
Mobilized Russian soldiers dying in droves after going to war with no training ….

Here we have a “ blessing “ of Calmag on to the conscripts ready to lay down for sunflower fertilizer.


Next we have a shot of conditions in a Sardine barracks…. * guy ponders life choices

With all the shit we are pouring in and the stuff the Russians are donating, the balance of power on the battlefield will shift significantly. Why shell the front-line trenches, when the secondary and others are better, kill those with training and experience, the conscripts will run or surrender.

Depending on the weather, we could see big changes on the battlefield this winter, the Ukrainians are equipped, and the Russians are not. It might not be as static as people think, the Ukrainians are getting a lot of artillery and the Russian to Ukrainian causality ratio is reported as over 6:1 already. The last of the trained troops are gone, it's just the poor bastards with no training left in whole sections of the line.
Then go find them and ask them…I don’t think there are any of those here
The category had me daydreaming earlier today. What about progressive liberals who are not democrats? Call them one one zero.
Or liberals who are neither progressive nor democrat (zero one zero).
So the basal clade are the 111, those wascally wabbits of cryptosocialism, and the not-any of the three, 000, appear to be user’s tribe: regressive illiberal authoritarians, the far right perhaps by divine right, even.

But the permutations fascinate.
and of course 000 or “all balls”.

I wonder at the political milieu and the differential diagnosis of each permutant.
i know when they remove someone, they remove the posts that replied to them directly as well....but it's causing me some mental continuity problems...i sometimes wonder if my memory is getting worse than it actually is when i try to reference a post i made yesterday and it's no longer there...
who was it this time? My memory is such these days that I might not even notice the lacuna.
This guy predicted the current offensives and gains months ago, he is in a position to know things and isn't being specific here either, but what he is saying makes more sense than when he was predicting today's events in a similar fashion a while back. This is not just talking, everything he says is designed to have an effect, truth, lies and baiting the Russians.

This guy predicted the current offensives and gains months ago, he is in a position to know things and isn't being specific here either, but what he is saying makes more sense than when he was predicting today's events in a similar fashion a while back. This is not just talking, everything he says is designed to have an effect, truth, lies and baiting the Russians.

i can see that, expecially with winter coming.......
By the end of the year, I can see Kherson liberated and the Russian forces in the south of Ukraine divided from the east with the liberation of Mariupol or Metriupol. Further damage to the Kerch rail bridge then could see the Russians forced to withdraw from Ukraine's southwest and even Crimea. Further gains in the Donbas seem likely too with perhaps the liberation of Luhansk Oblast and perhaps even Donetsk.

The Russian army seems ripe for collapse nearly everywhere with winter starting and their ranks now are mostly conscripts, worse, people dragged off city streets and thrown into combat a couple of days later with NO training at all, cannon fodder. I figure the Ukrainians would target the experienced soldiers in the second and third lines of their defenses, that would be much more profitable than killing low morale untrained conscripts who can be captured. The more pressure the Ukrainians put on their C&C, logistics and experienced soldiers the faster the collapse.

There are multiple reasons to preferentially target war criminals, they have combat experience, they know what they did and would be reluctant to face justice, and thus surrender they would impede the surrender of others in their units. Prisoners have more value than the dead, the dead can't speak out and can't often be traded for living people. There have been lots of prisoner exchanges, since the more time the Russians spend in captivity, the more "infected" they may become, from Vlad's perspective. Prisoners, unlike the dead, can't be easily covered up, the dead can't call home to relatives either, or demand back pay etc. 100,000 prisoners are harder for Vlad to deal with than 100,000 dead who can be buried and forgotten, every one of them has a story of lies, abuse, corruption and injustice.
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It becomes a problem when a fucking short shit Dictator does a land grab and it's not their land, bot.

Weak Men are short; tall Men, leaders.

Studies show that leaders are more likely to be taller than average. Previous research revealed the perceptions of leadership qualities, such as persuasiveness, that are more easily assigned to taller men, which may explain their success.

New research from the Stockholm School of Economics points to new reasons for the correlation. One revealing result: half of the tall leaders owe their managerial positions to their cognitive (intelligence) and non-cognitive (e.g. motivation or persistence) ability, indicating that a correlation between height and ability may explain the preponderance of tall leaders.

https://ideasforleaders.com/Ideas/potential-leaders-height-helps-but-so-does-being-smart/#:~:text=Studies show that leaders are,which may explain their success.

Putin walking through Wizard of Oz doors- The West laughs it's ass off every time.
It becomes a problem when a fucking short shit Dictator does a land grab and it's not their land, bot.

Weak Men are short; tall Men, leaders.

Studies show that leaders are more likely to be taller than average. Previous research revealed the perceptions of leadership qualities, such as persuasiveness, that are more easily assigned to taller men, which may explain their success.

New research from the Stockholm School of Economics points to new reasons for the correlation. One revealing result: half of the tall leaders owe their managerial positions to their cognitive (intelligence) and non-cognitive (e.g. motivation or persistence) ability, indicating that a correlation between height and ability may explain the preponderance of tall leaders.

https://ideasforleaders.com/Ideas/potential-leaders-height-helps-but-so-does-being-smart/#:~:text=Studies show that leaders are,which may explain their success.

Putin walking through Wizard of Oz doors- The West laughs it's ass off every time.
Zelenskiy is a short guy, the point is if they have a chip on their shoulders about it or a small dick. It's not so much stature as what is in their minds and hearts, many women are short too, but don't have an issue about it.