What has Trump done to this country?

about a month before the election but you cant vote here if youre voting in florida

Thank you, Buck, I know I have only one vote. I already missed the first contest and i'm afraid they will find something wrong with my application. I should just get my ID here anyway. I've been here a over a year now; I should just bite the bullet. The state won't approve my med card either because there's a clause that says 'first time applicants' may use their valid out-of-state ID or DL- but not Schuylaar. So I'm going round and round with them and we're at: 'using your out of state ID is not guaranteed'. now WTF does that mean? so I asked them to walk me through the criteria of the decision making process if there is no 'guarantee' and it is an option in their drop down box. They EM me back a few days later 'there is no guarantee':lol:. I hate to tell them they can't make up shit. I have the name of a guy in Denver, i'll cal this week.

There are a few things about this state I find highly unusual and will be dealt with legally.

Broward has had among the highest case counts of Florida counties, and many of its hospitals reached capacity last month. Police in the county have responded to large gatherings and issued hundreds of citations in recent weeks.

Donald Trump* is a cop killer..he also killed Herman Cain, Robert Trump +170k others

Schuylaar trusted Trumpy* and his Trumpy* ways not one iota..BROWARD.
Of course Donald has a much more compelling life story for the base.
Joe an intelligent widower with strength of the heart and soul, married to a compassionate doctor, versus Donald a psychopath with no heart and soul, or brain, married for the third time to a heartless whore.

A recent CNN poll puts Biden ahead of Trump nationally by just 4% other polls say Biden leads by just 9 %, a consistent 40% of Americans want 4 more years (until he dies) of Trump. Democratic liberal society is not turning out the way they were conditioned to believe, so they are opting for fascism and white nationalism, no ideology, just fear and hate, Donald gives this grievance a face and a voice. Trump and the republicans stand for nothing other the racism, bigotry, power and money, that's it, nothing else at all, no plan, no future. If Donald is playing to the base, the base is over 40% of the country and another 10% who just can't stomach or simply fear him, but don't mind the polices. Trump with a demonstrated IQ of 78 still leads in polls by double digits over Biden on the economy for instance!

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Does Louis DeJoy Want To Be 'That Guy' Blocking The Vote? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel discusses Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and concern amid reports of USPS warning states that it cannot guarantee all mail-in ballots will arrive in time to be counted in the 2020 presidential race.
it's been said by some Trumpers whoever has Wall Street wins..here you go!

It is impossible to trust that your business is not going to be messed with if someone in your company says something non-Dear Leader or too Dear Leader. They need stable people not out to troll our nation for political power in office too.

Im sure there is still enough Uber-rich people that are perfectly happy to take advantage of everything Trump throws their way though that Trump won't be hurting for money. Especially since Trump and the Republicans have worked to keep foreign donors with plenty of backdoor ways to funnel them as much money as they need.
greedy bastards..it's just wild west city now- crooks.

"Any other outcome would threaten the stability of the banking system [and] reward bad actors that try to capitalize on operational mistakes," the bank said in its complaint.

"We quickly caught our payment error and are taking the appropriate actions to recover those funds," a spokesperson added when contacted by CNN Business.

Unexpected windfalls can result in major headaches for ordinary Americans, as banks typically demand the money be returned. Depending on the state, consumers can face criminal charges if they spend money erroneously deposited in their account. A Pennsylvania couple faced felony theft charges last year after they spent $120,000 that their bank accidentally put in their account.

In its complaint, Citibank said that Brigade Capital had no reason to expect a large payment from Revlon.

"Virtually no company, let alone a distressed retail and consumer company such as Revlon, would ever make such a substantial prepayment while dealing with the significant financial consequences caused by the ongoing pandemic," the complaint reads.

