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Top Attack 155 BONUS In Ukraine

128,279 views Jan 6, 2023
On 4 January photos of a 155 BONUS submunition were shared by a Russian Telegram channel. In this video we take a look at this interesting top-attack munition and it's capabilities. Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - https://armourersbench.com/2023/01/06...


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UK may supply tanks to Ukraine to fight Russia

101,655 views Jan 9, 2023 #ukraine #russiaukrainewar #britisharmy
The UK is considering supplying Ukraine with British battle tanks for the first time to fight Russia's invading forces, Sky News understands.

The talks have been taking place "for a few weeks" about delivering a number of the British Army's Challenger 2 main battle tank to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Such a move would mark a significant step-up in Western support to Ukraine and could help prompt other NATO allies, in particular Germany, to follow suit.


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Putin's tanks could lose Russia the war says retired General

4,719 views Jan 9, 2023 #timesradio
"Our Warrior IFV fleet is going to be retired. Well, frankly, before we scrap it, let's make a number of these really useful infantry fighting vehicles available to the Ukrainians."

The modern tanks and armoured vehicles NATO countries are considering sending to Ukraine could cripple Putin's ageing tank fleet, Lord Dannatt tells #timesradio


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Putin's last gasp is dividing us, says senator after recent Kyiv trip

Armed Services Committee member Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, joins Morning Joe following a recent trip to Kyiv to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.