Aaaaaw! Maybe Kimberley just needs some rest, on the end of a sedative dart? Or maybe some soporific Indica in her food?REPUBS have become MEME GODS ...
That bitch really tested my ears
View attachment 4664736
Since it's illegal, the networks shouldn't carry it, they must be taking a ratings hit. Journalist and others have to watch it all, Jesus what a fucking job!Bunkerboy is having his illegal freak show from the white house because he's a coward. He's hiding behind his new fences like the coward he is, if the protesters get too close he will scurry to his bunker.
just how many billions did the GOP sell out to Russia for?
Did Putin help elect Trump to restore $500 billion Exxon oil deal killed by sanctions
Follow the money: Will Trump repay Putin by ending Russian sanctions and killing the Paris climate deal?
Exxon thinks it needs to be the gas station for the china one road.