Brigade Capital declined to comment when contacted by CNN Business on Tuesday. Citibank said Brigade Capital's actions are "unconscionable" and asked the court to force the return of the money.
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Additional Criminal Referrals, Both State & Fed, for Trump & DeJoy's Intentional Slowing of Mail

The criminal referrals are mounting for Trump and his corrupt Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. They have ben referred for criminal investigation in Arizona, New Jersey and now, California. Additionally, the Attorney General for Connecticut is coordinations with six other state Attorneys General to launch legal challenges of Trump and DeJoy's slowing of mail service. In the federal arena, Representatives Ted Lieu and Hakeem Jeffries have referred Trump and to the FBI for a criminal investigations. In another positive development, Speaker Pelosi is calling Congress back into session to pass a "clean" funding bill for the US Postal Service. The speaker has also moved DeJoy's appearance before Congress to 8/24. Things are boring I the right direction, yet the FBI referral letter by Lieu and Jeffries has some truly alarming details about DeJoy's conflicts of interest. Here's why the name DeJoy seems to be synonymous with "corruption."
Funny time to be seeking a meeting with Vlad, a mere 77 days before an election. Maybe he is trying to arrange asylum with Vlad in Russia after nov 3rd, it's his only way out. I wonder what the price will be, what will Vlad want Donald to do, in exchange for safe haven in Russia? I mean, sure Donald has done lots for Vlad, but what can you do for him today? Of course Vlad will double cross him, since he holds him in utter contempt, but if he comes calling it will be with the nuclear football and a plane load of secrets. Besides, Vlad could say he showed up raving mad with nuclear weapons and nobody believes Donald anyway. Vlad will sell him back to Joe, like used merchandise, for say not confiscating all of his money in the west, just a portion, Joe will say keep him, and take Vlad's and every other oligarch's money and assets.

77 days to an election that Donald looks to lose, suddenly he needs a private face to face meeting with Vlad real bad, before the election bad, post senate report bad. He won't run before the election, if he's gonna run, but he needs a way out of the jamb he's in and he has done a lot of favors for Vlad. It might be risky for Vlad to double cross Donald until he's no longer president and not in control of nuclear weapons, Donald would be very dangerous if he figured Vlad owed him. Not many military commanders would nuke another country on Donald's say so, except in the case of Russia, they are a big threat and I'm sure some wouldn't mind vaporizing a few Russians, considering what they did to the country.
Defiant Trump Seeks Putin Meeting After Report Finds He Lied To Mueller About Russia | MSNBC

As Trump seeks a meeting with Vladimir Putin just months before the election, the Senate Intelligence Committee finally published a sweeping report on what went down between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber breaks down the implications of this Republican-controlled investigation. The new report stating Roger Stone “shared” WikiLeaks information “directly with Trump” at his “direction” to “maximize the impact” of those leaks to help Trump’s election.
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He might be caving in but it's not nearly enough, what about conspiring with Trump about slowing the mail, they talked about it, what was said, there will be no let up with the states either. Congress is gonna talk to DeJoy on Aug 24th and he's better show with documents, they need to get a bunch of things on record and refer criminal charges for what has already been done. They need to scare the living shit out of this clown, put so much heat on he bursts into flames and runs screaming out of government, but not before he works up a real sweat making sure the mail is delivered on time ASAP! If he shows a good record of performance, it will go easier in court, disrupting the mail is a federal crime, that law goes way back.

They need to watch this fucker like a hawk, demand he reinstate top management and they will report to congress about weekly USPS on time delivery performance. Soon Nancy will have a "clean" USPS funding bill on Mitch's desk, if it gets past there, it will end up on Donald's, that will be interesting.
Pelosi Wins Big, Postmaster General Caves In Voting By Mail Scandal | The Beat With Ari Melber

After facing pressure from protesters outside his own home and House Democrats after Speaker Pelosi called for an emergency session to protect the vote, Trump’s own postmaster general Louis Dejoy has backed down from implementing controversial changes to the handling of the mail until after the election, asserting, “we will deliver the nation’s election mail on time.” MSNBC’s Ari Melber breaks down this huge win for Pelosi, and what this means for Trump’s election chances.
He might be caving in but it's not nearly enough, what about conspiring with Trump about slowing the mail, they talked about it, what was said, there will be no let up with the states either. Congress is gonna talk to DeJoy on Aug 24th and he's better show with documents, they need to get a bunch of things on record and refer criminal charges for what has already been done. They need to scare the living shit out of this clown, put so much heat on he bursts into flames and runs screaming out of government, but not before he works up a real sweat making sure the mail is delivered on time ASAP! If he shows a good record of performance, it will go easier in court, disrupting the mail is a federal crime, that law goes way back.

