
Sounds good to me,Xi refocuses his attention to raping weakened Russia's east for assets,the western part can be integrated into Europe proper w/some form of gov. fairer to it's people and friendlier to the west. I could live w/a geo-politic shift like that if WW3 is averted. I do think Xi's and the CCP are so fixated on the Taiwan issue that I can't envision them letting go,they're so invested.
He will get over it and be dead soon enough anyway, a wise man would go east and make a hinterland for China's growth with short internal lines of communication and resources next door. I'm pretty sure Joe greenlighted Xi in this direction and such soft and even clandestine approach in central Asia wouldn't have international problems. China can build infrastructure and appear to be quite good at it and have consumer goods to sell too, they have oil and gas, and it could uplift the lives of tens of millions living in these regions and open them up to the world, Uncle Sam and the EU are coming in from the other side of the Caspian through Georgia and promoting peace and pipelines in the area now that the Russians are preoccupied elsewhere.
Sounds good to me,Xi refocuses his attention to raping weakened Russia's east for assets,the western part can be integrated into Europe proper w/some form of gov. fairer to it's people and friendlier to the west. I could live w/a geo-politic shift like that if WW3 is averted. I do think Xi's and the CCP are so fixated on the Taiwan issue that I can't envision them letting go,they're so invested.
Vlad fucked up bigly and his many enemies are gonna make him pay for his blunder. It is gonna change the map and politics of Europe and Asia moving forward and might even change the map of Russia and add a few new countries to the global mix. It sure as shit made Xi think twice about Tawain and he recently lost so much face over the covid riots he has to wear a mask out of shame!
Not sure I want Russia destroyed totally,I want Russia to overcome their phobia's of foreign invasion,the need for buffer states,autocratic corrupt gov replaced,reparations to Ukraine,War criminals tried in courts of law,hope that doesn't mean Russia is destroyed in the majority of Russian minds or then your right and Russia should be destroyed.
good fucking luck with that...they've proven for the entirety of their existence that they're fucking cut throat liars, murderers, thieves and rapists...
perhaps 1 in 10 slavic russians rises above the rest and becomes recognizable as a human being...the rest, fucking orcs that need to be exterminated, before they destroy more people's lives.
the "ethnic' russians, who are actually not russians at all, but just people who have been subjugated and oppressed by the russians, are a different story.
good fucking luck with that...they've proven for the entirety of their existence that they're fucking cut throat liars, murderers, thieves and rapists...
perhaps 1 in 10 slavic russians rises above the rest and becomes recognizable as a human being...the rest, fucking orcs that need to be exterminated, before they destroy more people's lives.
the "ethnic' russians, who are actually not russians at all, but just people who have been subjugated and oppressed by the russians, are a different story.
That colonial, imperial feeling usually wears off after a generation or two of decolonization and empire dissolution. Much depends on the arising of liberal democracy; it was that which destroyed the British empire eventually. It happened in America at first among themselves, but there was a revolution in England over a hundred years before that chopped off a king's head. As the franchise expanded in the UK and the government reformed and evolved to a more liberal democratic form, empire was becoming unpopular and difficult as lawyers like Gandhi used the rule of increasingly liberal law against the empire. Long before the second world war, Britian was looking to divest itself of the empire with American encouragement. After the second world war and with the cold war American attitudes about the empire changed as it tried to transition colonies and post WW1 league of nations mandates into liberal democracies.
good fucking luck with that...they've proven for the entirety of their existence that they're fucking cut throat liars, murderers, thieves and rapists...
perhaps 1 in 10 slavic russians rises above the rest and becomes recognizable as a human being...the rest, fucking orcs that need to be exterminated, before they destroy more people's lives.
the "ethnic' russians, who are actually not russians at all, but just people who have been subjugated and oppressed by the russians, are a different story.
I think you’re projecting the amorality of the leaders onto an entire tribe.
good fucking luck with that...they've proven for the entirety of their existence that they're fucking cut throat liars, murderers, thieves and rapists...
perhaps 1 in 10 slavic russians rises above the rest and becomes recognizable as a human being...the rest, fucking orcs that need to be exterminated, before they destroy more people's lives.
the "ethnic' russians, who are actually not russians at all, but just people who have been subjugated and oppressed by the russians, are a different story.
It is interesting to note that foundational members of both the Legue of nations and the UN were US presidents, even though the senate never ratified the league treaty. Both saw the pragmatism of an emerging global world order or government of sorts with international law and rules of conduct between nations and between citizens and their governments. The UN fell short because of Stalin and the USSR insisting on vetoes and such with an antiquated "security council", reform of the UN will eventually come, and the security council will go with only democratic countries having a vote, those who meet minimum international standards, no despots allowed, but they can observe and whine. The global trade and economic system will be the enforcement mechanism for international law eventually and the reformed UN will make the call. The internet is knitting everything and everyone together and undeveloped countries can leverage it to have good education systems for cheap. There is a great global leveling going on, our standards of living are dropping, and the poorest people are doing better, these are statistics and aside from the super-rich ripping everybody off.
I think you’re projecting the amorality of the leaders onto an entire tribe.
i've read some history...they've been doing the exact same thing they're doing for the entire time they have existed...the only time they haven't been trying to conquer a weaker neighbor is when they have been beaten into submission...and their answer to rebuilding is to annex new territory and steal everything worth stealing....maybe that is the decisions of their leaders, but they seem pretty fucking ok with those decisions, and have, forever.
the people have to carry out those decisions...do you see much dissent?
i've read some history...they've been doing the exact same thing they're doing for the entire time they have existed...the only time they haven't been trying to conquer a weaker neighbor is when they have been beaten into submission...and their answer to rebuilding is to annex new territory and steal everything worth stealing....maybe that is the decisions of their leaders, but they seem pretty fucking ok with those decisions, and have, forever.
no argument, but the methods used reveal that the low-ranked folk didn’t volunteer, and were herded into action rather brutally.

