What did you accomplish today?

we can dance slow babe it would mean the world to me
the light dim because we used all the bulbs to smoke crank
my body feels heavy from the blue patches wesmoke\

my whole world is a spinning dream woven tiight
youd think we were spiders but
my friends they are snakes

im cutting the grass

thats one i call
id havedrawn yall a fuckin picture but since no on cares ill draw one with the poke marks on my arm

you are all two bit pollka dot dancers

im pollka my arm to sleep
I shared some personal things with a newer member today ...it was poetic and I was quite proud ....pic below....basically the thread was asking why we grow ...so accomplished many adult type things today ...babysitting my boys and nephew and opening up to a stranger on Riu ...

ok weird day
lawyer office closed so i drive to the jiffy lube where i know ppl (they like shine) .......well i dropped 600 bucks on the car got it checked out cleaned up tuned up and fuilds changed for the trip ./......hit the post office did the change of addy card for this house ....when back to the lawyer gave them the keys and other paperwork from other lawyers (pops had lung redaction and was on some stuff looks like law suit about it .....if they killed my dad god help them )....so that was weird thing two

werid thing one was the work at the shop took awhile like 2 hours .......so i was outside getting a smoke and the shop is right near a highs (chain mini mart with gass) ........so i am smoking and this car pulls up rolls the window down and asks if i speak Arabic ....he only spoke bad english....i told him i did not but asked what can i help u with ........so he explains he is from dubai and he is going down to flo to get to his ppl there ......now he is in a nice car on the passagers side with a younger guy driving and 2 kids in the back (plates for massachusetts rental sticker in the window) .....something along the way caused him to lose his wallet ....and he offers his rings just wanted gass money ...no wallet no id no pawn shop and the other guy i am not sure do not think he had one......so i gave him 200 bucks (told keep the rings i was just doing it to be nice ...good karma for my trip ) .....no do not ask for a hand out please but yes i do things like that now and then just because i was taught that is the right thing to do) ......so back to the story i gave him the money told him to keep the rings i see the kids in the back and i know 200 bucks is enough to get to flo from here (drug runs) so i give him a extra 100 drink and food i was just going to do it as good karma again ....then he incessant i take one ring just for being nice and then goes and gives and a 2nd rind plus gold necklace thanked me for being nice ....i asked him if was sure about it and said yes they went to the highs and got gas and food waved to me as i was smoking and drove off

now u might be sayiing oh u are a fool and a moron why do that ........1 i dated a Muslim girl for a few months i know what Arabic sounds like plus the plane trip next to a older guy i helped him the whole trip ....2nd thing is i live around a bunch of yuppies (they moved in and built mc mansions on the farm lands ) i know what a good car like that cost and the guys clothes were right .....3rd it is me crazy fucked up shit happens to me like this ......so that is why i was just going to give it to the guy....right thing to do

hell i got home and looked at them .......real all of them jewelers mark and kt stamp 18kt .....guy gave me 3 or 4 oz ....i weight but scales are packed away .....i did all the test but the acid as i do not have any (reall that is for the best stuff like that should be kept away from me as i am crazy ) ......here the test http://www.sbcgold.com/blog/test-gold-5-simple-ways-spot-fake-gold/

so that was my day today
now until monday morning i plan to be fucked up ........renting hotel room on new years is dumb it cost to much so i leave on monday when the price go back to off season prices
I aintgot time to read allthat right now.

Damn bro I camehere to say thia rock had me spun like a web and I see that?
I will read in morning tho dont get me wrong

So I got spun again, and qhat happened ia amystery
Im just watching thw morning news did my last blast and I say to myself "sf you bought kore beer thanthis didyou not?" so I stand up light a cigarette and think "ya ur a drunk qhere would a drunk put his beers?"

Most people its the fridge but naw I got 3 40S of o.e out back in the snow. I kept buying more thinking I drank it all.

