What did you accomplish today?

Lol my mind went DIRECTLY there and you KNOW it

The tremors were oddly harmonic (rhythmic) door tappers; I think that is what woke me from a shallow sleep on the first one. Harmonic tremor typically accompanies a new or awakening volcano. I recalled the tale of the volcano that appeared in a Mexican's field in the '40s. So naturally i couldn't drop the idea.

The thing I noticed and that was so strange was that I felt it and I heard it, sort of an infrasonic alligator moan, and also (third sense, no name) it in my bones. It was all around, triggering a profound "I'm fucked" response.

Four-and-some years ago, a large meteor passed over the house. I noticed the light as a coupla seconds of a moving glint coming in through the north window. I thought "meh, sunlight off airplane wing" while ignoring that I didn't hear an airplane close enough.
Four, five minutes later (60 miles of air?) there was a loud Wha-dummmm! and the house shook as if a truck had run into it. So add sonic booms in the upper atmosphere to my imaginings. News next day spoke of a five-foot mass punching across the state to somewhere near Yerington NV.

There is a gold mine close, and I have heard/felt the blasting from there, but at noon and not at midnight. The blasting is also directional and so it isn't as primally upsetting.

A truck could have run into a roadcut, but three?

At that point I had only "ghost hunter" type maybes left.

I thought but wasn't certain that they were earthquakes. I was glad to see that they were, and that they aligned perfectly with the times of the quakes. My son popped his seismic cherry with these shakers.
I have researched this and the only thing I could find is the mind wakes up but the body is still asleep. I have had this happen a couple times and others have discussed it with me after I talked about it. Though it could be something more.

My first kid was about six months old. The next thing that happened makes me wonder. I woke to small kids laughing and giggling. The lights were flickering as well. It bothered me so bad I grabbed my pistol and did a security check around the house and made sure the little one was ok. I went back to bed after. That part may have been a dream, the next for sure was not.

I woke up and went to get out of bed. I couldn't move. I got scared and went to scream out. I could not even open my mouth. I couldn't speak or move. I was pinned down by something. About 30 seconds go by and I could barely mumble "help." More seconds go by and I can speak louder. It took a full minute before I was able to get up. It has happened twice after, the being pinned down part. Scary as hell.

I know this really has nothing to do with the current topic but came to mind for some reason.
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I have researched this and the only thing I could find is the mind wakes up but the body is still asleep. I have had this happen a couple times and others have discussed it with me after I talked about it. Though it could be something more.

My first kid was about six months old. The next thing that happened makes me wonder. I woke to small kids laughing anf giggling. The lights were flickering as well. It bothered me so bad I grabbed my pistol and did a security check around the house and made sure the little one was ok. I went back to bed after. That part may have been a dream, the next for sure was not.

I woke up and went to get out of bed. I couldn't move. I got scared and went to scream out. I could not even open my mouth. I couldn't speak or move. I was pinned down by something. About 30 seconds go by and I could barely mumble "help." More seconds go by and I can speak louder. It took a full minute before I was able to get up. It has happened twice after, the being pinned down part. Scary as hell.

I know this really has nothing to do with the current topic but came to mind for some reason.
Lights flickering is a nightmare (dream) I share. How many times have I dreamt that I turn on the light to dispel a bad feeling, and the light won't turn on or only emit a dark red glow!

I have also dreamt of walking the house with a pistol in condition 0. That dream caused me to implement better nighttime pistol security. Sleepwalking with a gun was a prospect that scared me.

I have had those night immobility terror things as well. I cannot adequately describe the sheer thickness of the fear.
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The hospital has Wi-Fi and the room is a like a hotel. you guys are gonna get the play-by-play. :)

Thank you guys for the well wishes! Love you guys.
Lights flickering is a nightmare 9dream) I share. How many times have I dreamt that I turn on the light to dispel a bad feeling, and the light won't turn on or only emit a dark red glow!

I have also dreamt of walking the house with a pistol in condition 0. That dream caused me to implement better nighttime pistol security. Sleepwalking with a gun was a prospect that scared me.

I have had those night immobility terror things as well. I cannot adequately describe the sheer thickness of the fear.
I have since changed my pistol security as well.
Lights flickering is a nightmare 9dream) I share. How many times have I dreamt that I turn on the light to dispel a bad feeling, and the light won't turn on or only emit a dark red glow!