They need to watch this fucker like a hawk, demand he reinstate top management and they will report to congress about weekly USPS on time delivery performance. Soon Nancy will have a "clean" USPS funding bill on Mitch's desk, if it gets past there, it will end up on Donald's, that will be interesting.
Pelosi Wins Big, Postmaster General Caves In Voting By Mail Scandal | The Beat With Ari Melber

After facing pressure from protesters outside his own home and House Democrats after Speaker Pelosi called for an emergency session to protect the vote, Trump’s own postmaster general Louis Dejoy has backed down from implementing controversial changes to the handling of the mail until after the election, asserting, “we will deliver the nation’s election mail on time.” MSNBC’s Ari Melber breaks down this huge win for Pelosi, and what this means for Trump’s election chances.
They lie.
They lie and are cheating bastards

(CNN)Some postal union leaders expressed skepticism that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's Tuesday announcement that mail-processing equipment will remain in place would fully restore the capacity of the Postal Service.

DeJoy announced that all changes being made to the Postal Service -- including moving mail processing equipment and blue collection boxes -- would be suspended until after the November 3 election, but more than a dozen postal union leaders across the country have told CNN that sorting machines have already been removed or taken out of service.

Roscoe Woods, president of APWU Local 480-481, said a dozen machines at a distribution center in Pontiac, Michigan, had been removed from service in recent weeks, and despite DeJoy's announcement, he said he has heard from postal management that the machines are not supposed to be put back to work.

"As of today, they were told not to power them back up," Woods said.

He said some machines were in the process of being taken apart, and two have been disassembled and are currently on a trailer at the facility.
"They have no plans to put them back together," he said.

USPS did not respond did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
They lie and are cheating bastards

(CNN)Some postal union leaders expressed skepticism that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's Tuesday announcement that mail-processing equipment will remain in place would fully restore the capacity of the Postal Service.

DeJoy announced that all changes being made to the Postal Service -- including moving mail processing equipment and blue collection boxes -- would be suspended until after the November 3 election, but more than a dozen postal union leaders across the country have told CNN that sorting machines have already been removed or taken out of service.

Roscoe Woods, president of APWU Local 480-481, said a dozen machines at a distribution center in Pontiac, Michigan, had been removed from service in recent weeks, and despite DeJoy's announcement, he said he has heard from postal management that the machines are not supposed to be put back to work.

"As of today, they were told not to power them back up," Woods said.

He said some machines were in the process of being taken apart, and two have been disassembled and are currently on a trailer at the facility.
"They have no plans to put them back together," he said.

USPS did not respond did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
The thing is, disrupting the US mail for any reason is a federal crime and DeJoy is a sitting Duck for that one, as well as election fraud conspiracy with Trump, and Donald has already thrown him under the bus! I don't think DeJoy is in that deep, he was a recent appointment and Donald hasn't dirtied him up enough to make him real desperate like Barr and Pompeo. Louie has a good life as a billionaire, being in federal prison for life might ruin that, even 6 months would fuck him up severely. I don't think he wants to give it all for Donald, and fear is playing a part here, he fears the consequences, states are referring criminal complaints and lawsuits now, he has a date with congress and a very hot seat next week, if Joe wins he could be looking a conspiracy charges along with Donald.

They should focus on DeJoy's meetings and conversations with the president about disrupting the postal service, put him on record as lying or telling the truth. Remember Donald will probably rat him out to the press, stab him in the back out of stupidity, while trying to weasel through a press conference.

