Well-Known Member
It's hard to take care of the environment if you bankrupt the nation.
Not saying environmentalism is cause of that. If you look at the congressional budget office's forecast for our national debt (not deficit)it is easy to see we are in trouble.
I think reducing our debt should be issue #1.
That being said, I dont see why we couldn't have the government invest in our updating our energy grid to be more efficient. Replacing old lines for more efficient ones and placing devices that eliminate energy loss would be a large nationwide project that would provide jobs and income for years.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that electricity transmission and distribution losses average about 6% of the electricity that is transmitted and distributed annually in the United States.1
We need to install fuel cells in consumer's homes and places of business. Electric and heat cogeneration at the point of consumption would do for power generation and transmission what LED is doing for the indoor agricultural industry.
Guess who's against the idea.