What has Trump done to this country?

Trumpy's* telling the MAGA morons to not buy Goodyear..i think if you need new tires now would be a good time..prove to Trumpy* his boycotts don't work only those from 70% do. Make sure they know it's because of Trumpy* you are there..he thinks he's going to ruin people..?

We control this country not Trumpy*!

President Donald Trump is calling on his followers to not buy Goodyear tires, despite previously railing against "cancel culture," after an employee posted a viral photo of a company policy banning "Make America Great Again" and other political attire in the workplace.

"Don't buy GOODYEAR TIRES - They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!)," he tweeted Wednesday morning.

The tweet came in response to an employee who posted a photo, obtained by CNN affiliate WIBW, from a Topeka, Kansas, Goodyear plant that showed a slide during a training that "Black Lives Matter" and LBGT pride apparel were "acceptable" and "Blue Lives Matter," "All Lives Matter," "MAGA Attire," and other political material were "unacceptable."

Goodyear issued a statement following the President's tweet stating "the visual in question was not created or distributed by Goodyear corporate," but that it asks its associates to "refrain from workplace expressions in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party, as well as similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of racial justice and equity issues."

The company also stated that it has "always wholeheartedly supported both equality and law enforcement and will continue to do so."
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Trumpy's* telling the MAGA morons to not buy Goodyear..i think if you need new tires now would be a good time..prove to Trumpy* his boycotts don't work only those from 70% do. Make sure they know it's because of Trumpy* you are there..he thinks he's going to ruin people..?

We control this country not Trumpy*!

President Donald Trump is calling on his followers to not buy Goodyear tires, despite previously railing against "cancel culture," after an employee posted a viral photo of a company policy banning "Make America Great Again" and other political attire in the workplace.

"Don't buy GOODYEAR TIRES - They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!)," he tweeted Wednesday morning.

The tweet came in response to an employee who posted a photo, obtained by CNN affiliate WIBW, from a Topeka, Kansas, Goodyear plant that showed a slide during a training that "Black Lives Matter" and LBGT pride apparel were "acceptable" and "Blue Lives Matter," "All Lives Matter," "MAGA Attire," and other political material were "unacceptable."

Goodyear issued a statement following the President's tweet stating "the visual in question was not created or distributed by Goodyear corporate," but that it asks its associates to "refrain from workplace expressions in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party, as well as similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of racial justice and equity issues."

The company also stated that it has "always wholeheartedly supported both equality and law enforcement and will continue to do so."
Hope he doesn't need the voters that have friends and family that work for them in the multiple states they have American facilities.
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Yer lawyer called again with some pro bono legal advice, liberal means freedom under the constitution and rule of law, liberty as some like to call it, this guy is a liberal. Liberalism allows bottom up driven and top down implemented chance and the progressive inclusion of more people in the control of their society, starting with peasants vs lords and kings, and voting rights and equality for all today. Liberalism is not an economic ideology, it is a historic movement towards responsible government, democracy and individual freedom, the US constitution is the quintessential liberal document. That's what you are fighting for in Nov, the US constitution and the rule of law, you are also fighting against treason, incompetence, corruption and mass murder.

Senate Intel Report and Criminal Referrals of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner & Steve Bannon

We recently learned that the Republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee made criminal referrals of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and Sam Clovis to the US Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia (my former professional home for nearly a quarter of a century). We know that criminal charges have not been brought against those men, who are alleged to have deceived, mislead or lied to the Senate Intel Committee.

This casts in a new light the efforts of Trump and Barr to oust former US Attorney Jessie Liu and install a Barr lackey named Tim Shea. Recall that upon his arrival at the DC USAO, Shea immediately went about dramatically reducing the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone and attempting to tank the Mike Flynn case. We are now left to speculate as to whether Shea did yet another favor (though) for Donald Trump by killing the investigations into his son, his son-in-law and the others who were referred for criminal investigation.

The good news is that those criminal referrals can and must be given a fresh look beginning in January.
Shit I think I have seen this one before.

It's amazing a moron with an IQ of 78 and who is also socially and emotionally retarded, could own the GOP congress completely, game the legal system and make fools of judges and a mockery of justice for most of his adult life. A failure not just of the GOP senate, but of the courts as well, Donald's whole adult life story of one of failure of the legal system.
Federal Judge Rules Trump Must Give Tax Returns To NY Prosecutors | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

In another loss for President Donald Trump, U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero ruled that the president must turn over his tax returns to New York prosecutors who are seeking his financial documents.
Looks like Bannon was busted for fleecing morons, "we build the wall", tell them you will build it and idiots will crowdfund it, a typical political con taylor made for bigoted suckers. Only a fucking moron would take money out of their own pocket and send it off to some sleazoid to build a stupid fucking wall. Are these people Mexicans? I thought they were gonna pay for the wall. Their donor list must be pure grifter gold, every one a sucker and every one with a weakness that can be easily exploited.

5 years in a cell without a drink will not be a happy for Steve, he might be facing lawsuits for Trump related shit that will clean him out, by the time he is released he might have no money left. He won't go to trial until after the new year, or even be sentenced if he pleads guilty until next year. I wonder if they cut Donald in for a peice of the action?
Former Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested on fraud charges

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has been arrested after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors through the “We Build the Wall” campaign. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: https://cnb.cx/2NGeIvi

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors through his “We Build the Wall” fundraising campaign.

Bannon and three associates were indicted in a federal investigation in the Southern District of New York. Prosecutors allege the four defrauded donors by raising “more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States,” but some of that money was used for personal gain.

The United States Postal Inspection Service assisted in the investigation.

Others in the indictment are Timothy Shea, a 49-year-old from Colorado accused of owning a shell company, Brian Kolfage, a disabled Iraq war veteran, and Andrew Badolato, who according to his own website was a contributor to Breitbart News, the conservative publication Bannon used to run.

The campaign was intended to raise money to help President Donald Trump fulfill a campaign promise to build a border wall. Instead, prosecutors allege that Bannon and his team profited off the arrangement.

The indictment said the defendants “collectively received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donor funds from ‘We Build the Wall,’ which they each used in a manner inconsistent with the organization’s public representations.”

“The defendants defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in funding a border wall to raise millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction,” Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. “While repeatedly assuring donors that Brian Kolfage, the founder and public face of We Build the Wall, would not be paid a cent, the defendants secretly schemed to pass hundreds of thousands of dollars to Kolfage, which he used to fund his lavish lifestyle. We thank the USPIS for their partnership in investigating this case, and we remain dedicated to rooting out and prosecuting fraud wherever we find it.”

The White House declined to comment. A spokeswoman for Bannon did not return a request for comment.
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