ignored? does he really expect them to go away after smearing shit in the eyes of those other, gullible women who have been blinded with grief for their children? pain clouds some eyes, and clears others.
why does he even bother lying to them? real mothers challenged him, and his response is to search out the most docile, sympathetic mothers in the entire country, tell them a load of shit, and send them home, empty handed...so those few women, and a few of their more gullible friends may be placated for a short time. what about all those other mothers of dead sons, who haven't been placated? who haven't been addressed? who have been ignored? does he really expect them to go away after smearing shit in the eyes of those other, gullible women who have been blinded with grief for their children? pain clouds some eyes, and clears others.

just fyi...it was all for show

why does he even bother lying to them? real mothers challenged him, and his response is to search out the most docile, sympathetic mothers in the entire country, tell them a load of shit, and send them home, empty handed...so those few women, and a few of their more gullible friends may be placated for a short time. what about all those other mothers of dead sons, who haven't been placated? who haven't been addressed? who have been ignored? does he really expect them to go away after smearing shit in the eyes of those other, gullible women who have been blinded with grief for their children? pain clouds some eyes, and clears others.
The video of the war will last a long time on YouTube and other platforms and this war will be the most well documented conflict of this scale in history. Many will know where and how they died, their crimes too and eventually why they died, if they can accept it was for nothing. The effects of this war will live on longer in Russia than in Ukraine, in terms of death, misery, poverty and political upheaval. Losing a war is never good, but when you fuck yourself and pay the entire shot for your own destruction, and your enemy's future prosperity, well it kinda feels like being Elon Musk at the moment!
Not an army, a horde of orcs, this is how they make them, freeze to death in Ukraine while guarded by assholes with machine guns to kill them if they run, retreat or try to stay warm. Having the right to vote and have your vote count, is a lot easier than freezing to death in Ukraine as a slave for an asshole. This will be the repeated lesson for the Russians until they get it or are dead. Ukraine won't need as many bullets and shells winter will do the work for them in most cases, but munitions are needed to keep the pressure on and the Russians moving and freezing in holes and trenches. The higher the body count, the bigger the political impact it will have back in Russia I suppose. The more equipment and weapons they lose the bigger the impact on their military power and influence too and the less of a future threat they become, since they can't make modern weapons or much of anything else.

The last criminals to die over this war will be the ones running Russia now.

Not eager to send Moscow citizens to death, Russia drafts convicts of strict regime colonies

4,193 views Nov 25, 2022
Russian prisoners who serve sentences in the colonies of Siberia and the Far East continue to be recruited into the 'WAGNER' PMC to participate in the war in Ukraine. Even the situation with the ex-prisoner Yevgeniy Nuzhin, who was executed after being released from captivity, did not stop such mobilisation. According to 'Siberia. Realities', a private military company recruited convicts from at least six regions beyond the Urals to fight in Ukraine in November alone. 150-200 people, on average, were taken from each colony. How convicts in Siberia end up at war in Ukraine – learn in our story.
Merkel says she lost sway with Russia as a lame duck: ‘For Putin, only power counts’
Former German leader Angela Merkel says her decision to step down as chancellor last year caused her to lose sway with Russia in the months leading up to its invasion of Ukraine.

“The feeling was very clear: ‘In terms of power politics, you are through,'” Merkel said in a recent interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, per Insider. “For [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, only power counts.”

Merkel stepped down as chancellor in December 2021 after 16 years in the role. Less than three months after she officially retired, Russia invaded Ukraine, initiating a war that has now dragged on for nine months.

“I no longer had the power to push my ideas through because everyone knew ‘she’ll be gone by autumn,'” she said, The Guardian reported.
During her final months in office in the summer of 2021, Merkel said she and French President Emmanuel Macron unsuccessfully attempted to set up talks between the European Union and Putin over tensions with Ukraine.

Merkel also noted that Putin chose to include Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in his final meeting with her in August 2021, even though they had previously met one-on-one.
Putin had contempt for her and the more leverage he had with gas over Germany, the more contempt he had for them being such greed driven suckers, as he drove a wedge into NATO and disarmed the Germans. He knew she feared large dogs, so he brought one to a meeting with her and laughed at her discomfort on TV FFS.
What a dumb cunt, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and fucking up vital alliances needed for the future. The geopolitical bargain of the century and blunder by another imperial thinker like this guy. This war will end in Russia's defeat followed by political and cultural change in Russia, then it's dissolution as a continental federation/empire. It will probably shrink into European Russia and some hinterland east of the Urals.

Fortunately, clearer heads prevail at the state department, and they are driving Putin's demise after Trump nearly killed them off with staff cuts and political interference. He needed them out of the way so Jared and his other bag men could pick up foreign bribes in exchange for policy. Ukraine and Rudy's efforts were but one example, but there was big money involved elsewhere as everybody from Jared to Flynn tried to cash in. You might as well disband the army as do what Trump did to the state department for greed and treason, it has a worse effect.

What a dumb cunt, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and fucking up vital alliances needed for the future. The geopolitical bargain of the century and blunder by another imperial thinker like this guy. This war will end in Russia's defeat followed by political and cultural change in Russia, then it's dissolution as a continental federation/empire. It will probably shrink into European Russia and some hinterland east of the Urals.

Fortunately, clearer heads prevail at the state department, and they are driving Putin's demise after Trump nearly killed them off with staff cuts and political interference. He needed them out of the way so Jared and his other bag men could pick up foreign bribes in exchange for policy. Ukraine and Rudy's efforts were but one example, but there was big money involved elsewhere as everybody from Jared to Flynn tried to cash in. You might as well disband the army as do what Trump did to the state department for greed and treason, it has a worse effect.

The author probably has money in Russian securities.
What a dumb cunt, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and fucking up vital alliances needed for the future. The geopolitical bargain of the century and blunder by another imperial thinker like this guy. This war will end in Russia's defeat followed by political and cultural change in Russia, then it's dissolution as a continental federation/empire. It will probably shrink into European Russia and some hinterland east of the Urals.

Fortunately, clearer heads prevail at the state department, and they are driving Putin's demise after Trump nearly killed them off with staff cuts and political interference. He needed them out of the way so Jared and his other bag men could pick up foreign bribes in exchange for policy. Ukraine and Rudy's efforts were but one example, but there was big money involved elsewhere as everybody from Jared to Flynn tried to cash in. You might as well disband the army as do what Trump did to the state department for greed and treason, it has a worse effect.

I read that and didn't bother posting it as the author did not have a firm grip on reality.

Tents in holes, no stoves, no training, command flees – this is how Russia 'doesn't abandon its own'

120,798 views Nov 24, 2022
In Russia, in addition to the ongoing mobilisation among the male population, now they are openly talking about the need for a transition to a ‘mobilisation economy’. Such statements are heard amid regular riots of mobilised for war in Ukraine. The reasons for scandals are typical: conditions in which soldiers have to live, the attitude of commanders towards them, recruits being massively killed. The arrests of those who refuse to go to the frontline were added to this. About the realities of the mobilised men – learn in our story.