
The Russians have to go through NATO countries to get to Sweden and they take a dim view of Russia invading a sovereign country. Ukraine has not just become a good bet, but a way of eliminating Russian military and economic power, once Ukraine is done with the fuckers, they won't be much of a conventional threat to western Europe for a very long time.

A Swedish trained and armed brigade will hurt the Russians badly when the offensive fight begins. Uncle Sam is by no means alone in this fight and has plenty of good company to share the burden!

It kind of looks like f16s for Ukraine, but it might take a while to get them up and running there and I don't see them having much impact this summer and fall. They seem to prefer the f16 single engine and easier maintenance I would guess and as f35s roll out on the front-line NATO countries, their f16s will be surplus. I think this will be a post war airforce for the most part, because I can see a Russian military collapse in Ukraine this summer.

The Ukrainians are using the place to pin Russian forces there and they are drawing in Russians from other areas to reenforce it. Ukraine is just using territorials, the same older troops it used to defend it for months, they are not the main striking force the Ukrainians have been preparing, those younger mostly regular army troops are training and moving around in the rear while waiting for orders. If they act on Bakhmut, it will be to surround it and isolate the Russian inside it, not to take them on in costly urban warfare. I don't expect much city fighting from the Ukrainians, but a lot of open ground maneuvers to cut off any Russians in the towns and cities. Once cut off, they won't last long in a hostile country and local resistance fighters and territorials will keep them pinned in those towns while the Army moves on to capture ground. I still think the idea is a blitzkrieg with pincers to isolate large numbers of Russians, kill their C&C and force their surrender en mass.

If they can cut the Russians in the south in half, break the land bridge and also establish a bridgehead on the south side of the Dnipro, they can put the entrance to Crimea under HIMARS fire control at least. All the Russians west of their breakthrough in the south will be fucked and the Ukrainians won't want to let them get back into Crimea and could have the entrances and bridges under fire control to prevent it and resupply. The whole south of Ukraine under Russian control could be forced to surrender while the Kerch bridge is taken out too. There appear to be few troops left in Crimea as they have all been transferred to the mainland fight.
Zelenskiy does get around on his way to Japan, perhaps Bejing is next on his agenda? That would be a real kick in the nuts to Vlad but is very unlikely given his itinerary. Being on an international diplomatic offense while Ukraine starts a military one could be useful, his military work is almost done, and that work was getting the maximum amount of support for his country and troops. His generals will need to match his excellent work in getting aid and making allies by putting it all to the most efficient use.
