What did you accomplish today?

So my wife had to get tests done today because of high blood pressure. Apparently she has preclampsia? and they are INDUCING LABOR NOW!!!!


Papa Zmuda y'all. here we go.:shock::o:shock::o:shock::o:spew:

Good Luck Bobby,
I still remember that last push and boom, my little girl flew out like a cannon ball and the Dr. caught her like a wide receiver.

It was quite a scene, be prepared!
I was dead asleep last night and thought my lil guy was playing under my bad in the early AM ....cause I felt something hit my back and he
Plays under there like it's a fort sometimes .....so I I said his name and got no reply ....I get up and he's asleep in his bed so then the WTF was that starts to cross my mind because I know I felt something.....so I just figured it was either a ghost or bad gas ...either way time to go back to sleep ...well rite when I was about to fall back to sleep literally dosing off the fucking bed lifts and shakes again but it felt like I was being pushed on through the damn mattress .....however this time I notice a light on my ceiling swinging back and fourth afterwards and since I live in Cali it's obvious it's an earthquake ......so there was no ghost or 5 year olds under my bed just an earthquake .....it's been a while since I've actually felt one like that though ...I guess there were a few on the Nevada border last night and I was feeling those ........so much for a female ghost to molest me .........oh well

My boy and I felt all three tremors! It upset him mightily. There is something basically disquieting and just wrong about the earth moving ALL around you. Can't even identify the direction of the danger.

I didn't know they were quakes until this morning. I tried to think of alternate explanations, but they were all the stuff of Learning Channel reality shows.
So my wife had to get tests done today because of high blood pressure. Apparently she has preclampsia? and they are INDUCING LABOR NOW!!!!


Papa Zmuda y'all. here we go.:shock::o:shock::o:shock::o:spew:
Oh shit how did I miss this! Yeah induction....... ummmmm stay very clear of her once she hits transition. Do not eat in front of her. Hug her close (so she can't rip your face off), or hold both her hands, be ready to dodge a punch.

That's all I got, have fun it's gonna be a wild ride for the next 18 years.
Good luck and bless all three of you.
My boy and I felt all three tremors! It upset him mightily. There is something basically disquieting and just wrong about the earth moving ALL around you. Can't even identify the direction of the danger.

I didn't know they were quakes until this morning. I tried to think of alternate explanations, but they were all the stuff of Learning Channel reality shows.
What type of tremors?
Oh shit how did I miss this! Yeah induction....... ummmmm stay very clear of her once she hits transition. Do not eat in front of her. Hug her close (so she can't rip your face off), or hold both her hands, be ready to dodge a punch.

That's all I got, have fun it's gonna be a wild ride for the next 18 years.
Good luck and bless all three of you.

What she's trying to say Bob...is wait in the waiting room where it's safe.....last minute run in watch the drop and enjoy for 18 years .