What did you accomplish today?

Heat index hit a hundred and ten today. Being a construction worker in the south is not much fun when the humidity is 90% . I eat a pint or more of pickles every day to help with cramps ( heat stress not pms ) . And it’s supposed to be hotter tomorrow and even hotter the next four days with a chance of rain which only insures the humidity will stay 90% or more.
Heat index hit a hundred and ten today. Being a construction worker in the south is not much fun when the humidity is 90% . I eat a pint or more of pickles every day to help with cramps ( heat stress not pms ) . And it’s supposed to be hotter tomorrow and even hotter the next four days with a chance of rain which only insures the humidity will stay 90% or more.
Maybe you give yourself a break and call in sick?
Wow, that’s great news! I had a feeling she wouldn’t want to leave yet. It’s too much fun with all the entertainment going on out there. I can’t image how difficult the procedure must have been. I hope your ok.
Thanks, I'm good. She does love the food here and I have a baby outdoors squawking so some company will help both of them. I need to get perches placed for when she's ready.

How are you doing? Have you decided on where you're going next?
Thanks, I'm good. She does love the food here and I have a baby outdoors squawking so some company will help both of them. I need to get perches placed for when she's ready.

How are you doing? Have you decided on where you're going next?
That’s awesome! good times ahead!!
Doing fine, thanks. Mississippi bound. Cant wait to get back down to sea level.
It's not just this reply , but I have noticed your style of writing in RIU , since the
" get-go " . Your words and the manner in which you construct them , unveils a part of you .
How a person communicates ( talking , writing , grammar ( ya don't want to f that up ) says so much about an individual .I had a new vocabulary word, along with a sentence with that word of the day used in it , thumbtacked to the wall , just above the TP roller everyday , since my first born could read . I figured that they couldn't possibly overlook it ( a captive audience ) . I've always been a " super advocate " of proper grammar , vocabulary, ( spelling of f'ing course ) , pithy writing , distillation etc. I do digress on RIU , I write a lot of bullshit I like making up stories) . I've always expressed , continually, how crucial
It was to have a good handle on this " fine art " . I've told them , that a lot of people form an opinion of your intelligence by the first few sentences ( or less ) out of your mouth ! Now back to you . You have a unique way with the " pen " . It's so very,very
different than all of the other members ( nothing personal other members) . It's certainly original , as it should be ! Style , I believe is absolutely essential . I believe
that a person' writing ( as I said to you in beginning of my long-ass reply ) ,
" unveils " a good chunk of a person. For instance , I know that you are not an uneducated person ( I was going to say dumb-ass, but that's not very sensitive, It's
very inappropriate ) . You hone your words down to the bone ! To me , it's reminiscent of Hemingway, who said , " Don't waste a word " . That's what I call
" distilling " . Do you write prose or poetry? I hope so . You're a " Deep Roller " !
I would bet that your mind is going about a million mph. Your writing , in a strange way, seems to " mess " with people a tad . It makes them think. I have to stop or this reply won't end . I could talk all night about writing with you . I'm addicted to writing , I'm so compelled and literally can't stop sometimes . I'm more than likely manic !
Good night ! If you do " dabble " in prose/poetry, I'd love to read a sample. Bye , be well , happy as you can and try hard not to stress !
Brevity and paragraphs are key to her writing style.