What has Trump done to this country?

I'll tell you just a few things

Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
Withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership
Withdraw from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Withdraw from the World Heath Organization
Withdraw from NAFTA
Withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council
Withdraw from UNESCO
Withdraw from the World Trade Organization

There are more, but I'm tired of typing withdraw.

Never in the 1,227 days of Trump’s presidency has the nation seemed to cry out for leadership as it did Sunday, yet Trump made no attempt to provide it.

That was by design it seems.

Trump and some of his advisers calculated that he should not speak to the nation because he's a fucking idiot and had nothing new to say and had no tangible policy or action to announce yet, according to a senior administration official. Evidently not feeling an urgent motivation Sunday to try to bring people together, he stayed silent, which was nice for a change.

Trump let his tweets speak for themselves.

One attacked the Democratic mayor of Minneapolis; another announced that his administration would designate the ANTIFA movement a terrorist organization (good luck on that one), a third accused the media of fomenting hatred and anarchy & in yet another, he praised himself for the deployment of the National Guard and denigrated former vice president Joe Biden.

Then that cocksucker Tweeted

“Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors. These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!”

Then he Tweeted that he was ready to kill the protesters and release,

“the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen,”

The United States is visibly, painfully broken by Trump & the unprecedented confluence of health, economic and social crises, any one of which alone would test a president, but Trump is not a POTUS, he's a fucking fool

It was extraordinary then to hear some in the public arena suggest yesterday that this idiot ought stay in the background, arguing that Trump lacked the moral authority and credibility necessary to heal the country.

“He should just stop talking. This is like Charlottesville all over again,” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to Trump’s equivocations following a deadly white-supremacist rally in 2017. “He speaks, and he makes it worse. There are times when you should just be quiet. And I wish that he would just be quiet.”

I simply wish he would fucking die & do this country & the World in general a favor :)

This weekend exemplified many of the characteristics that have defined Trump’s five years as a presidential candidate and president, chaos and unrest, fear and anger, division and disruption. Some of these themes and qualities helped draw Trump’s brain dead supporters to him and keep them faithful, giving him a chance at reelection in November despite the carnage on his watch this spring.

“The rioting in the streets has put an exclamation point on what this president cannot do: To bring people around and say we are all in this together,” said Tom Rath, a longtime Republican official and former attorney general in New Hampshire. “On his automatic transmission, there is one speed. It is not conciliate. It is not comfort. It is not forge consensus. It is attack. And the frustration right now is that nobody is in charge. Anarchy rules.”

Yup, Anarchy rules for sure now, cities are burning from coast to coast, the National Guard is active in 3 states, curfews everywhere & the US militaries MP's are on alert to quell the riots in this country for the 1st time since the fucking Civil War.

Nice work Trump

Only 5 more months, and we can dump this POS
I Don't get it all 8 of the things you mentioned I'm glad that we got out of them except for NAFTA and UNESCO and those might be included also but i have no idea what they are so I can't comment on them two until I do a little research. But why would you want to remain in any of those other Treaties, Agreements, Organizations anyway? I can not think of any positive reason to stay in them, although i have multiple reasons why we needed to get out. Nevermind, I just read the rest of your post that followed the list and wow that's some TDS. So much anger and hatred and bad information. You need to get your information from a better source you got a lot of facts twisted. Forget it I don't have the energy for this right now. Sorry, wish you only the best in life and good luck and happiness in your future.
I Don't get it all 8 of the things you mentioned I'm glad that we got out of them except for NAFTA and UNESCO and those might be included also but i have no idea what they are so I can't comment on them two until I do a little research. But why would you want to remain in any of those other Treaties, Agreements, Organizations anyway? I can not think of any positive reason to stay in them, although i have multiple reasons why we needed to get out. Nevermind, I just read the rest of your post that followed the list and wow that's some TDS. So much anger and hatred and bad information. You need to get your information from a better source you got a lot of facts twisted. Forget it I don't have the energy for this right now. Sorry, wish you only the best in life and good luck and happiness in your future.

You have to look up NAFTA, but you have an opinion on the other treaties that Trump pulled us out of without any clue what he was doing other than alienating our alliances with other nations, weakening our position.

