
I've noticed that Elon does not like to display certain tweets on other platforms for some reason. The above tweet does not appear to unpack and there is nothing particularly bad about it, except it makes Russia look bad. On the other hand, he doesn't have many people working there any more, so fuckups are more common.
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One reason why the ratio of wounded to dead is much higher for the Ukrainians than the Russians, they are left to die on the battlefield and if they get taken to the rear the medical help is not nearly as good as that the Ukrainians have. By sending their wounded to allies they can put more doctors and nurses near the front where medical care in the first hour counts the most in survival rates.

Invoking genocide is not just a word, it has international legal implications and an obligation to act.

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It looks like a ruse and distraction, but perhaps it could be more and the further they go into Russia, the more troops it will draw away from other places in Ukraine. If they were stupid enough to keep nukes near the border, then they will have to send a lot of troops to the area in a hurry to defend them. It appears to be a "shaping" operation one designed to move Russian troops and reserves around and pinned down there while they attack somewhere else. Vlad has over 90% of his army in Ukraine and will need to pull some out because the further the Ukrainians/Russian dissidents move into Russian territory the greater the threat to Vlad's regime. This comes after the G7 meeting and appears to be with their approval or gives that impression.


Russia adds Trump's political enemies to sanctions list

44,466 views May 22, 2023 #Russia #Trump #Putin
Russia has banned hundreds of U.S. citizens, including former President Obama, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow and Republican Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from entering its territory. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Another magnet for Vlad's many enemies, these ones are internal, the next ones will be Belarusian's because the current incursion is very close to their border.

“Why can’t Russia just give up Belgorod, Kursk, and Bryansk, for peace?”, a quote trending on twitter for the moment.

It looks like the war is heating up and the thing about those Russians with a foothold in Belgorod, is they could attract a lot of other Russians to their cause including POW volunteers in Ukraine. If they do well, it might be a magnet for opposition to Putin, and with a Russian military collapse in Ukraine whole units could join in.
