Trumps a Gangster...period...I work in the coal industry...I saw very clearly n experienced what that Barack guy was doing to "this country"...n I've seen n experienced the turn around since that Gangster mfkr Don J has been in office...n I already know what's gonna happen if that shell of a puppet man Biden wins...
I don't vote...never have never will...Ive always chose to stay outta the nonsense...but I work...n I can tell the difference between an Idiot n a Gangster...I choose the Gangster...can you imagine this Biden clown negotiating with someone like Putin or the leader of China??...ha...we're fkd smh...but I understand alotta ppl want that...
The coal industry will shut down once the other side slips their foot bk in the door I know none of y'all care abt that but alotta ppl do...I'm a Tow boat pilot who delivers coal to power plants...Barack was slowly but surely shutting that down...forcing all coal powered power plants to run off Natural gas instead of coal...n this Biden n his clan wannna do the same..this will put coal miners and anyone in the business of transporting coal outta it'll definitely affect me n those around me...most elections dont...but this one will