What did i do and how do i fix it (pics)


Active Member

setup is 3 gallon soil in 3x3 grow tent under 400 watt hps using roots organics nutes. 6 weeks into flower, it looks skinny but its the most sativa dominant plant i have. my question is why isn't feeding my normal regimin of nutrients working like normal. ive ever been suplementing by foliar feeding, but everytime i do that it seems to make it even worse. Notice the dead spots on the leaves where i clipped alot of them. Please can someone tell me what i did and more importantly what i have to do to fix it. I cannot measure ph because my tester broke but it was previously a 6.5 - 7 and when i measured my water with nutrients it measured between a 5.5 and 6 so someone please help.


Active Member
How many weeks are you planning on flowering and when did you cut out the buddha grow? As for the buddha bloom and trinity, how much are you feeding and how often?


Well-Known Member
looks like you over fertilized that girl and maybe a humidity problem on top of that..what r u feeding her? how much and often and whats ur RH% at?


Active Member
im feeding exactly as the roots organics feeding chart says to feed. I was thinking that it was nute locked too so if thats the case i just flush with 3x the water? Red Hairs are at like 5 percent not even it has at least a month to 6 weeks to go, thats why im worried if this was the last few weeks i would not be concerned


Well-Known Member
well thats what it is..u dont feed exactly what the chart says..ever..u start low, like 25% strength the first 2-3 feedings. Then when u notice slight yellowing u might wanna use some more at like 40% strength..I'd flush ur girl with 2-3 times the volume of ur pot size then let it dry out water it with just water then dry out n use 25%strength with whatever u got i guess and hopefully you'll b all good


Active Member
the leaves are burnt because of over foliarfeeding rather than regularly overfeeding. i flushed with 6 gallons and then gave regular roots organics regimen at a little over half strength.