Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

In 1976 I realized pot was interfering with my life. I stopped. I missed it at first and then I got so involved with my life I forgot about it. Stop the pot some people can not handle it. It's your life and you know you need to stop. You said so much yourself. So just stop. After you have your life constructed pot will still be there for you. But at 18 and on the threshold of your life put the pot down and go make your own life. If you do this in a very short amount of time pot will be the furthest thing from your mind.

Some people can not balance things well. I was one. I'm doing better now but I'm also retired. I wish you well and really hope you'll put down the cannabis, for yourself.
(humor mode off)
I consider this post to be dead on target. UKPro, you would do very well to step away from weed for a while. cn

(humor mode reengaged)
stay away from synthetic drugs, read some studies on the side effects and you probably wont need me to tell you that. MJ is a wonder drug, imo theres no addiction, just a strong love for it. it helps people in different ways. sound like youve been smoking some indicas though, they'll put you to bed real quick. grow some hazes if you want the real uppity high, asking for haze from a dealer is barking up the wrong tree, they'll give you anything, weed is just weed to them. the thing is, theres many highs weed can give you. try making tincture or edibles instead, see how they effect you and stick to something that you can stay focused on, not sleep and function. try a vaporizer, the range of temps can help you isolate the cannabinoids you want to ingest. try it out, trying to replace MJ with another drug is like down grading, there all sorts of health risks in taking those. mixing them with anything else, especially alcohol, can sometimes even be fatal. nobody has ever died from weed, guarantee someone(plenty of people) have died from prozac overdose.
(humor mode off)
I consider this post to be dead on target. UKPro, you would do very well to step away from weed for a while. cn

(humor mode reengaged)

hahaha cannabineer your always in humor mode. sometimes intelligence mode kicks in but somewhere towards the end of that, humor mode will come back :lol:
Actualllly....come to think of it, have you had your thyroid checked UKpro?

I haven't. I've had blood tests and stuff but they all came out pretty normal.. I do get this thing though where my neck feels all tingly and I have to place my hand over my neck and push down as if I were strangling myself to make it reside.. If I let go it does it again, this happens 24/7 - Any ideas about that?
Look, depression is not just people being lazy. There is a chemical imbalance in their brains that causes them to be depressed. A side effect of depression is binge eating and eating to feel better about themselves. It's not just that they are lazy and use it as an excuse. Depression affects millions of people in the world, it's not because they are lazy.
I haven't. I've had blood tests and stuff but they all came out pretty normal.. I do get this thing though where my neck feels all tingly and I have to place my hand over my neck and push down as if I were strangling myself to make it reside.. If I let go it does it again, this happens 24/7 - Any ideas about that?

get that checked out for sure.
stay away from synthetic drugs, read some studies on the side effects and you probably wont need me to tell you that. MJ is a wonder drug, imo theres no addiction, just a strong love for it. it helps people in different ways. sound like youve been smoking some indicas though, they'll put you to bed real quick. grow some hazes if you want the real uppity high, asking for haze from a dealer is barking up the wrong tree, they'll give you anything, weed is just weed to them. the thing is, theres many highs weed can give you. try making tincture or edibles instead, see how they effect you and stick to something that you can stay focused on, not sleep and function. try a vaporizer, the range of temps can help you isolate the cannabinoids you want to ingest. try it out, trying to replace MJ with another drug is like down grading, there all sorts of health risks in taking those. mixing them with anything else, especially alcohol, can sometimes even be fatal. nobody has ever died from weed, guarantee someone(plenty of people) have died from prozac overdose.

I know that if I stop smoking bud I'll move onto something else - Knowing me it'll be something dirty like Amphetamines.. God forbid
I know that if I stop smoking bud I'll move onto something else - Knowing me it'll be something dirty like Amphetamines.. God forbid

God forbid indeed. It takes courage to be at peace with uninterrupted sobriety, but it's oh so worth it. cn
I reckon that I'm going to stop smoking the bud for a while, get back on the Prozac and just try and live my life. When all is well and my sleep pattern is good again I'll try having a little smoke and see where it takes me.

Thanks for all your help people, means a hell of a lot.

Wish me luck tokers! Keep it green
Look, depression is not just people being lazy. There is a chemical imbalance in their brains that causes them to be depressed. A side effect of depression is binge eating and eating to feel better about themselves. It's not just that they are lazy and use it as an excuse. Depression affects millions of people in the world, it's not because they are lazy.

Was that aimed at me..?
I haven't. I've had blood tests and stuff but they all came out pretty normal.. I do get this thing though where my neck feels all tingly and I have to place my hand over my neck and push down as if I were strangling myself to make it reside.. If I let go it does it again, this happens 24/7 - Any ideas about that?

Get your thyroid checked.
I know that if I stop smoking bud I'll move onto something else - Knowing me it'll be something dirty like Amphetamines.. God forbid

exactly, stick to MJ if its stopping you from progressing. this sounds ridiculous but if you feel your depressed, maybe try DMT. you can learn much about yourself any doctor/psychiatrist can tell you usually, just make sure your comfortable with your surrounding and your not scared of anything around you before you do it, anxiety is the last thing you want before traveling to the depths of your mind. its also something i consider a wonder drug, but its not nearly as harmful. its basically the same thing as dreaming, just more vivid and meaningful. amphetamines will fuck up your life further than you can understand, the side effects are scary as fuck too. lay off the prozac man, you'll abuse it eventually. you can say its not coming, but youll be looking in the mirror in a few months and realize you were better off on weed. trust me man, ive had severe back problems for years, i was told to get on xanax for my pain but i tried it once any my body didnt react well to it, i was on the verge of a mental breakdown. marijuana has been the best alternative, despite the fact some may say its not effective. you need the right strain, thats all there is to it. marijuana has such a variety of highs, dont let a couple sleepy highs change your opinion about it. indicas are good for insomnia and pain, you need a heavy sativa man. that'll keep ya runnin.
if i read the original post correctly, you have a session of smoking, then you can't sleep that night?
which then throws your sleep off for days? you may need to adjust your choice of smoke
some weeds do similar things to me, not as bad as you're having
some sativa's will keep my head going into overdrive for the night, sleep doesn't work with those
if i read the original post correctly, you have a session of smoking, then you can't sleep that night?
which then throws your sleep off for days? you may need to adjust your choice of smoke
some weeds do similar things to me, not as bad as you're having
some sativa's will keep my head going into overdrive for the night, sleep doesn't work with those

my point exactly. indicas for sleeping problems, sativas and hazes to keep you goin.
i hope your okay dude, i have a friend with a similar problem, (well she's bi-polar) best bet is to keep smoking the bud, but find something else you enjoy and pursue it as a career option dude:)
Well no matter what he's smoking, a tingling sensation in his throat that he has to press on isn't normal.
there's a lot to sort through here, you can have multiple troubles
anxiety often comes with depression, and it can do all kinds of crazy shit to you