What has Trump done to this country?

This country will be a shit hole before his second term is over if tRUmp is reelected. He's already said he plans on going after social security and medicare. Once he's stripped away all social safety nets and health care for working people it will be a ruling class with the dirt poor masses.
i agree with the above reference highlighted statement.

what if Dolloff were black? you're missing the fact that it was thought Keltner (fat fascist) had a gun tucked away and was going for it..so two assaults who's going to stick around to see what the third might be? you?

good luck with that.

This is where your racism shows. It doesn't matter if Dolloff were black. He was out of his depth when he stepped onto the street acting as a security guard. He didn't have the necessary training for legally operating as one and leading up to the shooting there were several points at which he could have gotten his charges out of harms way without confronting the fat fascist. I agree that legally, he might make a good enough case to walk. If that happens then I'd say we have a problem with a low bar for invoking self defense as a plea of innocence.

Did Keltner in fact have a gun tucked away? What does it matter if he did? The fat fascist was completely out of bounds both with the sucker slap and with the bear spray. Neither of those even comes close to drawing a gun, either in intent, act or consequences. He IS guilty of something for using those and in my mind shares guilt for what happened when scaredy-cat (Dolloff) drew and fired.

But the black reference only shows how different you and I are. His color makes no difference whatsoever. Except he probably would have died by cop bullets if he were. The cops would then say they were scared and gotten off by pleading self defense because they got scared and continued on in their role as police officers. In which case I'd say we have a problem with a low bar for invoking self defense as a plea of innocence AND a problem with fascist cops.

It's a matter of re-setting our values system to value human life more than honoring a dumbass precedent that in the US people have no obligation to retreat when they fear for their lives. Other countries do require that people retreat if they can. Those countries have much lower rates of homicides than the US does. Is that a coincidence?
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Some are running from Donald like he has the plague, wait a minute, he does have the plague! :D
Some Americans are concerned and upset about Trump coming between family members and friends, this can be a good thing too, you'll be less likely to catch covid. Many of Donald's death cult don't wear masks and engage in dangerous social practices like Trump rallies, you would be wise to keep your distance. Look on the bright side and use covid as a convenient and honest excuse to limit social contact. Silver linings folks.
This is where your racism shows. It doesn't matter if Dolloff were black. He was out of his depth when he stepped onto the street acting as a security guard. He didn't have the necessary training for legally operating as one and leading up to the shooting there were several points at which he could have gotten his charges out of harms way without confronting the fat fascist. I agree that legally, he might make a good enough case to walk. If that happens then I'd say we have a problem with a low bar for invoking self defense as a plea of innocence.

Did Keltner in fact have a gun tucked away? What does it matter if he did? The fat fascist was completely out of bounds both with the sucker slap and with the bear spray. Neither of those even comes close to drawing a gun, either in intent, act or consequences. He IS guilty of something for using those and in my mind shares guilt for what happened when scaredy-cat (Dolloff) drew and fired.

But the black reference only shows how different you and I are. His color makes no difference whatsoever. Except he probably would have died by cop bullets if he were. The cops would then say they were scared and gotten off by pleading of self defense because they got scared and continued on in their role as police officers. In which case I'd say we have a problem with a low bar for invoking self defense as a plea of innocence AND a problem with fascist cops.

It's a matter of re-setting our values system to value human life more than honoring a dumbass precedent that in the US people have no obligation to retreat when they fear for their lives. Other countries do require that people retreat if they can. Those countries have much lower rates of homicides than the US does. Is that a coincidence?
Do the "stand your ground" laws apply to someone coming at you without a mask on during a dangerous covid outbreak? Technically they are threating your life... The pretzel logic of stand your ground, slaughtering unmasked MAGATS should be perfectly legal. Provided the range is shorter than 6 feet.
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but sasse will still vote for barrett, won't he?

now that he's taking the hat off? history will force him to wear the scars.
Do the "stand your ground" laws apply to someone coming at you without a mask on during a dangerous covid outbreak? Technically they are threating your life... The pretzel logic of stand your ground, slaughtering unmasked MAGATS should be perfectly legal. Provided the range is shorter than 6 feet.

he's had a hair up his ass for some time now.
he's had a hair up his ass for some time now.
The comment was about the absurdity of the "stand your ground" laws and in support of foggy's POV, they are logically inconsistent and subject to abuse.

