
Why should he care? Their votes don't count, even if they are a majority, so of course he can speak and act like an utter asshole. Is his kid going? Any close relatives going to Ukraine? Didn't think so.

Sounds like a late desperate move, too little too late, round them up put a weapon in their hands and a handful of ammo, no training, onto the train and buy your own gear. If they grab you getting out of the shower you could be cold, and if you're walking the dog, he'd better know the way home and have someone there to let him in. Millions of magats wish America could be more like Russia, not "woke".

They are too late and low on manpower in Ukraine after wasting it wholesale all winter long, now the blow is about to be struck, their troops are dead, equipment destroyed, and ammo wasted leveling Ukrainian cities for shits and giggles. Soon the reckoning will be upon them, and it will be merciless and relentless, the Russians are not ready for it in Ukraine or Moscow, though they fear it and know it is coming.

I have recently learned that for all our pics of halftracks and air transport, Hitler’s army still relied heavily on the horse. That cost them badly in the unreal distances of the Eastern theater. Winter was not good to the horses.
it did. It was a defence horse and cart army. Its also one of the reasons their supply line problem was so acute. Fuel and ammo for tanks is heavy and bulky. That was one of the reasons the French farms magically stopped producing food. The Germans took all the French farmers tractors.
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Doubt it will be over. Now answer my question, why do you think the Russians will elect a pro-Russian government?
Seems everyone believes it will not be over this year.
I think its imperative that the Russians start electing a pro Russian government but as we know Russian elections are not fair elections.
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Korea comes to mind when we talk about a stalemate,
There's lots of them. Ireland, Spain, Baltic states, Falklands, Aland islands, Scotland. The whole of Europe seems to be in a stalemate until the next time it starts up again. Then there are the Japanese/ Russian Kuril islands that have been mentioned in this thread a few times. Taiwan.

Hong kong was one long stalemate that finally ended.
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Where is Vlad gonna get the warm bodies for 70km of new trenches? The drones will be dropping grenades and bombs along the entire length, wherever they find a group of Russians, aside from the artillery that will be hitting them under drone control.

I think the Ukrainians are gonna do what they did before, go for their railheads and starve everything down stream, except what the killed to get there, either that or a rail bridge leading to their railheads to cut off the supply of ammo, supplies and new troops. Cutting the Russians in half in Zaporizhzhya is only part of the plan and it might not start there.

Blow a hole in a section of covered trench and the suicide drones will fly down the length of it from the inside while swarming it like hornets.

Russian military digs mega-trench over 70 kilometers long in Zaporizhzhya Oblast
I read that Ukraine is preparing for it's counter offensive with plans to attack in multiple directions and won't make the final decision on which to use until the last minute. Everything is being compiled and staged for rapid movement in one or more directions and they will make final attack plans in the last hrs.....Slava Ukraini
Breathing exercises to kick in the parasympathetic nervous system and get us out of fight or flight mode. What do you do naturally when you escape danger? Whewwww! Short breath in released at a ratio of 3 or 4 to 1, breathe in and let it out slow like through a straw. Just attending to the physical sensation of your breathing will relax and reset you. The US marines teach box breathing for stress management.

Yep, Donald I agree, which is why America needs a domestic terrorist watch list and to defeat the republican party, the number one domestic enemy. Not to worry you will soon be in a cage and the world will forget you, or try to, you will be muzzled and powerless, a loser being told what to do and when to STFU.

America's biggest loser, from the Whitehouse to the big house, all his fans will be losers too, but it will take until 24 to be sure. If they stick him in a DC jail, Kevin and MTG can visit him, so there's that. Having someone suck his arse regularly will help him to cope, until the election and they will stop visiting him. Not many in his family will visit, most might have their own cages, including his wife! Sooner or later, he will appear at his trials on TV from his cage, they won't bother to drag him into court and the press might not pay too much attention to yet another criminal conviction. If he does show up in court manacled and in orange, he will be good to get yet another tabloid photo op and his hair will be a mess!

I read that Ukraine is preparing for it's counter offensive with plans to attack in multiple directions and won't make the final decision on which to use until the last minute. Everything is being compiled and staged for rapid movement in one or more directions and they will make final attack plans in the last hrs.....Slava Ukraini
They are going to have to keep the US out of the loop in their decision, given the security leak..
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They are going to have to keep the US out of the loop in their decision, given how compromised our intelligence service has become.
From reports it appears a leftover magat in the Pentagon and whoever it is, should be nervous. They took paper documents and appeared to have stuffed them in their pocket. I hope they didn't have computer passwords and clearances. Why not take pictures with their cellphone in the bathroom?

Trump took the physical documents and never took images, after all "they paid 18 million to Nixon for what he had" and having a cellphone full of illegal images is not quite the samething! So Donald wanted to extort the government to get the docs back, that was the motivation, if he wanted to sell it to the saudi's he would have taken pictures and sold them off one at a time, perhaps he did and planned on double dipping.
From reports it appears a leftover magat in the Pentagon and whoever it is, should be nervous. They took paper documents and appeared to have stuffed them in their pocket. I hope they didn't have computer passwords and clearances. Why not take pictures with their cellphone in the bathroom?

Trump took the physical documents and never took images, after all "they paid 18 million to Nixon for what he had" and having a cellphone full of illegal images is not quite the samething! So Donald wanted to extort the government to get the docs back, that was the motivation, if he wanted to sell it to the saudi's he would have taken pictures and sold them off one at a time, perhaps he did and planned on double dipping.
On CNN this morning the guy they were interviewing said the perp took screen shots too. Yeah, copies of documents and screen shots. So, not a very sophisticated job but enough to make US involvement with Ukraine's planning difficult. He too mentioned they considered this being motivated for political reasons but they aren't just considering that.

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