What do they teach in British schools?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol you guys. I was taught maths, english, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, french, art, religeous study, music and I.T up until 16 which is the general thing with most schools, and then you chose 3/4 subjects to take for 2 years to get A levels in them. Nothing taught was relaly specifically English, certainly basic history when about 10 was with regard to the general history of england and it's kings etc.


Active Member
i like history and i liked american history i had to do much of my own reading and research though


Active Member
ill disagree on this one....if it wouldnt for the usa all europe would be goose steping..........
not true im afraid and im not going to say it was the brits either, in honesty it was the russians who really put a stop to hitler (they were the ones who actually invaded berlin and hitlers bunker) they really boosted troop numbers to the East of germany and kind of trapped them from expanding any further East and also helped attack from the south of germany too. im a history nerd


Well-Known Member
Elementary school doesn't deem music, drama, RE or IT compulsory. It was only after then that we had music, art and wood shop.

Not everyone does A levels, you can do a Diploma, which is actually useful. It's tailored to the requirements of working in the industry. You end up with a qualification you get graded on for the quality of your work, not jumping through hoops. There are no exams, EVERYTHING you do or do not produce over the 2 years comes under scrutiny and it's up to you to finds areas in which to gain extra credit.

In my school a modern foreign language is compulsory, but I don't think that's the case elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
the usa needs to fall back on it its old ways, i wish we would fight the "War on terror" like we fought WW2. we have too many morals these days when it comes to war