
the Chechens & Wagner groups will send them out in a line to clear mine fields
Those guys might end up as targets themselves when things breakdown, a lot of them won't wanna go into captivity, they know what they did. A lot of these guys are older served before and have been around the block, they've also no doubt heard what they are up against. Usually, the Ukrainians breakthrough and cut them off and their intelligence probably targets C&C or anybody else disagreeing about giving up. I understand both the Chechens & Wagner have been singled out by the Ukrainians for special artillery treatment whenever they are found. Right now, they are defying orders and continuing to attack on a fortified town that is chewing them, and any conscripts being sent there. Those assholes and rear "guards" have to be pretty far back these days with drone's, mortars and artillery hunting them. I'd be shelling the shit out of the secondary defense lines, that's where they would be.
Yet another reason why the Russians are fucked, counterbattery radars and they are all NATO standard information systems and can work with a variety of other systems including American. I wonder how many Russian guns, tanks and crews they helped to destroy so far? It all adds up and eventually becomes more than the sum total. They can not only out range the Russians, but they can also get the drop on them with an accurate and deadly artillery quick draw and move before there's a response. Lots of Russian guns wiped out and few Ukrainian ones, accuracy means less barrel wear and less ammo expended too.

Three-dimensional Camo on the equipment, stuck on leaves and paint or plastic?

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Wow … Hawk was old in 1980.

But then so was the B-52.
Better than what the Russians have against it, that's 80's too, perhaps they have been upgraded, a lot of stuff has new electronics and seeker heads can turn old dumb bombs and rockets into precision weapons, just screw them on where the detonator goes, or a new smart guided warhead screwed on an old rocket.
Better than what the Russians have against it, that's 80's too, perhaps they have been upgraded, a lot of stuff has new electronics and seeker heads can turn old dumb bombs and rockets into precision weapons, just screw them on where the detonator goes, or a new smart guided warhead screwed on an old rocket.
Hawk was deployed in ‘59.
Solid rocket boosters haven't changed much since then, a spinkle of aluminum made all the difference. It's what guides it that is often upgraded, and I can't imagine this weapons system not going through several iterations and upgrades, they tend to be modular.
True, but by Western standards it is big and slow. Unless the Russians risk their Blackjacks, which I doubt, this’ll do.
Hawk was deployed in ‘59.
They are getting a lot of old inventory things that have been replaced or are about to, including Bradely fighting vehicles and an assortment of other things mixed in with more modern systems. Uncle Sam is about to unload 12,000 heavy military trucks that are gonna be replaced and I have no doubt many of them will end up in Ukraine. So, Hawk missiles and anything else laying around in reseve including old east German manpads earlier in the war and of course a million or more AKs from the Soviets.
True, but by Western standards it is big and slow. Unless the Russians risk their Blackjacks, which I doubt, this’ll do.
It adds to the pile and should deter manned aircraft in general, dunno much about it but it looks medium altitude. It's from Spain, so I imagine it was reseve stuff. I don't think the Ukrainians will turn their noses up at it and will add it to the pile and deploy it where it is best suited.
Probably fast enough to get close to the Iranian drones.
With a top speed of 185 kph, easy meat I reckon for a Mach 2.5 missile. I’m guessing the Hawk would be better used on an armored helo.

I think I read something about a truck-mounted multiple launcher for Stinger going to Ukraine. That (or radar-guided 20mm, all small mobile weapons) seems like a good fit to the threat.

Hear expert's theory about what caused key bridge explosion in Russian war

378,462 views Oct 13, 2022 CNN's Oren Liebermann reports on the explosion that damaged the Kerch bridge that links Russia's mainland with annexed Crimea.
Sounds like russian dissidents to me...Ukraine officially doesn't have any munitions that will reach that bridge. What they have unofficially, who can say? But I still tend to think this was russians doing something in protest.
Sounds like russian dissidents to me...Ukraine officially doesn't have any munitions that will reach that bridge. What they have unofficially, who can say? But I still tend to think this was russians doing something in protest.
I'm pretty sure it will come out in the wash one day in the not-too-distant future, I don't think this one will remain a mystery for too long.
Many places in Ukraine can restart rebuilding and a little Russian money could go a long way, so could building supplies from the EU. These kinds of organizations can be funded and supervised by the EU and others. In most cases all people need is to be organized and they can do a lot on their own with a bit of outside help and some materials and tools, just like after a hurricane. There are still a lot of unemployed Ukrainians, and it is a way of boosting their economy and GDP. They don't need to wait until the Russians are completely gone to begin much of the reconstruction.
