What has Trump done to this country?

Joe Biden could shove a red hot poker up Trump's asshole on 5th avenue and wouldn't lose a vote, but would probably get a big increase in donations. Or, Joe Biden could send Donald Trump and a thousand of his minions to prison for life and not lose a vote, that's the one that burns Donald's ass the most. After Jan 20th Donald is due to become America's biggest loser and every dirty deed he has done in the last 20 years will be exposed. He is the quintessential empty suit, a phony, a fake and a fraud, a simple minded moron hiding out in plain sight, if he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth he'd starve, if he wasn't in prison.

I predict, if he lives, he will be quickly indicted after Jan 20th and will be before a judge in a week, a week later he will have a gag order slapped on him, a week after that the judge will jail him for violating it. When his trial arrives (quickly cause he will be in jail) they will have to tie him to a chair and ball gag him in an orange jumpsuit on national TV. He might have a stroke or the big one as he squirms tied to his chair mumbling with his eyes bugged out. Trust me, it will be first rate TV, historic stuff, I know you'll love it so much, you'll watch it cold sober and have the time of your life... :D

are you forgetting this?..because this is very doable with the DOJ in your pocket..do you think he has the DOJ in his pocket?:

are you forgetting this?..because this is very doable with the DOJ in your pocket..do you think he has the DOJ in his pocket?:

I think the plan is for Billy to have a date with congress for an impeachment investigation and if he doesn't show, use the inherent powers of congress and the Sergeant at arms will arrest him, then hold him in jail pending the investigation and impeachment. His bodyguards are federal agents and required to act on lawfull warrants, and this one would be, no appeal to the courts and a 10 year sentence imposed by a full trial of the house, no pardon, no appeal, no parole. The democrats haven't acted yet because they want the voters riled up, by Barr, he is unpopular and nobody will give a fuck if he goes down except Donald. This will cut him off at the knees and the senate can whine and bitch all they want, it would probably cost votes though and they will wait for the right time. Make no mistake, they are aware of Barr's little plan and will cut the fucker off at the knees before the election.

It would be best if Bill never showed for the subpoena, then they could jail him and keep him there until after the election at least, no impeachment required. It would also send a chilling message to the other minions who are planning on fucking with the election. Also, all those people who disobeyed subpoenas could be tried after the election by this congress and jailed for contempt for up to 10 years by a vote of congress. This congress does not expire until the last day of the year and they could give Donald's minions a little going away present, the election is over remember...
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I think the plan is for Billy to have a date with congress for an impeachment investigation and if he doesn't show, use the inherent powers of congress and the Sergeant at arms will arrest him, then hold him in jail pending the investigation and impeachment. His bodyguards are federal agents and required to act on lawfull warrants, and this one would be, no appeal to the courts and a 10 year sentence imposed by a full trial of the house, no pardon no appeal, no parole. The democrats haven't acted yet because they want the voters riled up, by Barr, he is unpopular and nobody will give a fuck if he goes down except Donald. This will cut him off at the knees and the senate can whine and bitch all they want, it would probably cost votes though and they will wait for the right time. Make no mistake, they are aware of Barr's little plan and will cut the fucker off at the knees before the election.

It would be best if Bill never showed for the subpoena, then they could jail him and keep him there until after the election at least, no impeachment required. It would also send a chilling message to the other minions who are planning on fucking with the election. Also, all those people who disobeyed subpoenas could be tried after the election by this congress and jailed for contempt for up to 10 years by a vote of congress. This congress does not expire until the last day of the year and they could give Donald's minions a little going away present, the election is over remember...

i EM the Lincoln Project about this and sent the link. George Conway is Constitutional Attorney as are several, perhaps they'll write me back with an opinion?
i EM the Lincoln Project about this and sent the link. George Conway is Constitutional Attorney as are several, perhaps they'll write me back with an opinion?
There are literally thousands of lawyers all across the country watching this like a hawk, many have volunteered to watch polls and elections, and there will be teams waiting for any legal fight. The civil war will be fought in the courts, before it is taken to the streets, too many have died and too much is at stake to allow these morons to steal the election. Killing Americans by the hundreds of thousands is not enough, they must have their rights and votes stolen to steal the country too. Blood has been spilled in massive amounts, with the prospect of many more deaths if Trump wins, that and obvious treason are what makes this different and far more serious.

If you don't like the democrats, at least vote against Trump, the republicans and everything they stand for, you might be pleasantly surprised in the new year, if not, at least you saved yourself and the country.

California duo charged with hate crime for defacing Black Lives Matter mural

A California duo was charged with a hate crime for defacing a newly painted Black Lives Matter mural outside of a courthouse, officials announced Tuesday.

Nichole Anderson, 42, was filmed using a roller to cover part of the yellow letters with black paint on Saturday as her cohort, 53-year-old David Nelson, stood guard near the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse in Martinez, the Contra Costa District Attorney’s said.

As Anderson painted within the lines, allowing the letters “B” and “L” to remain visible, Nelson told onlookers: “we’re sick of this narrative.”

“The narrative of police brutality, the narrative of oppression, the narrative of racism,” Nelson declared. “It’s a lie.”

“I said no one wants Black Lives Matter here!” he added. “That’s what I said. All Lives Matter, you punk.”

The temporary mural, which a Martinez resident received a permit for, was completed the same day the alleged vandals struck, authorities said.

“The mural completed last weekend was a peaceful and powerful way to communicate the importance of Black lives in Contra Costa County and the country,” Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton said in a statement.

“We must continue to elevate discussions and actually listen to one another in an effort to heal our community and country.”

Anderson and Nelson were charged with vandalism, violation of civil rights and possession of tools to commit vandalism of graffiti.
Now America is finally starting to act like a normal country. Trump's approval is still way above normal, he should be around 5% nationally.

Massive gap: Gallup measures historic partisan divide on Trump’s approval
89-point gap between Democrats and Republicans is the largest ever recorded by Gallup

Ninety-one percent of Republicans surveyed in a new Gallup poll say they approve of how President Trump’s handling his job.

That support plunges to just 2 percent among Democrats questioned in the same survey.

Gallup reports that the 89-point difference between Republicans' and Democrats' ratings of Trump is the largest partisan gap they’ve ever measured for a presidential approval rating.


In late January and early February, around the time of the Senate impeachment trial and ultimate acquittal, Trump had registered 87-point gaps in a Gallup poll.

The president stands at 33 percent approval among independent voters in the new survey.

The latest results come from a Gallup poll conducted June 8-June 30.

The president’s overall approval rating stands at 38 percent, basically unchanged from Trump’s 39 percent approval in Gallup’s previous survey, conducted May 28-June 4.

The president stood at 49 percent approval in Gallup polls conducted in April and again in early May.

Gallup noted that “the drop in Trump's job approval rating puts him in the company of George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, the last two one-term presidents, who also had sub-40 percent approval ratings in June of their reelection years.”

Carter stood at 32 percent approval in Gallup polling in June of 1980 and the first President Bush registered at 37 percent.


But there are still four months to go until the November general election, which is an eternity in campaign politics. President Harry Truman stood at 40 percent approval in Gallup’s June 1946 survey. Truman eventually rebounded to score a come-from-behind victory over challenger Gov. Thomas Dewey of New York.

Of the post-World War II presidents who won reelection to a second term, Dwight Eisenhower stood at 73 percent in June of 1956, Richard Nixon was at 58 percent in June of 1972, Ronald Reagan was at 54 percent in June of 1984, Bill Clinton stood at 55 percent in June of 1996, George W. Bush was at 49 percent in June of 2004, and Barack Obama stood at 46 percent in June of 2012.