What has Trump done to this country?

Trump Reportedly Spent $58 Million In Campaign Funds On Legal Fees And Compliance .... “ Who’s the losers and Suckers Now ? “

President Donald Trump has commandeered an astonishing $58.4 million in campaign donations for legal and compliance fees, The New York Times reported Saturday.

The president has treated campaign coffers like his own “piggy bank,” sending millions to law firms for whatever battle he wants to fight, including some protecting his own interests, according to the Times.

The legal fees are in addition to the contributions that Trump is funneling into his own pockets by charging his campaign and the Republican National Committee for lodging, event space and catering. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf resort hoovered up some $400,000 in just two days for a campaign event earlier this year. As of last year, his businesses had collected nearly $17 million since he launched his first presidential campaign.

His campaign is also paying Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, $180,000 a year each for work, HuffPost has reported.

As for legal expenses, Trump had lawyers seek $1 million in damages from a former campaign aide who had accused another aide of sexual harassment and discrimination, the Times reported.

Trump also reportedly lassoed campaign donations to help him fight a California law that would have blocked him from running in the state unless he released his tax returns. That fight and others handled by the same firm cost his campaign and the RNC $1.8 million in legal fees, according to the Times.

In addition, the president and campaign associates hired lawyers to aid staff and family members — including Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law Jared Kushner — when they were targeted in Russia and Ukraine probes. The RNC has already paid some $2.5 million in legal bills for that and other legal work, according to the Times.

The president has racked up a total in legal and compliance fees of at least $58.4 million since 2015 from Trump campaign and RNC contributions, according to data gathered by the Times and the Campaign Finance Institute.

Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee spent a fraction of that — $10.7 million — on legal and compliance expenses in the same period of time beginning in 2007.

“Vindicating President Trump’s personal interests is now so intertwined with the interests of the Republican Party they are one and the same — and that includes the legal fights the party is paying for now,” campaign finance lawyer Matthew T. Sanderson told the Times.

The White House refused to respond to the Times’ request for comment.

Can we just fucking jail this clown already ?
Hey, he's stealing Trumper sucker money, less money to get the stupid fuck elected, by the end of 2021 Uncle Sam will confiscate it all, even the trust funds he's been squirreling money away in. He will be in prison and sued to death by citizens and the government in slam dunk cases, government people he fucked over illegally will sue him personally etc.

When Donald thunders in there will be a big fucking crater, much shit will be spattered far and wide, ground zero will be the Republican party. I figure over a thousand will go to prison or be in squeal deals before this shit is done, many of the poorer assholes will be ruined for life by legal fees, several have been convicted already. When Trump loses there will a traffic jamb at the new federal prosecutors door, lots of these weasels will want to be the first to roll over. Donald will rat everybody out anyway, trying to shift the blame and avoid responsibility for abject failure and criminality. When he loses all Hell will break loose as his minions run for cover and seek squeal deals, everybody will turn on everybody else, every asshole for themselves.
Watching trump’s press conference.

“friends of mine have said ‘you gotta be the most innocent guy to hold the office of the president’”

The man is completely insane. God help us all.
Caught a few minutes before my stomach turned and I turned away, what's the point of watching bad fiction, there is better entertainment out there. Nothing the moron says is true, except the projections and confessions of criminality and corruption and we've seen a few of those.
Rpt: Trump Campaign Using Doctored, Misleading Videos To Get Edge Online | MSNBC

Professor Christina Greer tells Katy Tur that it’s not surprising that the Trump campaign would resort to lies and disinformation, as the Washington Post reports, because this is a president and an admin “that don’t really have a strategy.” She calls it “spaghetti noodle” campaigning because it’s one of dozens of tactics the campaign is trying to make ‘stick’ to Joe Biden.

I found this Trump ad while surfing Youtube last night and this ad absolutely is fear driven and divisive propaganda. Worst of all it's not even from the media which I would expect, it's actually from the DJT campaign

*TRIGGER WARNING* I think some of you could become enraged/upset if you watch this. Personally, I chuckled because I have thick skin. But to run ads like this to Americans is pretty downright disgusting and insulting, that a sitting president would approve of running/using propaganda

It's not the ad itself that shocks me, it's that ithe video is directly from the Trump presidential campaign

Next level propaganda -

I found this Trump ad while surfing Youtube last night and this ad absolutely is fear driven and divisive propaganda. Worst of all it's not even from the media which I would expect, it's actually from the DJT campaign

*TRIGGER WARNING* I think some of you could become enraged/upset if you watch this. Personally, I chuckled because I have thick skin. But to run ads like this to Americans is pretty downright disgusting and insulting, that a sitting president would approve of running/using propaganda

It's not the ad itself that shocks me, it's that ithe video is directly from the Trump presidential campaign

Next level propaganda -

I really have a hard time wrapping my heard around how people who buy into Trump's vision of Biden's America when he is using scenes from his own time as POTUS.
Yeah I don't think any of us here are rioters or looters (maybe UncleBaldrick is), in fact I'm working my ass off delivering wood fuel pellets to Tractor Supply's so the rural Trump supporters can heat their shitty 12 x 60 trailers this winter

I'm not out destroying anything and it's insulting to be labeled like that

The clap back is coming....
Trump says he'll use his own cash to fund his campaign if needed ....
“ How about an IOU ? ... I‘m good for it . “

President Trump on Tuesday said he'll use personal funds to help his reelection campaign if necessary. Since he has burned thru approximately $200 million in cash ......... so far.


Both Mr. Trump and Joe Biden have built massive war chests, but Biden, along with the Democratic National Committee and joint fundraising efforts raised $364.5 million in August — a record one-month haul. The Trump campaign has not yet announced its August fundraising totals. On Tuesday, the president blamed the coronavirus pandemic and the media for his campaign's high spending so far.

"Because of the China Virus, my Campaign, which has raised a lot of money, was forced to spend in order to counter the Fake News reporting about the way we handled it (China Ban, etc.). We did, and are doing, a GREAT job, and have a lot of money left over, much more than 2016...Like I did in the 2016 Primaries, if more money is needed, which I doubt it will be, I will put it up!" the president tweeted.

Federal Election Commission records show the president's spending in the 2016 campaign cycle included money to his businesses and family members for expenses related to events and travel costs. And assorted big money spending on bigger and better campaign style events.

Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien told reporters Tuesday he is now "carefully managing" the campaign's budget. Stepien came on board this summer, replacing former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Stepien brushed aside the reports of a cash shortfall and said from now until November 3, the Trump team will have more to spend than it did during the same period in 2016....... Remember that Trump is the self proclaimed “ King of Debt “.

"We're very comfortable and confident in where we're spending and how much we're going to have down the stretch," Stepien said.

The Trump campaign is also launching a new ad campaign called "The Great American Comeback" and will air ads starting today in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan, Stepien said.

The poster child of “ Loser “.
Fuck Trump 2020
And what else is on the horizon, seeing as we are just now in the fucking eye of the COVID-19 Pandemic storm?
Millions upon millions of Americans are going/have lost their homes/apartments/businesses/livelihoods & hundreds of thousands their lives due to Trump's virus & his complete incompetency.
Even before COVID-19 Trump's debt load was unsustainable, and now, simply put, we're totally fucking screwed.
How/why the fuck did Trump end up sitting in the WH in this most dire time in American History?
God's fucking will, right?

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