
I call BS.
Partisan activity in coordination with the Ukrainian army I figure, Melitopol has been a hotbed of partisan activity and is often shaded on war maps to indicate the unstable situation there for most of the war. Maybe a bit like the liberation of Paris, the roadblocks are up, the ambushes are taking place and special forces are operating.
Russia can't deliver, they are under sanctions, their economy is crippled, most of their best and brightest have fled the country and lots of manpower is being chewed up by the army. Iran doesn't need oil and the Russians can barely produce arms for themselves and none with advanced western components.

I can guarantee one thing in this Russia/Iranian bromance, in exchange for Iranian support in this war their nuclear program will advance in giant leaps,they already have amassed a large amt. of near weapons grade uranium thanks to Mr. Orange,the pandemic and this war have pushed this disturbing fact under the radar and Iran is rapidly approaching the ability to break out,wonder what plans Bibi and the Mossad have in store?,
I now damn well they aren't sleeping on this. The Iranian's in a quid pro quo are going to reap much technical nuclear info. and warhead designs,you think they are helping Putin out of the goodness of their hearts?
Russia can't deliver, they are under sanctions, their economy is crippled, most of their best and brightest have fled the country and lots of manpower is being chewed up by the army. Iran doesn't need oil and the Russians can barely produce arms for themselves and none with advanced western components.

Let them get the equipment, think Israel is going to fucking sit still for that? They'll destroy that shit before the iranians figure out how to operate it.
Let them get the equipment, think Israel is going to fucking sit still for that? They'll destroy that shit before the iranians figure out how to operate it.
Israel is more concerned w/nuclear issues,not much is being said of the Russia/Iran bromance,a couple of Russian scientists covertly aiding Iran in warhead design combined w/Iran's newly acquired cache of weapons grade material thanks to the former FK head in chief has me expecting the shocking news of a Iranian nuke test in less than 3 yrs.,THIS is where Israeli concerns are focused now as Russian collaberation/assistance in Iran's nuclear endeavors is a nightmare scenario tht seems to be flying under the radar as far as media is concerned,all the Mr. Orange drama is just what the Ayatolla's want,Putin will relish aiding the Iranian bomb pursuit now and the gloves are definately off.
Israel is more concerned w/nuclear issues,not much is being said of the Russia/Iran bromance,a couple of Russian scientists covertly aiding Iran in warhead design combined w/Iran's newly acquired cache of weapons grade material thanks to the former FK head in chief has me expecting the shocking news of a Iranian nuke test in less than 3 yrs.,THIS is where Israeli concerns are focused now as Russian collaberation/assistance in Iran's nuclear endeavors is a nightmare scenario tht seems to be flying under the radar as far as media is concerned,all the Mr. Orange drama is just what the Ayatolla's want,Putin will relish aiding the Iranian bomb pursuit now and the gloves are definately off.

what do you think iran will be doing with that new gear? NOT fucking with Israel?
I would be highly surprised if Israel just let iran get their hands on anything that would be a real threat to Israel, at least not for longer than it takes to form a strike team.
Perhaps the rest of the world will get lucky and it will escalate into a conflict that will not only FOREVER cripple iran as a nuclear power, but also render them ineffective in the terrorist campaign they've been running since at least the 1980s.
The Russians have had most of a year to build and reinforce defenses in depth. That is gonna require considerable chewing by Ukrainian forces to penetrate.