I have also dreamt of walking the house with a pistol in condition 0. That dream caused me to implement better nighttime pistol security. Sleepwalking with a gun was a prospect that scared me.

I have had those night immobility terror things as well. I cannot adequately describe the sheer thickness of the fear.

I used to (and still occasionally) have a recurring dream that it is night out, but it isn't dark. Outdoors look like an errie orange red glow, less than daylight but more than dark and I can look around in the back yard and make out everything. Very weird.
So the nurse (who happens to be smokin hot) has to shove a pill up my wife's sniz every couple hours.

It's pretty awesome.

I snuck some beer in the hospital room and I'm watching a breaking bad marathon.

This birthing shit is easy!

Oh bob ....just wait until the little mustard bottle is actually here...........that will make a whole lot more sense very soon ....enjoy the wifi and beer ...and hot nurses for that matter .
Rely on your dog as well. I get that once in awhile but when I really wake up I see the dog is peacefully sleeping. This is a dog that will hear a mouse in the other room and go after it. If he isn't worried, I won't be :)
+Rep. That makes a lot of sense.

Don't know why I didn't think of that. I watch the dog at other times to get a feel of the situation. All animals for that matter.
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I have researched this and the only thing I could find is the mind wakes up but the body is still asleep. I have had this happen a couple times and others have discussed it with me after I talked about it. Though it could be something more.

My first kid was about six months old. The next thing that happened makes me wonder. I woke to small kids laughing and giggling. The lights were flickering as well. It bothered me so bad I grabbed my pistol and did a security check around the house and made sure the little one was ok. I went back to bed after. That part may have been a dream, the next for sure was not.

I woke up and went to get out of bed. I couldn't move. I got scared and went to scream out. I could not even open my mouth. I couldn't speak or move. I was pinned down by something. About 30 seconds go by and I could barely mumble "help." More seconds go by and I can speak louder. It took a full minute before I was able to get up. It has happened twice after, the being pinned down part. Scary as hell.

I know this really has nothing to do with the current topic but came to mind for some reason.
I had something similar happen to me, I was sleeping early morning, my wife who was my girlfriend at the time left for work like 7am I always whent back to bed and dint wake up till like 12pm.
But this time I was dreaming that someone was yelling in my ear, so loud that it hurt and it woke me up. Looked around and was like wtf?? Whent back to sleep and was dozing off when I hear a dog barking loud as fuck so then it startled me and I go int the living room and the barking is coming from the bathroom and I open the door and there is a giant black German Shepherd is barking and about to attack me and I'm just frozen, I cant move yell or scream.

So I started praying and I hear someone knocking at my door. Its my landlord and Im afraid to go and answer, then he just walks in with these two guys looking like Cops and start searching for something.

Then a guy walks in with the black dog on a leash like the dog is sniffing for drugs or some shit, next thing I know I'm asleep and wake up to knocking at my door.

I was like ..was i dreaming or was it real but there is still knocking at my door, I was like fuck it I'm not going to open the door. So I stood in my bedroom waiting to hear some movement or commotion but there was nothing..

Came out like an hr later and everything is calm and quiet. So I look around and something made me look at the floor, there was black dog hair on my floor, not just one or two hairs but alot like when a dog is shedding hair. Looked to see if there was some way someone could of entered but my door had that security guard on.. I was fucking freaking...got dressed and was leaving to go to work and the meintanence guy saying that he would be back later to fix some stuff. I was like was that you earlier knocking? He says I never knocked, tells me that he just got there and I was the first person he saw in the hallway and thats why he was telling me.

Whent to work and kinda forgot about it..
Then like a few days later my wife wakes up and tells, me this dream about a black dog and its similar to my dream with the screaming and stuff. And we start freaking.. Then like 2 days later we are watching TV and the tv goes mute for like 40 seconds and we're trying to figure out if I hit the mute by accident and the TV clearly said my wife's name and it did it like 3 times. A lot of funny shit happend in that apartment, too much to write down.
My sons car started spitting out NO Oil Pressure Alarm,
VW has a history of blocked oil pump pick up tubes. ..
That was the 23rd, he had just finished a ski break and was headed home for Xmas. But was able to find a flight home.
This morning I'm in Bozeman MT. Towing a VW home enjoying the company of my son. (Shhh don't tell him I'm enjoying this)
On a side note, I'm blessed having the time to do it!