
‘Covert Action’ By U.S. To Assist Ukraine Could Be In Play Says Naveed Jamali

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, while slamming NATO for refusing to impose it. The US. could be assisting Ukraine through ‘covert action,’ author and former double agent Naveed Jamali tells The ReidOut.
What's Gone Wrong For Russia? A Former Top NATO General Explains

A retired senior NATO commander says analysts are unsure why exactly Russia's invasion of Ukraine has stalled, but says unexpected "heavy losses" suffered from Ukrainian anti-tank weapons and drones may have played a big role. Petr Pavel was chairman of the NATO Military Committee in 2015-18.
'Russian economy is set for a free fall': White House adviser on sanctions

ABC News’ Trevor Ault speaks with Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economics Daleep Singh about the crippling impact of sanctions from the West on Russia.
‘It was clear I was in the presence of something’: Sean Penn describes meeting Ukraine’s President.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, actor and co-founder of CORE Response, Sean Penn, details what it was like the first time he met President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Vlad is in big trouble and the CIA are drooling at the possibilities now that this has been blown open. It is a classic proxy war and he is on the wrong side of it and Joe is on the winning side. All the bullshit Vlad has been pulling off in the region is coming back to bite him. Once these mercenaries at the tip of his fighting spear are dead he will have to commit his best troops. Only about a third of the forces in the country are combat units, the rest are logistical support, targets for partisans and highly mobile units. Forget tactical air power, stingers took that off the table and tanks are death traps with anti tank missiles.
There was a time where the West thought Russia can act like a responsible State. Since that time Putin and company has basically turned it into a police state. Europe wants the natural gas to replace burning coal in order to combat global warming. They do not have many options. It would be great if North America could ship its natural gas to them, the infrastructure does not exist to make it cost effective to replace Russian gas yet. So Europe is dealing with the devil in order to combat the world going to hell.

I stood up and saluted Canada after their response during the UN assembly when heads of state all stood making their cases for or against giving support to Ukraine. It was clear the Canadians said 100% we support them and pointed out every single violation Russia's has already broken even had the handbook he was pointing to each offense. Nuclear threats are a danger to all North America if detonated however after Russia's invasion to Ukraine flopped and their military hasn't looked any stronger than when they left Afghanistan. Their arsonal is aging and probley not very maintenanced. Elmer Fudd could roll in with the infantry and penetrate at the moment. How did the airspace not become dominated unless Russia hasn't recovered as much as they say? North Korea and China have to be excited about the position Putin has fallen in. Sure we'll loan you some money, let's talk intrest and inflation.
Vlad is only motivating the Ukrainians more, they have help and hope now and will remember this when toppling the dictatorship in Belarus one day. They might start sending their 18 to 25 year old's to western Ukraine for training and reequipping into combat troops, while the older guys and partisans back home make it Hell for the Russian logistics with new weapons from the west. Soon there will be Ukrainian C130s flying at tree top level over friendly territory delivering weapons to Ukrainians in the east and central parts of the country, if there aren't already.
Ukraine Invasion: Bombing in Chernahiv escalates
Looks like the world is just going to watch as long as the fighting stays inside Ukrainian borders, the mad midget will commit genocide and bomb them into the stone age while everyone just watches, the human race as a whole are savages.
Air Ukraine has been or is being formed now by the CIA and western intelligence agencies, Ukrainian airline pilots and others are being recruited. Old C130, Caribous and other former military transports are being bought and assembled in western Europe for operations in Ukraine, many will be based in western Ukraine. They will fly at tree top level delivering arms and supplies to eastern and central Ukraine, landing on highways at night. They will be flying over friendly territory protected by stingers on the ground and drones in the air. They can insert significant forces and supplies into critical areas and can take out wounded and others. Kyiv is still not surrounded and they can land on highways close by and truck supplies into the city. They will be met by friendly forces and the whole thing is coordinated and networked via secure starlink internet connections.

Unless the Russians make significant advances soon and stabilize their lines, they are very vulnerable, only a third of the forces are combat troops and they are at the front, the rest is logistic support, soft targets for irregular forces armed from the west.
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