Weed & the military


gday everyone, hope everyone is as high as me and combat ready to start a discussion :peace:

"Ofcourse im willing to ditch the joint to join the military. Narcotics and weapons does not go hand in hand.

X, why do i have a bad attitude? Because i have other hobbies and interests than you, im not suitable for defending my country? Im sure I can serve my service just as well as you. Why woudlnt i? I feel you're the one with bad attitude, looking down on others with different interests.

Reply to said answer
Are you analphabet AND screwing the law? I think your attitude to the law is pathetic. If cannabis had been legal (which i think it should be), i wouldnt mind you smoking, but its not, and because of that its completely wrong. In my eyes this deems you not suitable for the military. You dont deserve to give your service.

so what do you guys think of this? To be honest i think the guy who spoke last is a total fucking idiot.


Well-Known Member
I think that what you do when you are off duty in your own home is your own business. Someone telling me I can't do something in my own home (even if it is illegal) and testing me for it, is infringing on my rights IMO. How is what I did in my own home 3 weeks ago anyones business but my own?

Now, as far as the military is concerned; didn't the government actually issue (supply) marijuana to troops during Vietnam? LOL I wasn't there so I don't know for sure, but I have heard that before.


Well-Known Member
I think that what you do when you are off duty in your own home is your own business. Someone telling me I can't do something in my own home (even if it is illegal) and testing me for it, is infringing on my rights IMO. How is what I did in my own home 3 weeks ago anyones business but my own?

Now, as far as the military is concerned; didn't the government actually issue (supply) marijuana to troops during Vietnam? LOL I wasn't there so I don't know for sure, but I have heard that before.

No we bought our own!!!


Global Moderator
Staff member
I think that what you do when you are off duty in your own home is your own business. Someone telling me I can't do something in my own home (even if it is illegal) and testing me for it, is infringing on my rights IMO. How is what I did in my own home 3 weeks ago anyones business but my own?

Now, as far as the military is concerned; didn't the government actually issue (supply) marijuana to troops during Vietnam? LOL I wasn't there so I don't know for sure, but I have heard that before.
Try using the above statement on any major employer that uses UA as a condition of employment - the military is no different.
Your second statement is false - the US Govt has not issued Cannibis to its troops wholesale. Thats just a very old rumor.


Well-Known Member
Now, as far as the military is concerned; didn't the government actually issue (supply) marijuana to troops during Vietnam? LOL I wasn't there so I don't know for sure, but I have heard that before.
No, but they paid them money when they were over there and my father and all his friends used it to buy weed, cigarettes, and beer so they might as well have. He actual gave me a bunch of cambodian red seeds, but they weren't viable after so long :(


Well-Known Member
Answer: Oooh rah I'm gonna serve my country (Global Banking Cartel) and protect our freedoms (Global Banking Cartel Policy) I can give up a joint to have a good career (I'll be a servant as long as I'm treated well).

Question: Why the hell do you want to join the military dude?

While we're on this topic of drugs and the military lets get some facts straight. Many "employers" that is, "real" employers who aren't part of the game do indeed perform a pre-employment drug screening. Okay, yea that sucks, but you know what? I CAN give up weed for 3 months so that I can make money to buy MORE WEED, simple. If not, you can get someone to pee for you, be a fucking man, fake the hell out of that test, why the hell not? Its not like you can get arrested for faking a non-probation pee test :-).

MILITARYEEEEEE----THEY OWN YOU!!! That is why they often call the troops G.I.'s because the gov. takes EVERYTHING from you and give you it back piece by piece, at THEIR discretion. Sure, they'll give you a new truck for signing up, hell, sell your soul to Satan, he'll give you a better deal. CONSEQUENCES....is the key point of difference here.