They have had considerable time, but i don't think they had much in the way of heavy equipment. They hand dug trenches, they cut trees to use as reinforcements...I'm sure it will be a pain in the ass for Ukraine, and slow them down, but i don't think there is much in the way of hardened positions in place. The russians have had time to zero in their artillery, but so have the Ukrainians. I would expect a significant number of the russian artillery units to be on a list for himar strikes before Ukraine moves into those areas.
They have had considerable time, but i don't think they had much in the way of heavy equipment. They hand dug trenches, they cut trees to use as reinforcements...I'm sure it will be a pain in the ass for Ukraine, and slow them down, but i don't think there is much in the way of hardened positions in place. The russians have had time to zero in their artillery, but so have the Ukrainians. I would expect a significant number of the russian artillery units to be on a list for himar strikes before Ukraine moves into those areas.
M777 and other long range mobile 155mm artillery can outrange the Russian 152mm by several kilometers and are very accurate at extreme ranges. They have good counter battery radars and drones to correct fire, every time a Russian gun fires, they are on it like stink on shit. They also cut off the Russian logistics, no ammo, no food, no fuel. Those trenches that are manned are manned by poorly equipped and untrained mobiks who can't maneuver, and the defenses are probably thinly manned anyway with most of them unoccupied. Drones can scout the trenches and reduce them before the Ukrainians storm them, they have thousands of drones, and we will see them used for this, suicide and dropping grenades and bombs.
Now that would cause a revolution in Russia! These people look extremely desperate, obviously know the state of the Russian army and what is about to come in Ukraine. They will be the ones left holding the bag, trying to defend the indefensible and explain away a humiliating defeat and being fucked economically. Good luck with that and good luck holding onto their jobs perhaps and maybe even their money stashed in the west.

Russian colonel announced the peak of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station (HPP) was the peak of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This was stated by a military expert, reserve colonel Andrey Koshkin.

“I think that the blowing up of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was the peak (of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - URA.RU.prim). The fact is that the offensive stalled, there were no successes and breakthroughs, but something must be presented to the layman abroad, ”Koshkin said in an interview with Lenta.ru. He noted that the attack on the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was in the tasks of the offensive.

Koshkin said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine still have a resource for the offensive. “There is this potential, but it will not be realized successfully,” he stressed.

Earlier on June 6, it became known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had blown up the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station . Because of the attack on the hydroelectric power station, a criminal case was opened under the article "Terrorist act", the Investigative Committee of Russia (IC RF) reported. Russian President Vladimir Putin called Ukraine's actions a barbaric act. Acting head of the Kherson region Volodymyr Saldo stated that almost seven thousand people were evacuated from the flooded areas of the region, the 360 channel reports .

Governor Gladkov: 15 freight cars derailed in the Belgorod region
Fifteen freight cars derailed in the Belgorod region, no one was injured. This was announced by the Governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov.

“Near the railway station, 15 freight wagons derailed. According to preliminary data, no victims", - wrote Gladkov in his telegram channel. According to him, an empty train followed to the station of one of the enterprises.

In early May, a locomotive derailed in the Bryansk region due to the explosion of an unidentified device. Russian Railways reported that the derailment of the locomotive occurred due to illegal interference. The next day, train traffic was fully restored there. Later, the governor of the Bryansk region, Alexander Bogomaz, said that the train derailed due to the operation of an explosive device.

The State Duma announced the participation in the special operation of citizens from the CSTO countries on the side of Ukraine
Citizens of countries belonging to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) are involved in a special military operation on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This URA.RU said the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots Konstantin Zatulin.

“I don’t think that we are now struggling with the task of how we could attract the military personnel of Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan to our side during military operations. It would be good for us if people from these countries did not fight on the wrong side. But this, unfortunately, is happening. Of course, not at the will of the leadership of these countries. But the citizens of Kazakhstan and not only, as you know, take part in hostilities against us,” said Konstantin Zatulin.

The parliamentarian explains this phenomenon by the anti-Russian sentiments of the elites of the CSTO countries. “First of all, for the reason that some of the national elites are anti-Russian, including in the states that are members of the CSTO. The more we drag out the operation, put off our victories for the future, the more they come into taste. We need to look after this, ”Zatulin concluded.

Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, at a meeting with the secretaries of the security councils of the CSTO member states, said that it was necessary to stop the conflict in Ukraine , and not to search for its causes. At the same time, CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov noted that Western countries are gradually building up military groups near the borders of Russia and Belarus.
The Russians have had most of a year to build and reinforce defenses in depth. That is gonna require considerable chewing by Ukrainian forces to penetrate.

Sadam's guys did the same with their defences... had big trenches filled with soldiers.... The US soldiers sent tanks with land moving equipment on the front and simply buried them in their trenches...