This is why we cant have nicethings
ok weird day
lawyer office closed so i drive to the jiffy lube where i know ppl (they like shine) .......well i dropped 600 bucks on the car got it checked out cleaned up tuned up and fuilds changed for the trip ./......hit the post office did the change of addy card for this house ....when back to the lawyer gave them the keys and other paperwork from other lawyers (pops had lung redaction and was on some stuff looks like law suit about it .....if they killed my dad god help them )....so that was weird thing two

werid thing one was the work at the shop took awhile like 2 hours .......so i was outside getting a smoke and the shop is right near a highs (chain mini mart with gass) ........so i am smoking and this car pulls up rolls the window down and asks if i speak Arabic ....he only spoke bad english....i told him i did not but asked what can i help u with ........so he explains he is from dubai and he is going down to flo to get to his ppl there ......now he is in a nice car on the passagers side with a younger guy driving and 2 kids in the back (plates for massachusetts rental sticker in the window) .....something along the way caused him to lose his wallet ....and he offers his rings just wanted gass money ...no wallet no id no pawn shop and the other guy i am not sure do not think he had one......so i gave him 200 bucks (told keep the rings i was just doing it to be nice ...good karma for my trip ) .....no do not ask for a hand out please but yes i do things like that now and then just because i was taught that is the right thing to do) ......so back to the story i gave him the money told him to keep the rings i see the kids in the back and i know 200 bucks is enough to get to flo from here (drug runs) so i give him a extra 100 drink and food i was just going to do it as good karma again ....then he incessant i take one ring just for being nice and then goes and gives and a 2nd rind plus gold necklace thanked me for being nice ....i asked him if was sure about it and said yes they went to the highs and got gas and food waved to me as i was smoking and drove off

now u might be sayiing oh u are a fool and a moron why do that ........1 i dated a Muslim girl for a few months i know what Arabic sounds like plus the plane trip next to a older guy i helped him the whole trip ....2nd thing is i live around a bunch of yuppies (they moved in and built mc mansions on the farm lands ) i know what a good car like that cost and the guys clothes were right .....3rd it is me crazy fucked up shit happens to me like this ......so that is why i was just going to give it to the guy....right thing to do

hell i got home and looked at them .......real all of them jewelers mark and kt stamp 18kt .....guy gave me 3 or 4 oz ....i weight but scales are packed away .....i did all the test but the acid as i do not have any (reall that is for the best stuff like that should be kept away from me as i am crazy ) ......here the test http://www.sbcgold.com/blog/test-gold-5-simple-ways-spot-fake-gold/

so that was my day today
now until monday morning i plan to be fucked up ........renting hotel room on new years is dumb it cost to much so i leave on monday when the price go back to off season prices
I fucked a Muslim chick once and then her boyfriend found out he stepped up so I moved out on his ass, all in one day!
Tham she looked like a fucking model!
Boned her in a bathroom in school.
Fuck I miss college! Good times..good times...bongsmilie
I accomplished not cutting down my bonsai sized first grow earlier than I should... Also. Made it another day of being a useless bag of flesh. Go me!
ok weird day
lawyer office closed so i drive to the jiffy lube where i know ppl (they like shine) .......well i dropped 600 bucks on the car got it checked out cleaned up tuned up and fuilds changed for the trip ./......hit the post office did the change of addy card for this house ....when back to the lawyer gave them the keys and other paperwork from other lawyers (pops had lung redaction and was on some stuff looks like law suit about it .....if they killed my dad god help them )....so that was weird thing two

