What did you accomplish today?

Just got home ....should have the first wave of ladies knocked out in the next two days ....second wave will be bigger ...I was thinking it was guna be a 50/50 harvest ....but no.

I do like the fact that there's a little break in between cuts ....gives me time to get these gals into cure and all the nice drying room will be available by the time the next ones are murdered:shock:.....the smell is to the highway now LOL.....this single plant ended up being a fucking monster people ;-)

I have a seriously funny story about the trip to the children's hospital yesterday ....But I'm to tired and need a shower....momma makes me leave my trimming clothes outside ..lol....anyways, time to burn a lil scissor glue with my sis and hit the sack ....back at it early tomo.

Good night guys and gals
Agree. Goofy. What is that thing anyway? A green M and M with hair?I cringe every time I see it. This website hasn't had a facelift in at least 7 years. Pretty pathetic.
It looks like a World Industries character logo rip off. World Industries used to be a skateboard company. Don't know if it's still around. This is the character dude from that company