weight liftin


Well-Known Member
damn yall make me feel lazy!!!!
i havent ran more than a mile in the last ten years, and then i was chased by a really scary bug.
i workout almost every day but sunday and have been for 14 about years. i dont do much running cuz running doesnt suit my body type. (thats what i tell folks anyway) im sorta of a big guy 6'6"@ 285ish. most the time im about 270, but ive been eatin good the past few weeks. a new taco bell just opened around the corner from my work.
i box weekly and do a MMA type of mat training 3 days a week. to get my heart rate up, but i honestly couldnt run a mile without blowing out a knee rrr sumthin.
i lift machine weights everyday before work for an hour. monday and thursday legs, tue and friday arms, wednesday and saturday core. i lift big boy weights with low reps,,, i dig bulk.
then about 5 in the afternoon i do the mat training for at least 1 hour most the time an hour and a half to two. a few of the guys i work with do the mat training with me, so finding a sparing buddy isnt hard to do. and for any1 that hasnt tried it before give mat traing a go. its alot more fun than running and alot easier on the joints for you big guys.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I lift daily...........12 ouncers that is......and on my good days 40 ouncers:hump:

but no actually, I have lots of sex, can't get any better workout then that


New Member
BRO.... please....

We are talking miles not kilometers.. yes 40 minutes for 8 miles is horrible.. but you have never run a 5 minute mile.. nor have you ran a 6 minute mile and no 12 year old has ever ran 2 miles in 11 minutes.. and I don't use the tread mill unless I am in a foriegn country that is hostile to americans like myself.. :)
You said 5 miles in 40 min's, 8 miles would be fucking amazing. I used to run cross country for my school. At 11 and 12 years old I could do two miles in a little over 11 minutes. A little rest and I could do it again. I wasn't the fastest either. I never did any better than 3rd. Right now I can do a mile in 5.20m, easy. Why does that seem so hard to you? lol, I do 6 min miles on a running machine, but give me a track or open road and i can shave 40 sec's off my time. A little intense practice (say about 2 weeks) and I know i could get that time down to the 4 min 50 sec mark.

One day, I will prove it to you.:mrgreen:

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
You said 5 miles in 40 min's, 8 miles would be fucking amazing. I used to run cross country for my school. At 11 and 12 years old I could do two miles in a little over 11 minutes. A little rest and I could do it again. I wasn't the fastest either. I never did any better than 3rd. Right now I can do a mile in 5.20m, easy. Why does that seem so hard to you? lol, I do 6 min miles on a running machine, but give me a track or open road and i can shave 40 sec's off my time. A little intense practice (say about 2 weeks) and I know i could get that time down to the 4 min 50 sec mark.

One day, I will prove it to you.:mrgreen:
Do you just run continuously to build up that kind of endurance?


New Member
These days I only run a mile. Just before a work-out. You're not supposed to do it. They rec' you take a leisurely pace. I like to work different. Just sprint out that mile, when it's only a mile it's easy.

You only need to fast-jog continuously at 10mph to do a 6min mile. On a running machine you need to build up your speed fairly quickly, maybe going to 12mph for a while then back down to 10mph to make your time.

On an unmoving surface though, you have better grip and are steadier on your feet so you get better times. At least that's how i feel.

If you're overweight then I wouldn't rec' this style of exercise.


Im lifting but not smoking marijuana yet! im just reading about it cause im interested :) How does it effect to muscles? Does it drop Testosteroin levels or burn mucles? All i know is feeling lazy and at high u may eat much (causes fat) if we dont count those what you think?

edit: ohh old thread, but i hope answers!