werid thing one was the work at the shop took awhile like 2 hours .......so i was outside getting a smoke and the shop is right near a highs (chain mini mart with gass) ........so i am smoking and this car pulls up rolls the window down and asks if i speak Arabic ....he only spoke bad english....i told him i did not but asked what can i help u with ........so he explains he is from dubai and he is going down to flo to get to his ppl there ......now he is in a nice car on the passagers side with a younger guy driving and 2 kids in the back (plates for massachusetts rental sticker in the window) .....something along the way caused him to lose his wallet ....and he offers his rings just wanted gass money ...no wallet no id no pawn shop and the other guy i am not sure do not think he had one......so i gave him 200 bucks (told keep the rings i was just doing it to be nice ...good karma for my trip ) .....no do not ask for a hand out please but yes i do things like that now and then just because i was taught that is the right thing to do) ......so back to the story i gave him the money told him to keep the rings i see the kids in the back and i know 200 bucks is enough to get to flo from here (drug runs) so i give him a extra 100 drink and food i was just going to do it as good karma again ....then he incessant i take one ring just for being nice and then goes and gives and a 2nd rind plus gold necklace thanked me for being nice ....i asked him if was sure about it and said yes they went to the highs and got gas and food waved to me as i was smoking and drove off

now u might be sayiing oh u are a fool and a moron why do that ........1 i dated a Muslim girl for a few months i know what Arabic sounds like plus the plane trip next to a older guy i helped him the whole trip ....2nd thing is i live around a bunch of yuppies (they moved in and built mc mansions on the farm lands ) i know what a good car like that cost and the guys clothes were right .....3rd it is me crazy fucked up shit happens to me like this ......so that is why i was just going to give it to the guy....right thing to do

hell i got home and looked at them .......real all of them jewelers mark and kt stamp 18kt .....guy gave me 3 or 4 oz ....i weight but scales are packed away .....i did all the test but the acid as i do not have any (reall that is for the best stuff like that should be kept away from me as i am crazy ) ......here the test http://www.sbcgold.com/blog/test-gold-5-simple-ways-spot-fake-gold/

so that was my day today
now until monday morning i plan to be fucked up ........renting hotel room on new years is dumb it cost to much so i leave on monday when the price go back to off season prices
How the F do you run up a $600 bill at Jiffy lube??? I don't trust them to top off my oil, nevermind actually do mechanical work....
How the F do you run up a $600 bill at Jiffy lube??? I don't trust them to top off my oil, nevermind actually do mechanical work....
I know right. Last time I used them the girl got in my truck and didn't pull back on the shifter and broke the spring as she yanked in drive. They refused to pay for it. The shifter assembly was 100 bucks. It was just a compression spring. Auto parts store didn't have them said I had to order the whole thing. Went to the hardware store and found an exact match for 30 cents. I took about 20 back to the parts store and said "here, these will fit gm shifters they are 30 cents. Mark them up to five bucks."

We were coming down the road last night and someone hit a deer. Small button buck. Didn't even bust the guts. Looked like it stuck its head out and got hit. Brought it home and went to skin it. It was cold and my hands were numb. I got done and came in and I guess I hit my finger with the filet knife. Cut it to the bone long ways and even went under the finger nail. It may turn purple and fall off. I didn't even feel it.
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How the F do you run up a $600 bill at Jiffy lube??? I don't trust them to top off my oil, nevermind actually do mechanical work....

i have no family left ........i have no one that is car smart with all the tools (got buddies that could do a few things small engines some light work on a car)

so i use my maxness ......i know almost every way weed can be used made into something and i know how to make shine .......so i gift it out in return ppl give me a lower price on what i need Barter ....the money is just so they do not get fired for doing it

i had them do everything the car possible needed .......fuilds lights brakes tires filters senors .....everything was checked out .....i am going to do 3000 miles in 4 5 days so i wanted to make sure the car was 100% no worries ......i do not want the car to break down on the trip and i did not want the cops to have any reason to pull me over
i have no family left ........i have no one that is car smart with all the tools (got buddies that could do a few things small engines some light work on a car)

so i use my maxness ......i know almost every way weed can be used made into something and i know how to make shine .......so i gift it out in return ppl give me a lower price on what i need Barter ....the money is just so they do not get fired for doing it

i had them do everything the car possible needed .......fuilds lights brakes tires filters senors .....everything was checked out .....i am going to do 3000 miles in 4 5 days so i wanted to make sure the car was 100% no worries ......i do not want the car to break down on the trip and i did not want the cops to have any reason to pull me over
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.