What has Trump done to this country?

Putin arrests his Jesuses, America elects them, at least the orange ones, Vlad does do somethings right...

Russia arrests "Jesus of Siberia," cult leader claiming to be reincarnation of Christ

Moscow — Russia on Tuesday arrested a Siberian cult leader who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus, along with his top aides, in an operation involving armed troops and aircraft. The Investigative Committee, which probes serious crimes, said it had detained Sergei Torop known to his followers as Vissarion the Teacher, or the Jesus of Siberia, and two of his aides.

Footage released by investigators showed 59-year-old Vissarion, with long grey hair and a beard, and two other men being led by masked commandos from a van and boarding a helicopter.
‘Chilling’: Hayes Unpacks Trump’s Vast And Ongoing Project To Steal The Election | All In | MSNBC

“I know—it sounds like dystopic science fiction,” says Chris Hayes. “We have to be honest about it, the same way we had to be honest about what the virus was going to do to this country back in late February. It is frankly a plan for an authoritarian power grab.”
On election night, how many police departments will side with tRUmp and his white nationalist scum, many is my guess. The police have become radicalized and are filled with these pieces of shit. tRUmp will use them to start violence and prevent voting in heavily blue districts.

On election night, how many police departments will side with tRUmp and his white nationalist scum, many is my guess. The police have become radicalized and are filled with these pieces of shit. tRUmp will use them to start violence and prevent voting in heavily blue districts.

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Between the fact that White supremacists have infiltrated our police forces and the Russian military turning 'conservatives' into potential domestic terrorists directed at the Black Lives Matter movement, and Trump's continual asking for violence by his cult against fellow American citizens, January can't get here soon enough.

https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/blogs...-white-supremacist-infiltration-1-110a4e4.pdfScreen Shot 2020-09-24 at 8.24.25 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-09-24 at 8.25.56 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-09-24 at 8.27.42 AM.png

Republicans are nothing more than organized crime now and they already stole the 2000 and 2016 elections. They know that they have burned all their bridges and people can see them for what they are now. They will do anything to stay in power, including killing as many Americans as it takes to do it, no matter what that number is.
He took the mask off of neoliberal capitalism and exposed the fascism behind it because he's to incompetent to maintain the USA's facade of democracy.
Republicans are nothing more than organized crime now and they already stole the 2000 and 2016 elections. They know that they have burned all their bridges and people can see them for what they are now. They will do anything to stay in power, including killing as many Americans as it takes to do it, no matter what that number is.
There will be a landslide and Trump might even lose on election night, someone would have to be insane to vote for Trump and the republicans with what has come out. Only those who are existing in an alternate information bubble and reality can support this bullshit, even the news part of Fox news tells them what is going on and can't spin it enough. It is a consistent 10 point lead for Biden and I suspect the election results will show an even larger gap.

It is not just the Presidential election on the ballot, congressional and senate races as well as state houses are on it too, the whole American democratic process is at stake. The constitution is on the line, the thing most Americans swore to up hold and defend, well now is the time to step up, because it is under attack. This election is simply a choice between a fascist dictatorship and the US constitution, if they don't count the ballots against Trump, they won't count them for any body else either, including dog catcher in some places.
This is how I feel most days until medicated.
Pot is a bit of a tranquillizer, but if pot smokers feel the way they do here about Trump, I can imagine how most people who don't use pot feel, those with a brain and heart that is. Remember, not just Trump is on that ballot, congress and state houses are on it too, the entire foundation of the American democratic process and constitution. If they don't count ballots against Trump, they won't count them for anybody else, including congress and the state houses. It's a fight for liberty and the constitution, not just an election.
This Is A Democratic Emergency, Says Professor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president again refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power if he loses to Biden in November. Dartmouth professor Brendan Nyhan discusses why this moment in U.S. history is a 'five-alarm fire.'
Notice when the chant became organized to "Throw him out", Trump felt fear and ran away. Organize, gang up on the bully, he looks to divide and conquer and in the face of united opposition he backs down, even against republicans. Donald likes to "float ideas", if nobody objects, it's ok, make republicans speak out against this bullshit before the election, or they agree with it and own it.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, hope he dies screaming, karma is a bitch sometimes.

Just think, when he loses his government job, he loses his healthcare and with a preexisting condition like that, no insurance if the republicans win in court. Besides he's a much greater risk for covid now, poetic justice?

Those that survive Trump had better be rich, because legal fees for congressional appearances alone will ruin most. Grand juries don't require a lawyer though.