Congradulations on not being able to smoke so much as a puff for the next 4 years of your life. Heroin, Meth, and Coke will be out of your system within a matter of days. Hell do all three on friday, you'll be good to go Monday. Sure, they'll tell you you can bang hot chicks in Thailand, but not about the 12 year old you may have to shoot. Is a new truck really worth losing an arm, or a leg over? Is the cause you think your fighting for really what you think it is? But back to the drugs, yea they test you CONSTANTLY. Most any other regular job out there, they test you once before they hire you and that's it. Even if they test you, you fail, and they fire you, guess what? You are still free, and will have little serious consequences. In the Military, if you fail one of their hundreds of drug tests, you're done. They will make your life literally a living hell, and you can't do SHIT. If you get "fired" from the military i.e. "dishonorable discharge" that's like having a FELONY on your record. MEANWHILE, its the people in the military that are protecting the heroin poppy fields in Afganistan and protecting the farmers, just ask Geraldo Rivera. Oh, and another thing. Once you sign your life away, Uncle Gestapo gets to shoot any kind of THEIR untested, dangerous chemical concoctions they come up with into YOUR body.

OOOOhhhh Raaaaa! Go get em' tiger! Show dem baad tewwowists no one messes with America! F*&% YA! If you do decide to, do us all a favor. Go sell off all your shit, buy your own gun and ammo and get a plane ticket, and have a nice trip. I'm sorry to the pro-military type out there, but you know what? While they're building F/A-22 Raptors, people here are losing their homes, families are being torn apart and our country is falling to pieces. Protecting our f****** freedoms? Yea, the airports are doing a real good job of that these days.


Well-Known Member
As an ex military person who was kicked out for toking up I can tell you not to do it. Sure, I had some close relationships with some great guys but we ALL hated the fucking military in my section. What got me through my deployment was a luck of the draw with my NCOIC being an old hippie who was pretty chill and would look out for us but you are still at the mercy of morons up the chain. In my eyes I was a pretty good 'soldier' did my job very well (repaired eletronic devices like NVG's, FBCB2, and comsec radios) had a few ARCOMS, Achievement medals and the such but I questioned alot of orders and spoke out to the stupid shit they spewed out. After deployment everyone pretty much got out but I had a year left still, got stop loss and had to resort to extreme measures to get myself out of that living hell. I would occasionally toke up before but afterwords I did it everyday until I got popped on a random. Funny story, the day before the results came back I was awarded a unit coin of excellence and recognized in front of the entire battalion, the next day the LT Col had me in front of his desk ripping my rank from my collar and labeled as a shit bag and spent the next 45 days of extra duty constantly being fucked with until I got my walking orders.

So in a nutshell, if you have an iota of intelligence don't join up because they will try and make you part of the hive brain/machine that is the military and they will make your life a living hell if you speak up or don't fall in line. Also, it's a general under honorable condition discharge for drugs not what the guy above me stated. If you are joining to 'serve your country' then go ahead and do it, you will probably fit in with the hive mind of those troglodytes who are too dumb or ignorant to realize what is going on around them.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Try using the above statement on any major employer that uses UA as a condition of employment - the military is no different.
Your second statement is false - the US Govt has not issued Cannibis to its troops wholesale. Thats just a very old rumor.
It was legal and locally available in Vietnam during that time. You could buy it at the street markets like anything else.


Global Moderator
Staff member
It was legal and locally available in Vietnam during that time. You could buy it at the street markets like anything else.
That is true, and the only way you could get busted for it back then was to show up to muster with a doob in your mouth.
But nobody gave a shit about it back then anyway & even that wouldn't get you drummed out unless you were already a shit bag.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
And I have never heard anyone who was in theater being UA'd and pulled out during my in theater stints. Medics have other things going on than to go between fox holes to collect piss. Now, I have heard of people getting caught during their return when they go through the medical screening.
We had one guy with personal reasons who kept going AWOL as was trying to get kicked out...Then Kuwait got invaded before his paperwork was completed. Law enforcement brought him back and off we all went. When we got back a year later, then he was promptly kick out from is passed issues. That is stop loss with teeth.


Well-Known Member
When you sign your name on that dotted line, your mind, body, and soul is now theirs for the next 4 years. They can legally KILL YOU thousands of ways, and can't be held liable for shit. They are in the business of KILLING PEOPLE for fucks sake, make no mistake about it. I'm not saying I have a problem with killing people for the rights reasons, because I would in a heartbeat. I'm just saying that the person I kill, I will have to live with the consequences. If it comes to that, I could look them in the eyes and finish the job with a knife. Never in a million years could I ever hurt anyone because I was "ordered".