TDS- is the Trump Cult logic.
Prepare for a twitter meltdown from the orange snowflake.

Maybe not, unfortunately they bent the knee to Trump's argument to congress can't investigate him.

So he still has Barr blocking for him. The prosecutor might be the scariest for Trump, but we won't know anything about how dirty he may be until he is no longer POTUS.
I Don't get it all 8 of the things you mentioned I'm glad that we got out of them except for NAFTA and UNESCO and those might be included also but i have no idea what they are so I can't comment on them two until I do a little research. But why would you want to remain in any of those other Treaties, Agreements, Organizations anyway? I can not think of any positive reason to stay in them, although i have multiple reasons why we needed to get out. Nevermind, I just read the rest of your post that followed the list and wow that's some TDS. So much anger and hatred and bad information. You need to get your information from a better source you got a lot of facts twisted. Forget it I don't have the energy for this right now. Sorry, wish you only the best in life and good luck and happiness in your future.
eat shit
He lost to New York.

He'll have to turn over his taxes sooner or later.
Yeah I am such a Debbie Downer sometimes, always looking to be disapointed and not get my hopes up. But you are right, it is more important that Trump is not above the law as POTUS. They won pretty decisively and Trump is melting down.
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Looks like Donald's deadly dog and pony show are showing results in Tulsa, the shitheads running the place and representing it in congress have their heads shoved up Trump's ass, as usual. Anybody see a pattern here?;) I mean of selling out your country, citizens lives, health, safety and economic future, over fear of a mean Trump tweet. Of following a well known psychopathic moron and compulsive liar, and ignoring the CDC guidelines, the pleading of experts and physicians, because they are too afraid of Trump and his base of deplorable dumb asses. They sold those citizens out for free, usually a lobbyist has to pay a lot of money for that kind of shit.

Donald is a brain damaged moron at least he has the excuse of being a mentally impaired psychopath (still culpable under the law, the prisons are full of them), what about all these "normal" people who support and obey?

Tulsa sees Covid-19 surge in the wake of Trump's June rally

(CNN)The city of Tulsa is experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases, a little over 2 weeks after President Donald Trump held a campaign rally in an indoor arena there.

Dr. Bruce Dart, Executive Director of the Tulsa Health Department, said in a press conference on Wednesday there are high numbers being reported this week, with nearly 500 new cases in two days and trends are showing that those numbers will increase.

There had been a 20% decline in new Covid-19 cases the week of June 28 through July 4.

The Tulsa Health Department reported 266 new cases on Wednesday, bringing the total number in the county to 4,571. There are 17,894 cases in Oklahoma and 452 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University's tally of cases in the United States.

When asked if the cases in Tulsa are going up due to the rally on June 20, Dart said that there were several large events a little over two weeks ago.
"I guess we just connect the dots," Dart said.

In a statement to CNN, Leanne Stephens of the Tulsa Health Department said, "Our epidemiologists and contact tracers are inundated with following up with Tulsa County residents who are confirmed positive as the numbers have been extremely high in recent days. Yesterday, we set a new single day case high and you can see on our website where the trends are moving."

This coronavirus has a lengthy incubation period -- the time between when someone gets infected to when they start showing symptoms (if they get symptoms at all). The incubation period is about three to 14 days, with symptoms typically appearing "within four or five days after exposure," according to Harvard Medical School.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh told CNN, "There were literally no health precautions to speak of as thousands looted, rioted, and protested in the streets and the media reported that it did not lead to a rise in coronavirus cases. Meanwhile, the President's rally was 18 days ago, all attendees had their temperature checked, everyone was provided a mask, and there was plenty of hand sanitizer available for all. It's obvious that the media's concern about large gatherings begins and ends with Trump rallies."
Why temperature checks aren't very helpful in preventing Covid-19

Murtaugh provided a link to CNN reporting on research suggesting that Black Lives Matter protests across the country did not lead to a jump in coronavirus cases.

All of Trump's campaign staffers who attended his rally went into quarantine, however, after interacting with several colleagues who later tested positive for the virus. Multiple Secret Service officers were also instructed to self-quarantine after two of their colleagues who were on site for the rally tested positive.

About 6,200 people attended the rally, according to the Tulsa Fire Department.

Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum said the rally, along with the large "serious seven" events -- which the state has identified as weddings, religious events and other large-scale gatherings -- informed an executive order that goes into effect tomorrow requiring events with more than 500 people to receive guidance from the health department to evaluate safety plans.

Event organizers and health officials will work on a case-by-case bases to make safe decisions in relation to the event, according to the executive order.

While hospital capacity is fine right now, Bynum said that this week he "finally started to hear some concern, not about where things stand today, but where things could look if we continue on this trajectory unchecked."

Bynum said that ordering masks for employees at bars and restaurants has helped the Tulsa Health Department with their contact tracing by showing them what the leading contributors are to cases in the Tulsa area.

There is no city-wide mandate for face coverings, although Bynum and Dart encourage everyone to wear a mask in public.

"I think that the thing that citizens need to understand is that when we put that kind of mandate in place, we will be putting it there because we had no other choice but to do that to protect their ability to get medical care over the long term of this pandemic," Bynum said when asked why the city hasn't put in a mask mandate.
I Don't get it all 8 of the things you mentioned I'm glad that we got out of them except for NAFTA and UNESCO and those might be included also but i have no idea what they are so I can't comment on them two until I do a little research. But why would you want to remain in any of those other Treaties, Agreements, Organizations anyway? I can not think of any positive reason to stay in them, although i have multiple reasons why we needed to get out. Nevermind, I just read the rest of your post that followed the list and wow that's some TDS. So much anger and hatred and bad information. You need to get your information from a better source you got a lot of facts twisted. Forget it I don't have the energy for this right now. Sorry, wish you only the best in life and good luck and happiness in your future.
Yeah I am such a Debbie Downer sometimes, always looking to be disapointed and not get my hopes up. But you are right, it is more important that Trump is not above the law as POTUS. They won pretty decisively and Trump is melting down.
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That didn't take long at all! It seems Donald can pay attention to somethings, this is a state matter, under state law and I believe they can obtain these documents from multiple sources, including his accounting firm and Deutsche bank. I think we will see them either released or at least leaked. I believe this will happen before the election too, even if congress won, they would not have been able to make the info public, there is no such restriction on the state. Indictments will flow from this and they are public record things, under state control, the feds can't indict a sitting president, but could a state?
That didn't take long at all! It seems Donald can pay attention to somethings, this is a state matter, under state law and I believe they can obtain these documents from multiple sources, including his accounting firm and Deutsche bank. I think we will see them either released or at least leaked. I believe this will happen before the election too, even if congress won, they would not have been able to make the info public, there is no such restriction on the state. Indictments will flow from this and they are public record things, under state control, the feds can't indict a sitting president, but could a state?
If they get leaked it will be by Trump for his troll army (foreign and domestic) to try to spin up enough smoke to taint as large of a jury pool as possible in the hopes Trump can sneak in a cultist to get him off.
If they get leaked it will be by Trump for his troll army (foreign and domestic) to try to spin up enough smoke to taint as large of a jury pool as possible in the hopes Trump can sneak in a cultist to get him off.
Well it's before a grand jury now and they will have Trump's tax returns, how long before indictments are handed down? Bearing in mind these are mostly documents based cases which are considered slam dunks in the business.

Trump might have to look extra special hard in NYC to find any friendly jurors and the info will be all spelled out publicly in the indictments. Remember Donald just wanted an announcement of an investigation from the Ukrainians, now he will have indictments against him and maybe even a trial before the election. Bill Barr can do little to help except to withhold federal evidence requested and thereby obstruct justice and become an accessory after the fact. If they request evidence from the SDNY, they might get it, if it is normally done in such cases,, or force Barr to issue an order not to.

All the cards are not in Donald's pile, there are plenty of wild cards in play, but nothing will matter to 35% of voters for whom the issue is one of black and white.

I wonder if attitudes towards Putin and Russia have change among the GOP base? They had a favorable view of Vlad before the bounty on US troops became public and were looked upon as allies and supporters in the coming election. Treason didn't matter to them, so I can't see why the Russians putting a price on soldier's heads would. Even if they hauled pictures of him molesting children, out of Epstein's blackmail stash, they wouldn't care either, the "christians" are all in for Donald.