It’s one reason I don’t join the racist orgy of people who use the term orc.
all it took in America was for the government to tax us without representing us, and we rose up and kicked those fuckers out.
i think they've had sufficient provocation, many times over...
all it took in America was for the government to tax us without representing us, and we rose up and kicked those fuckers out.
i think they've had sufficient provocation, many times over...
Your legislative assemblies did that, and they were filled with English trained lawyers, John Adams defended the red coats who did the Boston massacre before a Jury of Americans/Englishmen. Legislatures were an English tradition as was self-government and after Britian got its fingers burned in America attitudes changed in what became the dominions, they learned from their mistakes and evolved. Also, America was not considered very valuable compared to the sugar islands of the west indies and of course India, and the "second" British empire. They and the Dutch made vast fortunes on sugar and spices and then on textiles as cotton grew in importance, selling things to Europe. They made more money from trade than from industry and the industrial revolution only increased trade.
He will get over it and be dead soon enough anyway, a wise man would go east and make a hinterland for China's growth with short internal lines of communication and resources next door. I'm pretty sure Joe greenlighted Xi in this direction and such soft and even clandestine approach in central Asia wouldn't have international problems. China can build infrastructure and appear to be quite good at it and have consumer goods to sell too, they have oil and gas, and it could uplift the lives of tens of millions living in these regions and open them up to the world, Uncle Sam and the EU are coming in from the other side of the Caspian through Georgia and promoting peace and pipelines in the area now that the Russians are preoccupied elsewhere.
It's a great solution,kudo's to your geopolitical intellect,only reservation I have is that does Russia acquiesce to this "New Geo-Political Order" without opening up the launch code briefcase?
It's a great solution,kudo's to your geopolitical intellect,only reservation I have is that does Russia acquiesce to this "New Geo-Political Order" without opening up the launch code briefcase?
It will happen when there is political turmoil in Moscow, leadership or regime change and involve regional governments breaking away. A lot of geopolitical and diplomatic types have been speculating on this imperial breakup, I posted some videos and twitter threads on it a few pages back on this thread. In America the states started out as imperial administrative boundaries as far as the government was concerned and empires tend to break up along these, administrative, ethnic or national lines.
Hundreds of dead Russians with a big bang and hole in the ground.

See aftermath of explosion at Wagner Group's purported base in Ukraine

1,224,331 views Dec 11, 2022
Retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges reacts to an explosion that rocked the Wagner mercenary group's purported headquarters in the eastern Luhansk region of Ukraine, according to a regional Ukrainian official. CNN has not independently verified whether Wagner operated at the hotel.