What has Trump done to this country?


Yeah, obsolete weaponry. Nobody is going to have "dogfights" in the air again. Not now that there are unmanned armaments.

It goes even deeper than money.
I thought that orange baboon did complain about toilets and dishwashers at some point. Flushing or something stupid like that. Don’t remember specifics .

Too focused on November to care.
Come November just make sure ya flush Trump! I figure Americans need to be scared about three things right now, Trump, covid and a banking collapse before the election or just after. If bank cards stop working everybody is fucked, there is not enough cash in circulation anyway, you might have 20K in the bank, but if it's shut down and yer card(s) don't work...

Perhaps Rob Roy's dream of a barter economy may come true in America, soup kitchens, bread lines and food banks for many before it's over. Destitution and upheaval for many lie in the not too distant future, if not the present, eviction and mass homelessness lie ahead for many Americans. What have you got to lose? He said, well apparently your lives, health, jobs, economy, health care, homes and places in your community, it will most likely get worse before it gets better, even if Joe wins in Nov.

The good we do lives beyond us just as the evil does, Donald will leave a lot of evil, death and destruction, Joe will inherit a bankrupt graveyard. I figure Joe with a lot of willing hands and majorities in the house and senate can get ya back on yer feet in a year. America is a powerful nation, when the right person holds the reins of that immense power, you'll see what Uncle Sam can do when he shits out Trump and the GOP like a case of food poisoning.
Come November just make sure ya flush Trump! I figure Americans need to be scared about three things right now, Trump, covid and a banking collapse before the election or just after. If bank cards stop working everybody is fucked, there is not enough cash in circulation anyway, you might have 20K in the bank, but if it's shut down and yer card(s) don't work...

Perhaps Rob Roy's dream of a barter economy may come true in America, soup kitchens, bread lines and food banks for many before it's over. Destitution and upheaval for many lie in the not too distant future, if not the present, eviction and mass homelessness lie ahead for many Americans. What have you got to lose? He said, well apparently your lives, health, jobs, economy, health care, homes and places in your community, it will most likely get worse before it gets better, even if Joe wins in Nov.

The good we do lives beyond us just as the evil does, Donald will leave a lot of evil, death and destruction, Joe will inherit a bankrupt graveyard. I figure Joe with a lot of willing hands and majorities in the house and senate can get ya back on yer feet in a year. America is a powerful nation, when the right person holds the reins of that immense power, you'll see what Uncle Sam can do when he shits out Trump and the GOP like a case of food poisoning.

i thought you were being a henny penny- i stand corrected. 30M unable to pay rent..? i have $2 of my $194 SNAP until 9/5..i have enough money from my unemployment received last 30 days $384 for my CO ID and the Lyft to get there and back.
And the hits keep coming.. Time to replace the SDNY AG, or maybe "reorganise" the whole thing, like the post office, won't help with the NY state AG. Does Donald know this though? The state of NY can indict him though, president or not. Can he serve as POTUS from a cell in Singsing? Donald will try!

Yet more filth to assault the senses my benumbed American friends, another reason for Donald to win at all costs, and failing that run for Russia on AF1 with every secret he can lay his hands on to bargain with after nov 3rd. Vlad better take him in, cause he might nuke Russia on the way back home.
New York Attorney General Reveals Investigation Into Trump Organization | MTP Daily | MSNBC
NBC News Correspondent Tom Winter discusses the latest investigation by the New York Attorney General into Trump organization.
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I think a small ceramic disk, say 3" in dia. with a photo of Donald printed on it. Ya place it in the bottom of the toilet bowl for target practice, try to get a pic with his mouth open. I'll bet ya could sell millions of em, call it the Trump toilet target...:D

put in urinals right down by the cake.
Jerry Falwell jr. Resigns - Sexual deviant put on blast as a cuckold by “ friend “ .....

A “ friend “ that participated... lol.

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Judgement day!

Report: Former Pool Boy Describes Years-Long Sexual Relationship With Jerry Falwell Jr. And Wife


A former pool attendant turned business partner of Jerry Falwell Jr. claims he engaged in a years-long sexual relationship with the recently departed Liberty University president and his wife, stoking renewed controversy surrounding the leading Christian conservative figurehead and President Trump ally.

In a Reuters report published Monday, Giancarlo Granda, who says he met the Falwells at age 20 while working as a pool attendant in a Miami Beach hotel, detailed a years-long relationship with the couple that involved him having sex with Becki Falwell while Jerry Falwell Jr. watched.

