What did you accomplish today?

Nah this is Sparta! I was too cheap to buy new seeds so I used the old seeds I had. Unlike everyone who plants them in full sun I planted mine under my Mulberry trees. So far I've eaten three decent tomatoes and have more ripening on my determinate bushes (Early Girl and Bush Steak). My indeterminate Beefsteak has one fruit and my Brandywine so far only blossoms. But better this year than last. I get a little further along every year.

It's not just this reply , but I have noticed your style of writing in RIU , since the
" get-go " . Your words and the manner in which you construct them , unveils a part of you .
How a person communicates ( talking , writing , grammar ( ya don't want to f that up ) says so much about an individual .I had a new vocabulary word, along with a sentence with that word of the day used in it , thumbtacked to the wall , just above the TP roller everyday , since my first born could read . I figured that they couldn't possibly overlook it ( a captive audience ) . I've always been a " super advocate " of proper grammar , vocabulary, ( spelling of f'ing course ) , pithy writing , distillation etc. I do digress on RIU , I write a lot of bullshit I like making up stories) . I've always expressed , continually, how crucial
It was to have a good handle on this " fine art " . I've told them , that a lot of people form an opinion of your intelligence by the first few sentences ( or less ) out of your mouth ! Now back to you . You have a unique way with the " pen " . It's so very,very
different than all of the other members ( nothing personal other members) . It's certainly original , as it should be ! Style , I believe is absolutely essential . I believe
that a person' writing ( as I said to you in beginning of my long-ass reply ) ,
" unveils " a good chunk of a person. For instance , I know that you are not an uneducated person ( I was going to say dumb-ass, but that's not very sensitive, It's
very inappropriate ) . You hone your words down to the bone ! To me , it's reminiscent of Hemingway, who said , " Don't waste a word " . That's what I call
" distilling " . Do you write prose or poetry? I hope so . You're a " Deep Roller " !
I would bet that your mind is going about a million mph. Your writing , in a strange way, seems to " mess " with people a tad . It makes them think. I have to stop or this reply won't end . I could talk all night about writing with you . I'm addicted to writing , I'm so compelled and literally can't stop sometimes . I'm more than likely manic !
Good night ! If you do " dabble " in prose/poetry, I'd love to read a sample. Bye , be well , happy as you can and try hard not to stress !
I planted my pumpkin batch down nearvthe lake . I put some young plants that had benn growing in pots into well dug holes filled with very fertile soil, laced with vermiculite and some very fine
manure ! The seeds were ordered...." Atlantic " pumpkin seeds , which yield giant, mo -fo pumpkins . I'm hopes of 500lb to 600lb gourds . Ya can sit there and actually seevtham packing on the pounds.
Hey stoner dudes ! It's a new day and I'm so very , very busy..........getting royally
fucking toasted . I think I'm " burning ". I can smell it . I'm having one fuck of a party , by myself , in the Tao Shack.....across the gorge bridge and into the woods.
Well , wouldn't ya know it , I ran out of weed plus I'm f'ing hungry . I have to try too get over to the house.Immediately I'm thinking , how the f will I get across that long wooden bridge spanning the gorge ( no guard rails ) . Shit'fuck ! I'm so wasted, this trip sounds like a suicide mission. I sucked it up , made to the bridge ( a narrow one at that ),even ambulated across bridge ( a miracle). I got to the house yard, fell down, tried to walk, fell into the Holly bushes...fall, fall, fall I did. Anyway , managed
to find the weed , secure some food and headed back . What a dreg of society I was, crawling on my hands and knees ( slowly ) . I really had to get back to the shack! I was more than ready for another IPA , shot of booze and a monster haul of smoke . So here I am . I traveled for about 40yrs. , mostly alone. One lesson
I learned very quickly was " Ya gotta know how to make your own music " .
No shit , I really had some fantastic parties " dancing by myself" .


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The grandson and I caught 4 bream before the lightning storm sent us to Mc D’s for a happy meal . But after that we built a race car and played uno, pitched dice, board games and play dough then his nana came home and I ran away. Holy shit a 4 year old has a lot of energy. A3B381BD-FC39-41F4-82FD-028ECD3B0609.jpeg
I know now way I always worked three jobs when my kids were young…it’s way easier than entertaining them lol.
Went to a garage sale on Saturday and picked up a couple of fishing rods with reels for $10 each. The rods are crap but both reels are Abu Garcia. One is a closed-faced spincaster made in China but a nice reel for my buddy that prefers those kind. Works great after a quick clean-up.

The other reel is an Ambassadeur 6500LC baitcaster/trolling reel with a depth counter made in Sweden in 2018. I spent about 4 hours on it today stripping it right down to repair a stuck release button. Brand new inside and clean as a whistle. It now works perfectly and just needs a load of line. I'm right-handed but crank my reels with my left and I'm not much into trolling so might just sell it. They're over $300 new if you can find one so if I can get $150 for it that will almost cover the new noodle rod I just got. :) Just had collected dust for a few years so looked like crap when I got it but I knew what was under the crud.

Also scored a brand new Garmin GPS unit the same as the one I got many years back at a pawn shop for $50 with a scratched up face. Polished the scratches out with diamond paste and a dremel tool and got lots of use out of it when I drove truck out in the bush in the oil patch. Think I'll send one to my grandson. They still sell the same ones today for $299Can and I got this one for $10 in the original box with manuals as well. Love them garage sales!


Fish Stick mega factory last week. I smelled like cat food for 2 days...
They connect all these machines together with conveyors, set up a line.
This is just a staging area for sanitation and repair after a run.

Pretty much all the different store brands are made in the same place, huge difference in coatings for each one.
Was pretty funny to see budweiser getting sprayed on fish sticks to make "beer batter" fish sticks.

Fish Stick mega factory last week. I smelled like cat food for 2 days...
They connect all these machines together with conveyors, set up a line.
This is just a staging area for sanitation and repair after a run.

Pretty much all the different store brands are made in the same place, huge difference in coatings for each one.
Was pretty funny to see budweiser getting sprayed on fish sticks to make "beer batter" fish sticks.

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I worked on fish waste processing machinery where they cooked salmon heads/guts & skeletons for the oil & fish meal.
I smelled like cooked rotten fish for a solid week.

I never went back!