What has Trump done to this country?

I'm sure when there is a new government and a reassessment of the threats posed by right wing extremists, including treason, these assholes might regret being so public about hate, it will mark them for a future database of terrorist or 5th column threats. Racism is a national security threat and most professionals in the business firmly believe this now, Trump changed a lot of minds about who is a patriot and who is not, it seems the liberals are the most patriotic of all, who would have thought...
Hang Roger Stone...
Another psycho who is going to prison, he will be charged with other crimes if Trump loses and knows it, so he would destroy the country to avoid it, like Donald. 40% of the country supports this bullshit, never forget that, they don't believe in or support the US constitution, they support fascism.

Roger Stone to Donald Trump: bring in martial law if you lose election
Trump meanwhile promises to ‘put down’ leftwing protests and says US Marshals killing Portland suspect was ‘retribution’

Roger Stone, whose 40-month prison sentence for lying to Congress and witness tampering in the Russia investigation was commuted by Donald Trump, has said Trump should seize total power and jail prominent figures including Bill and Hillary Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg if he loses to Joe Biden in November.

The long-time Republican strategist and dirty trickster, who has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back, lied about contacts with WikiLeaks during the 2016 election regarding emails hacked from Democratic party accounts.

In turn, special counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate intelligence committee suspected Trump lied when he said he could not recall discussing the leaks with Stone.

Stone did not turn on Trump and had his sentence reduced on the recommendation of attorney general William Barr. But he still faced prison before Trump acted. His conviction stands.

Both men were in Nevada on Saturday, Trump holding campaign events while Stone sought to raise money for himself. He outlined his advice to Trump should he lose in a call to conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’s Infowars online show, on Thursday.
Liberal democracy always leads to the same place historically, equality and responsible government. The extent that greed, hate and fear can screw it up, depends on the character of the citizens. Trumpers have opted out of liberal democracy and instead want to install a fascist King, they own this cocksucker and all the deaths and destruction he caused, there is plenty of responsibility to go around. Only those of low character support Trump and the republicans, I wouldn't mince words with friends and relatives about it and don't myself, they own Trump and his evil too, Christians my ass.