What has Trump done to this country?

Interesting article.

Evangelicals following Qanon doesn’t surprise me as both organizations prey on those who are easily manipulated.

Evangelicals are only worried about “saving” the children. Well, white children, at least.
The many relatives I know believe in jesus, trump, guns and freedom. Whatever that means. We just had a family get together. Also when you see a cardinal it's a dead relative. They watch faux and go to church. And gossip. Limited social networking. My one sister in law got a lift chair. She's a bit overweight and doesn't exercise. I wonder if you can get a lift toilet.
The many relatives I know believe in jesus, trump, guns and freedom. Whatever that means. We just had a family get together. Also when you see a cardinal it's a dead relative. They watch faux and go to church. And gossip. Limited social networking. My one sister in law got a lift chair. She's a bit overweight and doesn't exercise. I wonder if you can get a lift toilet.

my GOP grandmother 103 believes it's pennies..my deceased (via double patching it) uncle used to sing 'Pennies from Heaven' to my grandmother..she said she cleans her house and knows there's nothing around but keeps finding pennies where there used to be none.

the pennies are from my uncle.
Barr/DOJ Designate NY/Seattle/Portland "Anarchist" Cities. Barr Will Lose in Court in a NY Minute

In a PR stunt, Barr designates New York, Seattle and Portland "anarchist" cities in a quest toward defunding those cities. This quickly will end up in court and Bill Barr will lose in a New York minute. But Trump and Bar are forever losing in court, whether it's the citizenship-on-the-census case, the DACA case, the absolute-immunity-from-congressional-subpoenas case, the Mike Flynn case, the president's tax case, etc. Even Donald Trump's draft picks - Gorsuch and Kavanaugh - rule against him.

What are the legal implication of Barr's juvenile name calling of American cities?
Barr/DOJ Designate NY/Seattle/Portland "Anarchist" Cities. Barr Will Lose in Court in a NY Minute

In a PR stunt, Barr designates New York, Seattle and Portland "anarchist" cities in a quest toward defunding those cities. This quickly will end up in court and Bill Barr will lose in a New York minute. But Trump and Bar are forever losing in court, whether it's the citizenship-on-the-census case, the DACA case, the absolute-immunity-from-congressional-subpoenas case, the Mike Flynn case, the president's tax case, etc. Even Donald Trump's draft picks - Gorsuch and Kavanaugh - rule against him.

What are the legal implication of Barr's juvenile name calling of American cities?

surely Trump* would never let a pandemic loose in the US? surely..i'm not sure about anything anymore.

and yet he continues, unfettered.

what is pelosi and schumer doing while Rome burns?
what is pelosi and schumer doing while Rome burns?
They are carefully maneuvering to get real political power and assign the republicans to the dust bin of history, fear works for them and against Trump. Think about it, new laws can be created to give a woman reproductive rights and make it a felony with a 5 year minimum for CONSPIRING to interfere with her human rights. As for Obamacare and preexisting conditions, Medicare for all or single payer government healthcare will take care of that. They can pack the court later and this might cost the GOP more senate seats. The senate filibuster is gone and a simple majority is all that will be required, bigly change are coming and ironically, Donald is causing it, he has accelerated the pace of events and thus history.

I can feel a landslide building and I think first time or infrequent voters are gonna fuel it, If Joe gets over 400 electoral votes with Florida and either Georgia or Texas, they could win more senate seats than expected. The democrats are gonna pick up a lot of seats in the house and they should do well in the state houses and redistricting is next year. The GOP has a lot of built in advantages that will be removed along with Fox news, I'd be surprised they survive a new FCC administration after what they did on the air.

"In the 50 states, there are 99 state legislative chambers altogether. Eighty-six of those chambers are holding legislative elections in 2020. The general election for state legislative races is on November 3, 2020.

Heading into the 2020 elections, Republicans hold a majority in more chambers than Democrats. There is a Republican majority in 61 chambers and a Democratic majority in 37 chambers. In the Alaska House, there is a power-sharing agreement between the parties as part of a coalition".

What can they do?

trump refers to the senate as “his” senate, which, it is. There is no longer oversight or even a separation of powers.

Next up, The Supreme Court.

well our little co-equal branch experiment failed; Biden said..'the people won't stand for it'. People? Rise! :cuss:

Biden's not going to do shit either right? donors? same old same old with people dying from a pandemic same old same old.

when will this shit stop?
Chris nails it.
Chris Hayes: The GOP Made A Devil’s Bargain With Trump—And It Was Worth It | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “The horrifying truth is for the institutional Republican Party, for everyone who made their peace with the bargain, the bargain has still been worth it. They traded over 100,000 American lives for this power.”