I understand ballot drop off boxes are becoming popular in many states. Here's an idea, ya know all those mail boxes they pulled and sold for scrap? Organise nationally online, get some cash behind ya and buy them at scrap price plus an incentive to the scrap yard, re paint them and label them ballot drop off boxes (very quickly at low cost too) and distribute them to states for free. There might be thousands of USPS mailboxes in scrap yards across the country waiting for recycling.
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The thing is, disrupting the US mail for any reason is a federal crime and DeJoy is a sitting Duck for that one, as well as election fraud conspiracy with Trump, and Donald has already thrown him under the bus! I don't think DeJoy is in that deep, he was a recent appointment and Donald hasn't dirtied him up enough to make him real desperate like Barr and Pompeo. Louie has a good life as a billionaire, being in federal prison for life might ruin that, even 6 months would fuck him up severely. I don't think he's wants to give it all for Donald, and fear is playing a part here, he fears the consequences, states are referring criminal complaints and lawsuits now, he has a date with congress and a very hot seat next week, if Joe wins he could be looking a conspiracy charges along with Donald.

They should focus on DeJoy's meetings and conversations with the president about disrupting the postal service, put him on record as lying or telling the truth. Remember Donald will probably rat him out to the press, stab him in the back out of stupidity, while trying to weasel through a press conference.

I understand ballot drop off boxes are becoming popular in many states. Here's an idea, ya know all those mail boxes they pulled and sold for scrap? Organise nationally online, get some cash behind ya and buy them at scrap price plus an incentive to the scrap yard, re paint them and label them ballot drop off boxes (very quickly at low cost too) and distribute them to states for free. There might be thousands of USPS mailboxes in scrap yards across the country waiting for recycling.
The odor of corruption hangs in the air around this one. He was a CEO and is still a major shareholder in a company that contracts services to the USPS.

He's a major donor to the Republican party and got this job, why? This was pointed out in an earlier post, apologies to the earlier poster for not attributing them (I can't recall who posted this earlier):

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy continues to hold a multimillion-dollar stake in his former company XPO Logistics, a United States Postal Service contractor, likely creating a major conflict of interest, according to newly obtained financial disclosures and ethics experts.
Outside experts who spoke to CNN were shocked that ethics officials at the postal service approved this arrangement, which allows DeJoy to keep at least $30 million in XPO holdings
The odor of corruption hangs in the air around this one. He was a CEO and is still a major shareholder in a company that contracts services to the USPS.

He's a major donor to the Republican party and got this job, why? This was pointed out in an earlier post, apologies to the earlier poster for not attributing them (I can't recall who posted this earlier):

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy continues to hold a multimillion-dollar stake in his former company XPO Logistics, a United States Postal Service contractor, likely creating a major conflict of interest, according to newly obtained financial disclosures and ethics experts.
Outside experts who spoke to CNN were shocked that ethics officials at the postal service approved this arrangement, which allows DeJoy to keep at least $30 million in XPO holdings
Apparently he is motivated strongly by greed, but the greedy behave logically and by putting himself in the spotlight, he has exposed himself and any past wrongdoings to consequences, like Donald. He might have been motivated by greed to kill the USPS under the cover of "ideology", but Donald tried to draw him into a new purpose, suppressing the vote and disenfranchising tens of millions.

Congress should require ballots be counted as first class mail (as they were) immediately and be given preferential treatment, make Dejoy promise it under oath next week. Prison would take the joy out of DeJoy, I figure fear will win with this guy, he might resign, remember other GOP politicians are on those mail in ballots too and some are freaking out.

The federal election has how many mail in ballots this year? Say 150 million mail in ballots in 2020, even though many will vote in person and use ballot drop off boxes. 150 million ballots spread over how many weeks?
Here is an interesting factoid:

How many pieces of mail does the USPS deliver each day?
472.1 million mail pieces

The Postal Service processes and delivers 472.1 million mail pieces each day.