“Becki and I developed an intimate relationship and Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room,” Granda, now 29-years-old, told Reuters, describing sexual encounters in hotels in Miami and New York, and at the couple’s Virginia home, “multiple times per year.”

Granda provided emails, text messages and other evidence to support his claims.

After Reuters reached out to the Falwells about the claims, Jerry Falwell Jr. sent a 1,200-word statement to the Washington Examiner in which he said his wife had an engaged in an “inappropriate personal relationship” with Granda which he had used to try and extort money, but made no mention of his own involvement.

Granda’s connection to the Falwells made news in 2018 when Buzzfeed reported the details of a business they all launched together, which ended in a falling out and lawsuit in which Granda claimed he’d been wrongly cut out.

On Friday, Liberty University’s board of trustees said it had not yet made a decision “whether or not to retain Falwell as president” after he was put on “indefinite leave” on August 7.

The university did not respond to Forbes’s questions about how the Reuters report would impact the board’s decision, and Jerry Falwell’s lawyer Michael Bowe did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Granda, who said he began the sexual relationship with the Falwells willingly the month he met them in 2018, now says his “immaturity, naiveté, instability or a combination thereof” made him the “ideal target” for the Falwells, and he feels he was preyed upon.

Falwell came under the spotlight earlier this month after posting a picture of himself on a yacht while on vacation with his pants unzipped, his midriff hanging out, a drink in-hand and his arm around a woman.
The RNC Kicks Off With A Flurry Of GOP Endorsements… For Joe Biden | Deadline | MSNBC

Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Washington Post White House bureau chief Phil Rucker, and former Democratic Congresswoman Donna Edwards weigh in on the over two dozen former Republican members of Congress announcing their support for the Democratic candidate for president.
Elise Jordan: I Am Shocked With ‘How Precipitously Of A Fall The GOP Has Taken’ | Deadline | MSNBC

In light of the RNC not announcing a new platform, just their ‘enthusiastic support’ for Donald Trump, MSNBC and NBC News political analyst Elise Jordan speaks with disbelief about what the Republican party has turned into.
Louis DeJoy's Testimony to Congress: Mail Trucks are Rolling BUT the Mail Remains on the Docks

Louis DeJoy, millionaire Republican donor and newly minted Postmaster General, testified to Congress about the reasons for the dramatic slowing of the mail. Who is Louis DeJoy? What are his qualifications to be Postmaster General? And how is he connected to Michael Cohen and Elliott Broidy? Most importantly, what good is it if the mail trucks are rolling on time IF . . . they don't contain all mail they are responsible to deliver. Here are the answers to those questions and more.
Eric is an imbecile like his dad, if he ends up on the stand they are all fucked! He would be defenseless in the face of a competent prosecutor, easy meat who could bring them all down. Forrest Gump was a "jenius" when compared to Eric, Eric is so slack jawed he nearly drools and is evidence that Donald should have been castrated many years ago as purely a practical matter.

No wonder the base identifies with these stupid cocksuckers, they are alike in many ways, none of them good.
Eric Trump Takes 5th In New York Probe Into Trump Org. Finances | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Eric Trump is now “refusing to appear” for an interview as part of a New York investigation of President Trump and the Trump Organization’s finances. The New York AG now asking a judge to order the Trump Organization VP to provide testimony under oath. MSNBC Analyst Neal Katyal joins MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to break down what this means for the Trump family. Katyal arguing, “it’s a pattern with these Trumps. They’re always afraid to face the music.”
You want corruption?

Didn't Donald once say only guilty people take the 5th? There's a clip of it somewhere on Youtube I'm sure. Eric is the weak link for sure and the old Don must be concerned, not for Eric, but about what he might say! If he opens his mouth Donald won't pardon him and he can't commute a sentence that has not been imposed yet, not even a trial would be held until he is out of office.

One thing many people forget, the new congress can act after Jan 3rd and can have legislation on the inauguration podium for Joe to sign along with a bunch of executive orders. The congress can also act after election day to remove Donald, there might be a lot of pissed off future unemployed republicans there by then. After election day it might be a new ball game, especially if Mitch loses bigly in the senate and extra especially if Mitch loses his own seat because of Trump. You could see a few weeks of a Pence presidency, depending on what Donald does and other things that might come to light. As McCain said, the shoes are dropping off the centipede, as soon as the rocks are lifted and the sunlight hits the slime.