What did you accomplish today?

+Rep. That makes a lot of sense.
Don't know why I didn't think of that. I watch the dog at other times to get a feel of the situation. All animals for that matter.
when i had dogs [[sighs]], for years and years i never even locked my door. i'd rely on them when meeting people out, they were very good at picking up bad vibes, much more so than my "hinky" alarm. they knew the diff between "watch them" (red) and "pay attention" (yellow) ;)
I have researched this and the only thing I could find is the mind wakes up but the body is still asleep. I have had this happen a couple times and others have discussed it with me after I talked about it. Though it could be something more.

My first kid was about six months old. The next thing that happened makes me wonder. I woke to small kids laughing and giggling. The lights were flickering as well. It bothered me so bad I grabbed my pistol and did a security check around the house and made sure the little one was ok. I went back to bed after. That part may have been a dream, the next for sure was not.

I woke up and went to get out of bed. I couldn't move. I got scared and went to scream out. I could not even open my mouth. I couldn't speak or move. I was pinned down by something. About 30 seconds go by and I could barely mumble "help." More seconds go by and I can speak louder. It took a full minute before I was able to get up. It has happened twice after, the being pinned down part. Scary as hell.

I know this really has nothing to do with the current topic but came to mind for some reason.
Hypnopompic state
ive experienced sleep paralysis without the dreaming prior to waking.

just woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt move or speak. felt something heavy on my chest and short of breath. i know it wasnt a dream as i clearly remembered the infomercial that was on tv. all i could do was close my eyes and fall back asleep. a really really fucked up experience, even without the weird dreams.
Hellmut. Why would you leave that place.
Be friends with the haunting folk. Or if they kill you but you didn't leave scared I'd bet God yells booooonus round to the tune of spanish soccer. And maybe you'll get to haunt people.
my slightly confused friend and his gf spent the night here after we got super fucked up on ron while watching tv decided as a thank you he would go get me a sandwich for lunch.

well he came back with a chicken parm. the sandwich in general is alright I guess but the bun is fucking delicious. reminds of pizza crust with that hard exterior and doughy inside,
i am going to pick up some of these buns this weekend for sandwiches

what is this sorcery?

oh so today i accomplished a fundamental task,

i ate
Hellmut. Why would you leave that place.
Be friends with the haunting folk. Or if they kill you but you didn't leave scared I'd bet God yells booooonus round to the tune of spanish soccer. And maybe you'll get to haunt people.
Dude no lie I had like 8 months left on my lease so I figured I just try and be friendly with what wver was there. So I lit up a spliff and had like a little session with candles and shit... my wife though that I'd gone nuts so she just whent back to bed.
I started asking questions and in a candle lit room a dark shadow appeared in front of me.

I was shitting bricks, but I asked if it would take a puff of my Joint, and this is no bull shit the joint lit up cherry red like twice and then exhailed and you could hear it and you could see the smoke.
I took a Polaroid (they where still selling those at that time) and you could see the smoke in the room. And then it left..
I was like this is some good shit man!!

I always smoked in my apartment and never had any problems, but the next day early in the morning I hear a knock at my door.. so I freaked again, didnt open the door. But they left me a note to stop by the office.

When I got to the office there was complaints fom the neighboring tenants that it smelled like weed and that there was all this noise and screaming.
So I told the office ladie, that the old ladie that lived next to me was a bitch and didn't like me and that she was making stuff up. Then this shit freaked me out even more.

She tells me that there where at least 3 other tenants complaining and that the old laidie died like 2 days prior!
We both look at each other and just walked out of the office...

2 days later in the morning I hear a knock at my door so I'm like fuck it let me see who tha fuq it is. Look out the peep hole and its a cop, he tells me he had some questions regarding the murder of my neighbor, I was like murder? He tells me that the son killed the old ladie. So I open the door to talk to him in the hallway.
And I look and they have other cops looking for something in her apartment looking for clues or evidence.

I was just in shock.
@Bob Zmuda We better see Mrs. Z's pic here in a day or so.... I think she will win the accomplishment of the day prize.

Somehow I've ended up poodle sitting the in laws poodles and also watching my 7 year old nephew as well as my boys ....so I've been shot pretty much everywhere in the crotch region by nerf guns since around 7am this morning .....oh and took a drone to the sack as well .....time to take them outside to play with some rc cars ......hopefully my nuts will be safe ...however I'm not holding much hope for that ....but it's ok they've been hit so many times today there up in my stomach anyways ....prepare @Bob Zmuda prepare for war on your testicles from every angle ...

And my poor nuts still have another boy to go through who hasn't even started walking yet ......please excuse me while I head back out into the battlefield , I just heard a rather large bang and yell ....off I go
Somehow I've ended up poodle sitting the in laws poodles and also watching my 7 year old nephew as well as my boys ....so I've been shot pretty much everywhere in the crotch region by nerf guns since around 7am this morning .....oh and took a drone to the sack as well .....time to take them outside to play with some rc cars ......hopefully my nuts will be safe ...however I'm not holding much hope for that ....but it's ok they've been hit so many times today there up in my stomach anyways ....prepare @Bob Zmuda prepare for war on your testicles from every angle ...

And my poor nuts still have another boy to go through who hasn't even started walking yet ......please excuse me while I head back out into the battlefield , I just heard a rather large bang and yell ....off I go
