These guys are so dumb they don't even need to bury the mines, however getting out to clear them would result in getting sniped. Maybe he was texting and driving... Apparently, they were Russian mines too!
that has a lot of potential for fuckery....get pissed at your neighbor, find of couple of other people that don't care for them either, you all hold a picture of a russian rocket in front of your phones, and they triangulate on your neighbor....
They are certainly getting a variety of systems, but when crews are trained on them, they will be using them for the duration. The large variety of equipment can lead to logistical and maintenance issues though, but some can be returned for repair and maintenance and repair depots in Poland would be logical for some of it.
I always wanted to get one of these......Man , that looks like a sweet piece of firepower.
Perfect for guarding weed crops from rippers LOL.
I always wanted to get one of these......
You know that's a joke, right?
yesYou know that's a joke, right?
Years ago I worked as an A/V tech for a military tactical wheeled vehicle conference. One thing that I didn't realize before then was how awful the emissions on those Humvees are. They emit around 50x more exhaust vs the EPA standards, because of course military vehicles are exempt from that sort of thing.