In Canada you must retreat, if possible, but even in Canada the security guard who shot the bear spray guy would have a very good case in court, provided he was licensed, was doing his job and could not retreat. He had reasonable cause to believe the bear spray could be followed up by a gun attack with a hidden weapon. It would be up to a jury here too, but the law would be different.
Trump is depending on election day voters more than the democrats who are voting early, Trump's plan is to win on the vote counted on election day and his fans are cooperating in the scheme.

What if democrats behaved like republicans? They voted early, so they get in line at heavily republican areas on polling day and when they get to the top, then ask if they can check to see if they are on the rolls and if they have their vote recorded? Take your time...

They are actively disenfranchising democratic voters or support it. The trouble is, one side supports liberal democracy and the other does not, one side has character and are guided by principals and values, at least some are.

Biden holds a large lead over Trump nationally, while swing-state polls show a closer race

  • Joe Biden is holding on to his sizable lead over President Donald Trump in the national polls.
  • But there are reasons for the Democratic nominee to worry about the handful of key states that could ultimately decide the election.
  • Biden’s lead in several crucial swing states is slightly lower than Hillary Clinton’s was at this point in the 2016 race, polls show.
Joe Biden is holding on to his sizable lead over President Donald Trump in the national polls, but there are reasons for the Democratic nominee to worry about the handful of key states that could ultimately decide the election.
With just 19 days left until the Nov. 3 election, Biden’s position on a national level looks strong, according to major polling trackers.

Here’s what they showed Thursday morning:
The former vice president has maintained a consistent lead by those measures, despite the tumultuous, and in many ways unprecedented, state of American politics. One of the biggest shifts of the race occurred within the last month, when Biden’s polling lead grew wider after Trump’s widely panned debate performance and the revelation that he had contracted the coronavirus.
Do the "stand your ground" laws apply to someone coming at you without a mask on during a dangerous covid outbreak? Technically they are threating your life... The pretzel logic of stand your ground, slaughtering unmasked MAGATS should be perfectly legal. Provided the range is shorter than 6 feet.
I suppose it's already happened somewhere.

US Court ruling: In Erwin v. State (1876), the Supreme Court of Ohio wrote that a "true man", one without fault, would not retreat.[10] In Runyan v. State (1877), the Indiana court rejected a duty to retreat, implying it was un-American,[1]:551–2 writing of a referring to the distinct American mind,[10] "the tendency of the American mind seems to be very strongly against" a duty to retreat.[10] The court went further in saying that no statutory law could require a duty to retreat, because the right to stand one's ground is "founded on the law of nature; and is not, nor can be, superseded by any law of society."

UK: In English law the focus of the test is whether the defendant is acting reasonably in the particular situation. There is no specific requirement that a person must retreat in anticipation of an attack. Although some withdrawal would be useful evidence to prove that the defendant did not want to fight, not every defendant is able to escape. In R v Bird the defendant was physically attacked, and reacted instinctively and immediately without having the opportunity to retreat. Had there been a delay in the response, the reaction might have appeared more revenge than self-defense.[11]

This is the difference. In the US, we have this perception that it is unnatural for "a man" to retreat. In the UK, they ask if the defendant acted reasonably. I happen to think that the unlicensed security guard was not acting reasonably when he decided to kill fascist fat man rather than remove himself and his client from a dangerous situation.

I get that under current law, the killer will probably walk. I want to see it change. I think a lot of problems arise from our stupid macho stand yer ground way of thinking.
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Cracks starting to appear....
Thats some bullshit! Im glad I came here!
Former JAG and retired federal prosecutor from 6 days ago.
Glenn Kirschner: Nothing is going to save Trump.

MSNBC Legal Analyst, Glenn Kirschner, talks about whether Trump is actually laying down his exit strategy.
I listened to that and had no idea about any of it... thanks for that
it's gonna get ugly.
If the banks lock up like in 2008 and nobody's bank or credit card works it might be a Helluva time with Donald in charge. You might have 10K in your checking account, but the bank is closed and the cards don't work, businesses will be going tits up left right and center with cash flow crises and unemployment will spike.

The banks will need 2 trillion to reopen and the public can starve, that would go over like a turd in the punch bowl.
Jesus what a mess, you ain't seen nothing like mass economic destruction piled on top of mass death yet, but give Donald time.