What has Trump done to this country?

It was interesting. But I dont believe anything I see on the news or Youtube...its all entertainment if ya ask me...like a movie or a TV show
It is worth checking what you think you know on AP/Reuters, watch and read actual speeches if you did ever want to actually know what is going on. But I agree it is so complex and nuanced that in anything that you don't have direct knowledge in (like river boat coal) how we feel about stuff is not a good gauge of reality. We are highly programmable with a steady application of pressure to believe shit that is not real.

Youtube is entertainment but it has been turned into a propaganda tool, along with every other form of online comment forum, video game chat feature, online 'test', every click you make is able to be tracked and all those 'conversations' things you read, things your friends and family read, etc. All thanks to Edward Snowden smuggling the NSA's data files to the Russian military is used to find out what and where to exactly spam you with to make it seem like you are feeling.
Trumps a Gangster...period...I work in the coal industry...I saw very clearly n experienced what that Barack guy was doing to "this country"...n I've seen n experienced the turn around since that Gangster mfkr Don J has been in office...n I already know what's gonna happen if that shell of a puppet man Biden wins...
I don't vote...never have never will...Ive always chose to stay outta the nonsense...but I work...n I can tell the difference between an Idiot n a Gangster...I choose the Gangster...can you imagine this Biden clown negotiating with someone like Putin or the leader of China??...ha...we're fkd smh...but I understand alotta ppl want that...
The coal industry will shut down once the other side slips their foot bk in the door I know none of y'all care abt that but alotta ppl do...I'm a Tow boat pilot who delivers coal to power plants...Barack was slowly but surely shutting that down...forcing all coal powered power plants to run off Natural gas instead of coal...n this Biden n his clan wannna do the same..this will put coal miners and anyone in the business of transporting coal outta work...so it'll definitely affect me n those around me...most elections dont...but this one will
Go to https://findsomethingnew.org/
Your gangster leader's daughter's solution to your predicament. Don't vote, it's in your best interest.
Edit: is all that coal y'all pushing going to India and China? "Find something new."
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you do realize that the Navajo coal plant is shutting down right? it's the largest in the US. it uses the electricity it makes to run a rail line from the mine to the plant. so it's basically self sustaining and still is shutting down.

nat gas is cheaper and cleaner. coal like buggy whips is dead.
Go to https://findsomethingnew.org/
Your gangster leader's daughter's solution to your predicament. Don't vote, it's in your best interest.
I dont have a "predicament"...I'm posted on all rivers so if the coal slows down I'll just move to a river that moves grain n corn..I dont vote n wont this time either or ever...its just sad that stupidity may win this election simply bc they dont like Trump...my gut tells me he'll still win tho...n when he does I'm gonna laugh my ass off...ha
n when he does I'm gonna laugh my ass off
i'm gonna too if he wins. he's gonna take away money and healthcare from his base via SS and Medicare. and the DOW will eventually correct and all their pensions and 401k will be near worthless. gotta teach those baby boomers a lesson.
you do realize that the Navajo coal plant is shutting down right? it's the largest in the US. it uses the electricity it makes to run a rail line from the mine to the plant. so it's basically self sustaining and still is shutting down.

nat gas is cheaper and cleaner. coal like buggy whips is dead.
I live in the Appalachian mountains...n coal is moving well here n has been for the past 4yrs...n all the power plants up n down the Ohio river that burn coal are thriving
I dont have a "predicament"...I'm posted on all rivers so if the coal slows down I'll just move to a river that moves grain n corn..I dont vote n wont this time either or ever...its just sad that stupidity may win this election simply bc they dont like Trump...my gut tells me he'll still win tho...n when he does I'm gonna laugh my ass off...ha
Thanks for not voting. Oh, and your ass is there for when you fall, don't laugh it off. Just a suggestion. Decide by your gut, like dear leader does.
i'm gonna too if he wins. he's gonna take away money and healthcare from his base via SS and Medicare. and the DOW will eventually correct and all their pensions and 401k will be near worthless. gotta teach those baby boomers a lesson.
I never have had much faith in those things anyway
you do realize that the Navajo coal plant is shutting down right? it's the largest in the US. it uses the electricity it makes to run a rail line from the mine to the plant. so it's basically self sustaining and still is shutting down.

nat gas is cheaper and cleaner. coal like buggy whips is dead.
Yeah I saw where that Barack guy n Hilary were "heavily invested" in that state...so.......good clue as to why that coal operation is closing