What has Trump done to this country?

He's having a complete meltdown because he knows he's ruined. Everybody will be walking away from him now.

He'll probably wind up dying broke from all the legal fees he's going to have to face, and he's not going to have the luxury of the taxpayers footing the bills anymore.

Or he falls out a window or dies of some unexplained cause, if he's not in office he's not of any use anymore.
Or he falls out a window or dies of some unexplained cause, if he's not in office he's not of any use anymore.
Too many eyes on him plus the secret service, besides he will be in jail after office and they'd have to do an Epstein on him then, two in a row would be pushing it.

Congress is passing a bipartisan bill to make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism (a bounty on US troops does that), I wonder if Moscow Mitch will sit on it? Will Donald veto it? Refuse to enact it? It could mean the seizing of Russian assets by the federal government...
Boy, can Steve sure articulate! Speaks in lucid paragraphs, not sentences.
Steve Schmidt On Why Many Republican Voters Are Splitting From Trump | Deadline | MSNBC

A striking new ad from Republican voters makes the case that their party has fallen under Trump. Meanwhile, polling shows voters who disliked both nominees in 2016 are increasingly willing to support Joe Biden
I guess we won't see his taxes until there's an indictment, most likely after the election, the prosecutors will be able to see Trump's taxes along with the grand jury however and they will have a Helluva jumpstart on things for after the inauguration, when the feds will jump in with both feet. Job one for the new AG and DOJ will be to get to the bottom of all of this shit and this will provide a head start.

I'm sure the people at the NSA, FBI and CIA know the whole story too and they will be willingly testifying after the new year.
Supreme Court Blocks Congress From Getting Trump's Taxes For Now | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

The Supreme Court has sent House Democrats' request for President Trump's financial documents back to lower courts, ruling that the president is not immune but the request from Congress was too broad. NBC News' Pete Williams has details.
Boy, can Steve sure articulate! Speaks in lucid paragraphs, not sentences.
Steve Schmidt On Why Many Republican Voters Are Splitting From Trump | Deadline | MSNBC

A striking new ad from Republican voters makes the case that their party has fallen under Trump. Meanwhile, polling shows voters who disliked both nominees in 2016 are increasingly willing to support Joe Biden

the gang of 5 have chosen not to go to RNC..i believe we just needed 5 or 6 in the senate..whether he's aware or not the split with him has occurred.

Add this to the orange snowflakes twitter meltdown today LOL.

That didn't take long at all! It seems Donald can pay attention to somethings, this is a state matter, under state law and I believe they can obtain these documents from multiple sources, including his accounting firm and Deutsche bank. I think we will see them either released or at least leaked. I believe this will happen before the election too, even if congress won, they would not have been able to make the info public, there is no such restriction on the state. Indictments will flow from this and they are public record things, under state control, the feds can't indict a sitting president, but could a state?

yes, as long as it has to do with him. benefiting (or not). opportunity or lack of..he made it well known he goes in to the OA with no set plan for the day. when he speaks of his 'gut' in decision making, in reality he's sifting through circumstances to determine how he can leverage each instance in order to answer and exploit 'what's in it for me' impulsivity.

this is why when there isn't anything in it for him, there is no interest period.

this can and will never change..he's missing something no drug or talk therapy can replace because it was never there..of all the mental illnesses, this is the one you can't make behavioral adjustment to.

impulsive lizard brain that know of two experiences, reward and punishment.

'Donald Trump pisses ice water' -Attorney Roy Cohn after Donald dumped him following his AIDS announcement (how could super jenius, Donald, not known is fvcking beyond me).

Mary Trump has copies of his taxes and been leaking them all along; working with SDNY.

and then came Ghislaine Maxwell..
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Add this to the orange snowflakes twitter meltdown today LOL.

he left NY and doesn't give a flying fvck.
Yeah I am such a Debbie Downer sometimes, always looking to be disapointed and not get my hopes up. But you are right, it is more important that Trump is not above the law as POTUS. They won pretty decisively and Trump is melting down.
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The best one.

Too many eyes on him plus the secret service, besides he will be in jail after office and they'd have to do an Epstein on him then, two in a row would be pushing it.

Congress is passing a bipartisan bill to make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism (a bounty on US troops does that), I wonder if Moscow Mitch will sit on it? Will Donald veto it? Refuse to enact it? It could mean the seizing of Russian assets by the federal government...

there were a lot of eyes on Epstein:lol:

everyone seems to think Donald is going to jail..i don't see it.

after reading the whole report on Donald, i can totally see why Jeffrey took his life- the final act of ultimate and total control/domination..on his terms..Donald is a coward though and i'm starting to feel his self-preservation kicking in at any cost..which means he may be a flight risk.

Jeffrey had an IQ; Donald doesn't.
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Are we on the verge of a 'Democratic tsunami'?

(CNN)The debate among smart political handicappers is no longer whether former Vice President Joe Biden is a clear favorite over President Donald Trump to win the White House in the fall.

It's now whether Trump might lose big enough to drag down all Republicans on the ballot in November, creating a hole that it could take years for the GOP to dig out of.

"This election is looking more like a Democratic tsunami than simply a Blue wave," wrote The Cook Political Report's Amy Walter on Wednesday. "Republican strategists we've spoken with this week think Trump is close to the point of no return. A couple of others wondered if Trump had reached his 'Katrina' moment: a permanent loss of trust and faith of the majority of voters."

Backing up that prediction, The Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan campaign tip sheet, moved a series of states in Biden's direction: Wisconsin and Pennsylvania moved from "Toss Up" to "Lean Democrat" and Georgia was moved from "Lean Republican" to "Toss Up."

Those moves -- as well as a few others in Maine and Nebraska congressional districts -- bring Biden to 279 electoral votes in Cook's tabulation, nine more than he needs to be elected president.

But again, it's more than just that Trump looks like a major underdog for the White House. It's that his numbers are now in an area where he could cost Republicans the Senate and a number of House seats.

As Walter notes:
"In talking with strategists on both sides this last week, it's also clear that Trump is dragging Republican congressional candidates with him as well.
"Plugged in strategists on both sides tell us that Trump is running behind in districts he easily carried in 2016."

The problem for Republicans is that even as they see this potential electoral tsunami forming, they don't have many options to change their fates.
As Stu Rothenberg wrote recently, any attempt by congressional Republicans to argue to voters that they are a necessary balance to a Democrat in the White House (as Republicans did to Bob Dole's losing effort in the late stages of 1996) would fail.

"There is widespread agreement that the party, voters, and national politics have changed so dramatically over the past two decades that such a strategy would be unthinkable in an era of polarization and anger," Stu concluded.

The Point: The only thing worse than watching a political tsunami build is standing on the beach and knowing you are hopeless to stop it. That's where Republicans find themselves at the moment.