What has Trump done to this country?

Americans Turn Out For Early In-Person Voting, Facing Long Lines | TODAY

Voting in the 2020 election is already underway in 24 states, including Illinois and Michigan, where it began on Thursday. Meanwhile, FBI director Christopher Wray cast doubt on concerns about mail-in voting fraud.
Record Voter Turnout In PA With Mail-In Ballots Bodes Well For Biden | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

One of the first tests for the Supreme Court without Justice Ginsburg could be ruling on mail-in voting. Stephanie Ruhle asks Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey what it means for his closely watched battleground state
DeSantis, in "an act of executive grace," also suspended "all outstanding fines and penalties that have been applied against individuals" associated with pandemic-related mandates, such as mask requirements.

and yet he's busting bloombergs balls over raising money to pay felon fines so they can vote.
good bye racist fvck:clap:

Paul -- a well-known libertarian, three-time presidential candidate and the father of Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul -- was seen visually slurring his words during a livestream on his YouTube channel on Friday. The video has since been removed.

and the con just keeps coming.

The proposals that include prosecuting the Ku Klux Klan and Antifa as terrorist organizations, making Juneteenth a federal holiday and efforts to bolster Black economic prosperity.

During an Atlanta event announcing what was deemed the Black Economic Empowerment "Platinum Plan," Trump sought to draw contrasts between his plan for the African American community and Joe Biden's proposals, arguing that the former vice president "inflicted" damage on the Black community over the last 47 years he's spent working in Washington.

I'll bet the pope (at least the current one) will give him an attitude adjustment.
Fuck Catholics, who throughout history with they're policies & actions have been directly responsible for millions of death's & the rape/molestation of ten's of thousands of children.
They have no moral highground to stand on.
By the way, I'm a Catholic that endured 12 years of schooling in their indoctrnation camps/schools.
I have no use for any of them,
Fuck Catholics, who throughout history with they're policies & actions have been directly responsible for millions of death's & the rape/molestation of ten's of thousands of children.
They have no moral highground to stand on.
By the way, I'm a Catholic that endured 12 years of schooling in their indoctrnation camps/schools.
I have no use for any of them,
Yer' a "recovering Catholic", as am I! We've seen the light, brother!