What has Trump done to this country?

Stark raving mad.

Stark raving mad.

He will withdraw from public life in a supermax, limited visitors and no tweeting, just a solitary cell 23 hours a day and I don't even think they have TV in them. Donald's only social contact will be with the secret service agent stationed outside his cell, the one who shoves his food through the grub hole in the door and then slams it shut. But at least he will get to see his wall for an hour a day, the wall of his prison.
Does the constitution prohibit tattooing LOSER in 2" high letters across Donald's forehead? I understand judges made people wear signs, even cut their hair in the USA. It's not a punishment, but a warning to others...

Of course people lost faith in their government, look who is POTUS FFS! Almost half the country is populated by suicidal morons who think the sun shines outta Trump's asshole. America needs to declare war on the media structure that fosters and supports this moronic bullshit, Qnon my fucking ass. Fox news has got to go and the Murdochs held to account personally and publicly excoriated, Face book needs to be regulated like a broadcaster and will be. The public depends on accurate honest information in a democracy to make decisions and the quality of our decisions is dependent on the quality of the information we use to make them. A free press does not mean a lying press or one that is a mouth piece for hostile foreign powers, a free press does not knowingly aid and abet Trump's mass murder. News serves the public, propaganda serves the interests of those who create it, Fox news did not serve 200,000 dead Americans, it's touting of Trump propaganda and a false narrative killed them.
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Yet another one of our norms smashed: early voters in Fairfax County Virginia found a group of Trump-flag waving Trumpers blocking their path and chanting "four more years". Many of those interviewed expressed the feeling of intimidation, some had to be escorted into the building to vote by county officials.

Virginia election law requires that all electioneering be done more than 40 feet from the polling place entrance - all agree that the mob of Trump-thugs stayed beyond this limit.

I have voted dozens of times and always there are group electioneering just beyond the exclusion zone. In every case I have ever seen, this electioneering has been polite, unintimidating and respectfully, using persuasion rather than mob intimidation. Not anymore, thanks Trump! Stupid fucks like @Bugeye will point out that they did not seem to break the law. Those people are too dumb to realize that following the laws alone does not make a healthy society. There are some things that just shouldn't be done - like sterilizing immigrants - even though the law might allow it. Laws can be changed - Hitler's genocide was totally legal, our behavior is the only real bulwark against tyranny.
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Yet another one of our norms smashed: early voters in Fairfax County Virginia found a group of Trump-flag waving Trumpers blocking their path and chanting "four more years". Many of those interviewed expressed the feeling of intimidation, some had to be escorted into the building to vote by county officials.

Virginia election law requires that all electioneering be done more than 40 feet from the polling place entrance - all agree that the mob of Trump-thugs stayed beyond this limit.

I have voted dozens of times and always there are group electioneering just beyond the exclusion zone. In every case I have ever seen, this electioneering has been polite, unintimidating and respectfully, using persuasion rather than mod intimidation. Not anymore, thanks Trump! Stupid fucks like @Bugeye will point out that they did not seem to break the law. Those people are too dumb to realize that following the laws alone does not make a healthy society. There are some things that just shouldn't be done - like sterilizing immigrants - even though the law might allow it. Laws can be changed - Hitler's genocide was totally legal, our behavior is the only real bulwark against tyranny.
The ballot is secret and cellphone video ubiquitous, the videos are truth machines and witnesses to crime. First we need morals, then ethics, finally law, but all is underpinned by good will towards others and wanting the best for them. We instinctively run to the aid of others in distress for a reason, we are human, at least some of us are, some of the time anyway.

It's not the constitution but the people who enforce it that counts, Stalin had a wonderful constitution for the USSR, but it was meaningless. The only reason the US constitution and law is meaningless to Trump, is Republicans allow it and have failed in their constitutional duties, their oaths of office and to protect citizens at a fundamental level. Trump has 44%+ approval according to the latest polling, if he wasn't such an utterly incompetent asshole he would have more. You must suppress the information infrastructure supporting this bullshit to change these numbers, racism binds them, but their media infrastructure directs them and provides psychological and social support. They are no different than Muslim American terrorist who get all hyped up on radical propaganda websites.
My, confiscating 2 trillion dollars of illegal cash would damn near pay for the covid debacle, not to mention confiscating all Russian assets in America and the CIA and NSA hacking, then cleaning out secret Russian bank accounts in the world's tax havens (split it with the locals for motivation). Ya know that might go a long way towards paying for the mess Donald and the Russians got America into, Uncle Sam might own a lot of real estate, starting with Donald's.
Hey Donald is president, wait until after the new year... Hit em where it hurts and they are greedy bastards, make them poor and keep them that way and or in prison. I would make it a point of hauling republican officials and henchmen in for multiple congressional hearings, just so the legal expenses would ruin the cocksuckers. Benghazi turned out to be great, makes multiple hearings and beating it to death from two to four years kinda acceptable, when they whine, shout BENGHAZI! or BANZAI!

All the shit that will be coming out over the next two years, the electoral reforms ( H.R.1) and the death of FOX news at the hands of the FCC will make life difficult for republicans in 2022, especially the senators up for election. I expect the republicans will vomit up a bunch of fucking lunatics for candidates next time around, the base is collectively insane.
Stark raving mad.

That is true, no tweeting from a supermax, perhaps no TV either, just 23/7 in a cell and a walk by his big beautiful wall for an hour.