
Ukraine has a lot of shit it has been pouring in daily for months now and it is much better and more numerous compared to what they were fighting with before. I'd say when they move on Russia's they will crush them, they are a NATO army now except for the conventional airpower, but drones seem to be filling in that role nicely with some bonuses to boot. They changed the plan a bit and are chewing at the Russian defenses until they break through. I remember when giving them a dozen or so M777s were a big deal, now I suspect they have a lot more 155mm artillery of various kinds including a lot more M777s. Cluster munitions should help a lot, the Russians are still attacking, and cluster munitions are very good for stopping those and they are also good for breaking through lines and troop concentrations behind the lines spotted by drones.

Great PR, what a way to win hearts and minds! Poland and the Poles are impressed I'm sure, so are the Baltic states. Russia is on the ropes and edge of political and military collapse or revolution. I figure a breakthrough by the Ukrainians and a military collapse at the front should lead to a political change or a lot of trouble as Vlad tries to save his neck. He is almost as good as Stalin for purging the Russian officer corps, those the Ukrainian don't kill he puts in prison or tosses out a window. Russia is in deep trouble, and everybody knows it, keep the pressure on and they will crack militarily and then politically back home. Once the Ukrainians breakthrough and start rolling up their rear areas sowing panic and confusion, who knows where it might lead and how far they might go, since they are prepared to go a long way and have the territorial and reservist troops to secure their gains. The worse it is for the Russians on the battlefield, the worse it will be for Vlad and he will be fighting for his own life soon enough I figure.
Great PR, what a way to win hearts and minds! Poland and the Poles are impressed I'm sure, so are the Baltic states. Russia is on the ropes and edge of political and military collapse or revolution. I figure a breakthrough by the Ukrainians and a military collapse at the front should lead to a political change or a lot of trouble as Vlad tries to save his neck. He is almost as good as Stalin for purging the Russian officer corps, those the Ukrainian don't kill he puts in prison or tosses out a window. Russia is in deep trouble, and everybody knows it, keep the pressure on and they will crack militarily and then politically back home. Once the Ukrainians breakthrough and start rolling up their rear areas sowing panic and confusion, who knows where it might lead and how far they might go, since they are prepared to go a long way and have the territorial and reservist troops to secure their gains. The worse it is for the Russians on the battlefield, the worse it will be for Vlad and he will be fighting for his own life soon enough I figure.
I cannot imagine anyone in the west taking that noise at face value, since any such action would have swift and obvious consequences.

Its only value perhaps is as an indicator of Russia’s institutional desperation. The rest of the Northern Hemisphere is in the broiler, but it’s chilly in Moscow.

He seems upset at something. "They chose this path", "They won't see the tears of OUR mothers, let their mothers wail." "It won't happen any other way",

Once again, we hear the domestic abuser's grievance. "You made me beat you". Hasn't Trump said the same sort of thing?

From the way he's talking, Russia has been holding back. What Pyrrhus said after battle with Rome in the cemtral plains of what is now the Italian peninsula. "One more victory like that and we are undone".
IMO the weaker Russia is the more it will benefit China, and this is a way to do it while making money and maintaining trade with the west. It takes more than uniforms, helmets and body armor to make an army, it takes arms, equipment, munitions, training and leadership.

Are they paying China in rubles?

Russian inflation is raging at 60%, not the reported 3.6%, thanks to the ruble's 'freefall', top economist Steve Hanke says

  • Russian inflation is soaring at extreme levels thanks to a steep slide in the ruble's exchange rate, according to Steve Hanke.
  • The economist estimated Russia's current annual inflation at 60%, almost 17 times the level reported by the central bank.
  • "The ruble's FREE-FALL is fueling RAGING INFLATION in Russia," the Johns Hopkins professor said.